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Posts posted by danthong

  1. Hi everybody, please help me. I have a couple questions on form I-864 that need your help. I have a joint sponsor to support my wife (was K1 fiancee) to apply for green card.


    1/ Part 5, question 3, form I-864, "If you are currently married, enter "1" for your spouse".

    My joint sponsor is currently married. My joint sponsor's wife doesn't get any financial support from him. His wife has her own income and has separate tax return. My joint sponsor also does't claim his wife as dependent on his tax return. In short, she is financially independent. So, please show me how to answer question 3, Part 5. Leave it blank or enter "1"?


    2/ Question 19.b, 19.c, Part 6 ("2nd Most Recent" and "3rd Most Recent" Total Incomes)

    Because my sponsor's Total Incomes for 2nd most recent and 3rd recent years don't meet 125% of Poverty Guidline, I decide not to submit Tax Returns for these years. For this case, can I leave blank for question 19.a and 19.c.

    (I only submit Tax Return for most recent year (2016) because it meets 125% of Poverty Guideline)


    Thank you in advance for any help.

  2. Hello everybody,

    I am filling out form I-485 for my fiancee to live permanently in the US. I have a confusion about filling out my fiancee's double-word first name on the form. My fiancee's first name has two words: Hong Loan with a space between, and it's shown like that on her birth certificate, passport and US visa.

    To prevent people to use her double first name mixedly or separately, I am thinking about putting a hyphen between the two first names: Hong-Loan, or connect them together without space, like this: HongLoan. Which one is acceptable for combining first names and Is there any problem to USCIS when filling out her first name like that on I-485?

    Thank you for any your feed backs.

  3. I have an issue when I fill out form DS-160, US visa application. I think someone can help me out. On Vietnam passport, at "Place of Issue" (the passport), they print the name of the goverment agency that issues passports: "Cục Quản lý xuất nhập cảnh". It doesn't show anywhere the name of the city in which my fiancce made her passport.

    On form DS-160, they ask "City where issue" (the passport). So, to answer this question on form DS-160, do I fill in "Cục quản lý xuất nhập cảnh", or the name of the city in which my fiancee really made her passport?

    Thank you for all your feedback.

  4. On Vietnamese forms, there aren't specified fill-out boxes for name like Last Name, First Name, Middle Name. Mostly, they only have Full Name box to fill out full name in here, so name order mistakes happen all the time, especially to foreigners.

  5. I would like to add, to my case, I would enter my wife's name like this: Nguyen as Last name, Thi as Middle name, Hanh Lien as First name (My wife's first name is double first name)

  6. I've just submitted our visa applications. I haven't bought our airplane tickets yet. I might to buy mine on hopper.com because I see it has good prices. I always use data on passport to provide information when I buy airplane tickets. Because when you buy online, you will get electronic ticket and your airline carrier will check you in by scanning your passport at a machine. So it's good idea to stick to your passport.

    By the way, this is the first time I heard about hopper.com. Do you have any experience about hopper? Do you have any good online airline ticket seller to share? Have a good time!

  7. I had the same question as yours when filling out visa application. Then I sent a letter to Ho Chi Minh City Consulate to ask. Below is quote from their e-mail answer:

    "Dear Ms. Nguyen,

    Thank you for your inquiry.

    Vietnamese names on U.S. visas are printed in the same order as found in the Vietnamese passport. If the Vietnamese passport shows the full name as: Nguyen, Thi Hanh Lien, you can fill Nguyen as Surname and Thi Hanh Lien as Given name on your forms. This is the correct order for Vietnamese names according to the U.S. Department of State."

    So the name on your wife's visa is shown correctly. Don't worry about the name order shown on visa because when your wife arrives in the US, the immigrant official will do paperwork based on data on her passort.

  8. Hi everybody. I am filling out form DS-160. I got stuck at name section. My fiancee's name is:

    Last name: Nguyen

    Middle name: Thi

    First Name: Hong Loan

    In my fiancee's Vietnam passport, her name is shown: Nguyen Thi Hong Loan

    In form DS-160, there are only two places to fill out name: Surname and Given Name. There's no Middle Name place.

    My fiancee want to keep her first name order (Hong Loan) unchanged in other immigrant papers when she arrives in USA. Please show me how to fill out her name correctly.

    Thank you very much in advance for any help.

  9. Hi everybody, my fiance'e in Vietnam has just received Instruction Package for K1 Visa Applicants. For Evidence of Support, the Consulate in Vietnam asks only a filled form I-134 and tax return records for the most recent year, and that's it. I wonder why USCIS and some other websites instruct people prepare more documents like bank account verification letter, job verification letter, 12 latest bank statements..., besides tax return record.

    Is it enough to follow to Vietnam consulate instruction (only I-134 and tax return record)? Because I am going to mail I-134 document overseas, knowing this will help me mail fewer papers.

    Thank you in advance for all your feedback.

  10. Hi everybody. Please help me out. This is my situation: I don't work, I am receiving Disabilty Benefit. How can I file this section of question 7, form I-134:

    "7. I am employed as or engaged in the business of ______________(Type of Business) with__________________ (Name of Concern) at_________________(Street Number and Name (City)(State)(Zip Code)"

    Thank you for all your feed back.

  11. Hi everybody. I've just received Instruction Package For K1 Visa Applicant. There is a sentence in section Evident of Support that I need your help to make me clear of its meaning:

    "The petitioner may submit a complete original signed Form I-134, Affidavit of Support for his/her principle applicant and one copy for each member of the applicant's family who will travelling to the US as a derivative in the petition filed for the applicant."

    I am petitioning for my fiance'e. She has two children listed in Form I-129F. According to instruction above, do I have to make one file I-134 on behalf of my fiance'e, then make exact two copies of that file for her two children? or do I have to make three seperate I-134 files on behalf of each person in my fiance'e family?

    Hope to have your help soon.


  12. Hi everybody. I have a couple questions regarding marriage status of my fiancée. My fiancée in Vietnam has never got married before, but she has a child born out of wedlock with her previous boyfriend. The child's birth certificate carries her ex-boyfriend's name as father's name and her name as mother's name. This child currently live with her mother (my fiancée). My question are:

    1/ To prove that my fiancée is free to get married, do I need to provide any document or just claim her marriage status as a single person?

    2/ To bring the child to US through I-129F petitioning, do I need to provide a written permission from the child's father that allow me to do that?

    I hope someone will help me out of these question. Thank you in advance all your feedback.

  13. Hi everybody. I tried to contact USCIS by telephone, making appointment, and mail, but I haven't got any help from USCIS yet. Telephoning and making appointment will prompt you to input your case number and they only deal with active case numbers. So a processed case like mine will be rejected. I also sent them a letter, but no letter back. That's all that happened. I have to try my best.

    Thank you for all your help. Have a nice day.

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