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Posts posted by PelSar9394

  1. My apologies if this question has been answered, I must be missing it.


    I brought my fiance, now husband, on a K1 visa. We're beginning our AoS paperwork. On the I 134 we used my brother as the co-sponsor and we will again on the I 864 (My brother is a household of one, I'm living dependently with my parents). My question is do I, myself, need to fill out a I 864 if my brother is going to be the co-sponsor? I'm recently unemployed with no substantial assets. 


    This brings me to another question. One of the requirements for the 'fee waiver' for the Green card application (fee is now up to $1225) is "living below the 150% poverty line". If I attempt to wave the fee will it reflect badly and/or cause problems if I'm already using a co-sponsor? How much hassle is it to try for the fee to be waved? We could afford it, but be almost broke after since I'm still looking for work.


    Thanks for everyones help in advance. 

  2. Hello!

    Much of what I've read talks about having the interview after the expiration or POE troubles after the expiration.

    My question is can we even make the interview appointment past the expiration date? My understanding is that my fiancé needs to bring an updated letter of intent (signed by me) to the interview so that they know we are still after this visa. We've contacted the embassy via the contact form to ask these question but it might be a while before they get back to us.

    He's worried that we will be turned away when it's time to schedule the appointment online. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

  3. Hi all,

    I've read and looked through many posts and replies and they can't answer my questions about my specific situation. I hope you guys can help! Anything is appreciated.

    My fiancé and I are nearing the end of our K1 process. He has his last vaccination next week then the medical. I'm gathering all of the stuff on my end to send to him including the affidavit of support. I graduated college in December (I was a full time student and not working. I was working "part time" that started out from an internship but was definitely not a real job; $40 a month if I was lucky) and only just starting to look for work through a long series of events (helping family move, relatives medical emergencies etc.) I'm hopeful of being employed by the end of the month, I had a great interview a week ago.

    We think his embassy interview might be October-November.

    My question is: Say worst comes to worst and I'm still unemployed or employed but not enough time to mail him the proof, will it hurt our chances of being approved? I do have a co-sponsor all ready to go (my brother), he makes $30,000 a year (way more than enough). I understand that I still have to fill out the I134. I have just put [uNEMPLOYED] in the "working in the business of" line. Is this the correct thing to do? Do I even need to bother about a letter from the bank if I don't have steady deposits? I've also read I should write a note why I'm unemployed and so on and so forth. Is this necessary too?

    Again any help is appreciated. Thanks! :)

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