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Posts posted by Delilah8

  1. Hi,


    My fiancee (Canadian) and I are at the packet 3 part of the K1 process.  We have a few questions:


    1. Is this all purely sent through e-mail?  Or do we physically send them the checklist, at least?
    2. To verify, we only send the checklist, not the contents inside the checklist, right?  It's just to show that we have them?
    3. My fiancee has no court or military records.  Is there anything for us to provide regarding these, such as proof that we have no records?
    4. For things on the checklist that do not apply to us, do we check them anyway?  Should we put "N/A" next to them or anything?
    5. On the checklist it asks for my financial documents: which documents are they referring to exactly?  They go along with the affidavit of support.
    6. How do I prove my domicile in the US?


    Thanks for reading,



  2. Thank you for the responses, and sorry for the misuse of my posts.  I'm not very good at forums!

    I should have been more clear: she has not had her K1 exam.  This is her regular doctor who would be writing a note as an added extra.  We thought that it would help in regards to the mental health stuff, because we've heard that you can be denied a visa because of depression.


    We will certainly look at that doctor in Toronto then; he sounds very non-invasive.  Does anyone else have any recommendations for doctors?  Or recall what the process was for you, in as much detail as you can remember?  We are a bit anxious over the exam, as she never really saw doctors much in her life.

  3. Hi,

    My fiance will soon need to get the K1 doctor's exam done before her interview.  She is Canadian, and it seems that there are very few doctors that are licensed for it.  The biggest problem, though, is that they are all male doctors.  She doesn't feel comfortable with having it done with a male doctor.  I am wondering if anyone knows if there is a way around using a male doctor, or if anyone knows who we might ask about this?

    Thank you!


  4. Hi,

    I am American, and my fiance is Canadian.  We are at the point where they are checking her background and stuff out before setting her up for the interview.  She has a history of mental health issues (depression, etc.) and we want to do our best to show that she is not a risk.  Her doctor is prepared to write a letter stating that she is not a threat to anyone and has steadily improved, etc.  However, he wants to know exactly what the interviewers are looking for from him, so that he can write it the best he can. 

    I am wondering if anyone has any advice on what would be good of him to write for us?  Or if anyone has a good government contact, such as an e-mail, that they could pass along?

    Thank you very much!


  5. Hi,

    I am simply wondering if they mean within 30 days of it being postmarked, or 30 days for when they receive / file my forms. Our pictures are 3 weeks old.  Here is what they ask for:

    You must submit one color passport-style photograph of yourself and one color passport-style photograph of the
    beneficiary taken within 30 days of filing this petition.  The photos must have a white to off-white background, be
    printed on thin paper with a glossy finish, and be unmounted and unretouched.



  6. Hello,

    I have completed most of the package for the K-1 visa for my Canadian fiance and I.  I am just wondering about a couple very simple things regarding the forms, that likely don't really even matter.  Here are my questions:


    "Parents Birth Place" - I don't know the answer.  Do I put "Unknown", or leave it blank?

    "File Number" - Leave blank?


    "City And Country" - Would I put Boston, USA?  Sounds odd, usually forms want zip codes and states too?


    "Last Name" - Is this where I put my suffix?  Example: Smith Jr.


    "Fiance's Address Abroad" - Are they referring to where she lives in Canada? Or where she stays when she visits me?


    Lastly, the g-1145 seems to be out of date, is it okay to send in an expired form?  I think I remember reading that it is okay for that form to be outdated...

    Thank you!

  7. Hello,

    I am a Canadian citizen trying to gather information about immigrating to the U.S. to marry my long-time fiance. My understanding is that I apply for the K1 visa, wait in Canada for 5+ months, go to the U.S., get married, wait in the U.S. for 5+ months, then I obtain a greencard (conditional permanent residency).

    Is all of this correct? If so, what I am wondering about is how to I get health insurance during the 5+ months I am in the U.S.?

    Thank you,

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