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Posts posted by WolfiePie

  1. Anxious times again people... I need need to ask. We filed the aos packet last week and we know via tracking number that the packet arrived at the Chicago lockbox last friday feb 10th. So far the check we sent is not cashed yet and no sign of the e-NOA1. How long did it take take for the initial processinho? My I94 expire tomorrow but we filed everything way before that, should I worry?

  2. 15 minutes ago, Danielaoe said:

    Congratulations on your marriage!

    and for your question I have no idea. ?

    Thank you! It was the happiest day of our lives! 


    I just read about it and it looks like you don't need the I 693 If you file for AOS withing 1 year of your medical exam for the K1 as long as you have all the vaccinations. Can someone clarify if I'm correct please? :)

  3. Congratulations! So how long after your interview did you received your visa via DHL? We are really worried about the holidays delaying things.

    So I've had a little bit of problem with the holiday that was on nov 15th I should have recieved the passport pack on that day. It got a little delayed. Idk how is it going to be on Christmas and New Year's probably a little bit more trouble I'm afraid :( or i might be wrong and it will be fine, brazilian post office is not known for it's efficiency

    A word of advice though, when you get the passport pack try to book the flight asap because of the price rises at the end of the year. I had to fly on the very next day for example. It is a bit harsh but whatever takes to be together <3

  4. So nervous. Her interview is tomorrow morning. I'm a wreck. Hoping to report back that all went well.

    Sorry for not reporting before, I got some excellent news! I just got into the US 2 days ago, the POE was Los Angeles and was super smooth. Like I said, just stay calm(I know it's hard but that's the secret) and everything will be fine.

    Got so many things to plan now it's hard to keep comming back here to report. I hope everything goes as good as it was for me here, GOOD LUCK!

  5. Congratulations!

    Of course I have questions. :)

    What paperwork did they ask for? I-134? IRS Transcript? Signed statement of intent to marry? Criminal history? Also, did they say how soon you should expect to have your passport and the infamous sealed packet?

    Again, congratulations.

    They asked for the birth certificates, i134 and proof of support, criminal records (in brazil federal and for each state your fiance lived at), ds160 (the sheet with the bar code, divorce decree and I think thats all, you might want to bring all you can though, like they say, the more the merrier. I got alot of paper back. I hope everything goes as smoothly for you as it were for me.
  6. Sorry actually my interview was this morning I was so nervous I aid it was yesterday lol

    Sooooooooooooooooooooooo about it!

    We were approved!!!!!

    Long waiting line but the interview itself was short and simple:

    Have I visited the USA?

    Did she visit Brazil?

    Where did we met

    When did we met

    If I knew that this visa depended on the intenton to marry

    She was typing nonstop and I got so afraid of a denial. But then she said "your visa was approved!" Then I had this big smile in my face! Looking foward to have my visa and see my lovely fiance again! Thank you all for the support! It'd been an awesome Journey!!!

  7. Gente que sufoco, minha entrevista é dia 8, fiz os exames em São Paulo mesmo na semana passada mas até agora nada deles me avisarem pra pegar os exames e eu estou começando a ficar aflito com isso...

    Não queria ter que atrasar o visto por causa dos exames... alguém que fez os exames em São Paulo sabe me dizer se eles são demorados assim ou é azar meu mesmo? :S

  8. Greetings again Wolfie,

    Got our "RDJ" case number today. I was able to fill out the DS-160 for my fiance and her daughter. I was able to create an account at the ais.usvisa-info.com site. But when I went to try create and applicant I get an error saying "The Immigrant Visa case number provided is not ready to schedule an appointment." I'm guessing I am too early. You mentioned getting your electronic pack 3. Did they send that to the petitioner email? I did fill out a form when i did the 129F asking them to send me information via email. I got my NOA1, but I've received nothing at that email address since. I don't think they have my fiance's (the beneficiary) email address so I'm not sure how they will send the packet 3 to her. Anyway, its a good day. Happy that I have an NVC case number. I'm quite anxious to schedule her interview and GET HER HERE!!!

    Check your RDJ# on this website: https://ceac.state.gov/CEACStatTracker/Status.aspx

    If the status is "Ready" tell your fiance to send an Email like this one to immigrationrio@state.gov

    Dear Srs,
    We got our approval at <DATE YOU GOT YOUR APPROVAL> and I'd like to know if there is an interview date set for this case, and if not how should we proceed.

