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Posts posted by aydinj

  1. Congratulations!

    That's not long till visa expiry, but I guess that's based on your medical expiry. Anyway congratulations on finally receiving the visa, and best of luck with your new life in the US!

    Good afternoon Susie,

    I am in Canada so the visa validity is not really an issue for me..I can jump in the plane and fly there tomorrow. Thank you for all your wishes.. appreciate.



  2. Hello,

    Today I received my passport with stamped visa valid until August 2016 and the immigrant visa package. The visa has been issued on May 5.

    To be more clear with the estimated time for the administrative processing to be solved..

    Appointment date at US Embassy - 24 February (I have been told to come the next day to take my passport)

    Next day - 25 February Administrative processing

    Administrative processing is finished. Passport requested - 11 April 2016 (Almost 1.5 months after appointment. Although Embassy didn't contact me first. I wrote them and got reply).

    Visa stamped and passport sent - May 5

    Passport received - 10 May



  3. You need to contact the embassy you interviewed at and ask them. If they transfer your case to Canada (where I believe the only issuing office is Toronto) you may face another couple of months' delay in the case.

    Well, in this case I won't insist in transferring my case to Canada. Its not that big issue to send my passport back to my country and then from there to Georgia using the courier service they mentioned. Hopefully Ill receive my visa in time.



  4. Well Hello everyone.

    It has been 1 and half month since I received my temporary refusal letter the next day I have been interviewed at US Embassy in Georgia. I wrote them e-mail yesterday and today I got an answer saying "Dear Mr. Jalilov,

    Consular Section in Tbilisi, Georgia has completed working on your immigrant visa case. Your passports and visa package is ready to be send to Baku. In order us to send the IV package back to you, you need to make a request of your passport from TNT office in Baku, which is located on 5 Fazayil Bayramov str. When we will receive the request, we will be able to send it back to Baku.

    Best Regards,

    Consular Section".

    which I believe means that a positive decision is made on my case.

    The fact is, I have no passport at their office and I am already in Canada. How they are going to send me the passport if they don't have it :). Does this mean that I have to send my passport to their office or is there a chance to get my passport stamped here in Canada?



  5. They aren't "polite" about rejecting visas! If you were rejected they would have told you immediately! I'm guessing there is something in what you've described above - either your military record or some of the countries that you've travelled to - that has raised a flag they have to do more background checks on. The checks for immigrant visas are more stringent than non-immigrant visas. It's unusual for them to tell people why they are on administrative processing of this sort so the fact that they haven't told you the specific reason is also normal. Hopefully it will not take too long to complete but be aware that it can sometimes take a few months, so you may need some patience. Good luck!

    Thanks Susie for the prompt response. The problem is that no green card visa can be issued after 31 September of current year. what if background check takes more than that?



  6. Hello all,

    I am a dvlottery 2016 year winner. I've been interviewed at the US embassy in Tbilisi on February 24 2016. All the things went well and the officer interviewing me was satisfied with all provided documents and said everything is set up well and told me to come the day after at 2 PM local time.

    The next day when I went to the embassy I have been told that my case needs further administrative processing. I was baffled and asked the officer whether it means that my visa got rejected. She repeated again that my case needs further administrative processing. The refusal letter didn't indicate that any supportive documents are missing and I also haven't been given any information by the embassy officers on the reason for extending my Green

    Card application process. I felt like it is a polite way of telling someone that he/she will not be able to get a visa.

    On the other hand I ran through the web sites searching for the reviews from people encountering such difficulties around the world and found that it is a normal procedure.

    The thing is I don't know what can be the reason for them to want to investigate me more than other whereas many people interviewed the same day with me received their visas.

    I have a good military record, been in a scout team (maybe they didn't like it) and had good reputation. When I was submitting my visa application I was working but then i resigned from my company and went to France for studies (I am currently studying Air Traffic Management at French civil aviation university). At the time of interview I told the officer that I'm studying and currently residing in France less than 5 months (because they ask the police records from country you reside more than 6 months). She didn't even ask me to provide the document proving my studies at school.

    I have travelled to US as well as to lots of other countries all over the world including Europe, Asia, Arabic countries and Americas and never had any problems in getting visa approval.

    I wonder why my visa processing needs to take longer than others?

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