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Posts posted by erica2012

  1. Hello all,

    My fiance and I met in Ecuador, while I was living there for 2 years. We just met in a bar and continued to date, ultimately moving in together before I moved back to the U.S. I sent in copies of the visas and passport stamps, a letter detailing our relationship, and photos of us together and with friends and his family.

    I received a Request for Evidence, which says:

    "You must establish that you have met in person and/or have been in each other's physical presence at any time during the two years immediately preceding the filing of this petition. The photos you have submitted do not establish you have met within the two year requirement. Examples of evidence are:

    A written statement stating that you have met in person and containing details of the date and circumstance of meeting.
    Copies of airline tickets.
    Copies of passport pages.
    Photographs of the two of you together."

    I already sent 3 of the 4 options! I sent in a written statement, photos, and copies of my passport (along with evidence of us talking, etc.)

    I find this hysterically cruel because my fiance and I have done nothing BUT be together in person. This is the first time I have been away from him. We leaved together for crying out loud! What evidence should I send in so the second time they see it, it will be approved? I'm so concerned as I already sent in what they are asking for; I want to make sure it is sufficient the second time. Help!

  2. Hello all!

    I'm about to begin my own visa journey with my fiance, and I've read so much different information online, I'm actually not sure where to start.

    I'm from the States; he's from Ecuador. I have lived in Ecuador for a year and a half, so we met and dated here. I recently accepted a job in the States for the upcoming school year (July,) and now I have to figure out how to keep my fiance in my life!!

    My biggest concern is being together because long distance sounds dreadful, so that leads me to believe the K1 is the best (fastest) option??

    However, is it better to be patient and file for the CR1 since he'll actually be able to arrive and work? I don't much care about the wedding ceremony, and we can do it here and now, or we can wait until he's in the States - I'm quite flexible, I just want the best option.

    Is there quite a big time difference between a K1 and a CR1? What about a K3? (I read somewhere that they are phasing it out and that CR1 is the better option as far as spousal visas - true?)

    Also, can I do all of this from abroad? I'd like to begin the process now to minimize our time apart!!

    Any help / advice is appreciated. I want to get started, and I'm just so overwhelmed by the amount of information online to begin!!

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