    RDJ #########

    Type: I129F, Petition For Fiance

    Petitioner name:

    Beneficiary name:

    Approval date:

    After a few days they should send the pack 3 with the instructions, then you can schedule everything.

    Don't worry from now on things are going to be a little faster :D Glad you got your approval.

  9. Eu fiquei sem ver meu hoje marido por quase um ano pq estávamos juntando dinheiro pra pagar as coisas com a minha mudança pra cá, infelizmente é o sacrifício que a gente tem que fazer pra enfrentar essa Imigração, não fica preocupado com isso.

    Na minha entrevista a Consul/ officer não quis ver nada nada, mas é sempre bom levar toda papelada que tiver. Mas não levaria o 401k que tem o nome do ex marido, só se a renda dela for abaixo da poverty guidelines e ela precisar demonstrar renda de outras fontes.

    Cuidado ao chamá-la de esposa, se vc está aplicando pra um k1, é imprescindível que vocês sejam livres pra casar.

    Acho que tá tudo certo. Boa sorte!

    Muito Obrigado, é... acho melhor o 401k ficar fora dessa xD

    E sobre o esposa.. é acho que é um vício q eu já me acostumei, vou tomar cuidado :)

  10. Olá gente boa :D
    Minha entrevista ficou marcada pra dia 8 de novembro enquanto isso, hora de arrumar a papelada, o que eu devo MESMO levar para a entrevista?
    Tenho aqui:
    Certidão de nascimento minha e da minha esposa.
    Certificado de antecedentes criminais estadual e federal

    Certificado de dispensa militar

    O formulário I-134
    Documentos que comprovam que ela está trabalhando, o que faz, quanto ganha etc.
    Últimos 3 contracheques

    401k dela(esse estou meio com o pé atrás porque nele tem o nome do ex-marido dela, espero que não seja necessário apresentar esse documento :()
    O certificado de divórcio

    As cartas de consentimento
    Provas do relacionamento(são cartões de aniversário que ela me mandou, logs de chats, ligações de whatsapp e skype, queríamos ter ido viajar juntos novamente mas infelizmente com o custo envolvido no K1 não conseguimos :cry:)


    Acho que "só" isso :jest: esqueci alguma coisa? Obrigado desde já.

  11. Wow! So package 3 from the embassy, is that electronic or is it mailed (US or Brazil address)? Sorry, my fiance and I are really getting anxious so any bit of information on the process in Brazil is like gold to us.

    I'll give you more than just that my friend! So right now I just scheduled my interview appointment so I have some info for you:

    1 - Yep so far I've only recieved my Electronic pack 3 it's nothing special, just some instructions on how to proceed.

    2 - After filling for the ds 160 your fiance will have to register at another website provided in the email, if she previously applied for a tourist visa and got refused that's okay, when you apply for the k1 interview schedule you can just sign in with the previous information that she used there will be something like an "Active" tab with the information on the last application click that and go to the bottom of the page there will be a swich IV NIV, if its marked NIV you just need to click it, you will then have a similar website but the main color becomes green so by there you'll be able to apply for the k1 interview

    3 - I don't know how it works on other countries, but here you'll be able to choose the date of the interview, note that K1 visas are only dealt with on tuesdays and the dates we were able to schedule for were NOV 8 and 22. That might change in the future but it's a good start point :)

    I hope that this info was useful to you, Good luck to all of us! Stay positive!

  12. Wolfie,

    I'd be very interested to know what the process is for you. I'm waiting for my NVC number. We are very anxious. Happy for you that you're so close.

    Thank you!!

    I just read your previous post, as far as I know the medical appt itself need to be paid on cash (not sure about this info though) the exams can be paid with Credit, but for any of those options I think you'd have to be here :/

    Any progress I'll be post here :)

  13. acabei de consultar aqui e entrevistas agora pra novembro! :)

    hoje tive minha consulta com o Dr. Paulo! Ele examina tuuudo e é bem simpático, aí fui fazer os exames de sangue e raio x, o total de tudo ficou 850, achei bem caro! mas o processo é bem organizadinho

    Muito obrigado pela resposta :)

    O que é preciso pra marcar o exame, desculpa é que vendo tanta papelada assim a gente fica até meio doido hehehe, é o número que o NVC vai fornecer ou só posso marcar o exame quando o consulado receber o pacote 1?

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