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Posts posted by Laleh

  1. Hi,

    I need to prove my intent to re-establish domicile. I started a thread a week or two ago and got lots of suggestions. One was to open a US bank account and start putting money into it. The problem is that I haven't been able to find a bank that will open an account for me without my physical presence there. Have any of you been able to open a US bank account from overseas?


  2. What is AP? I couldn't find it in the glossary.

    By the way, does anyone know the answer to the question about the voting records? This part of my question:

    I did vote. I am not sure how to find my voting records. I found some public records from the state of Florida (voters.findthedata.com). It shows my name and that I first registered in 2011, but it doesn't show that I voted in 2012 and 2016. Do I need something else?

    Sorry if it's a really obvious question. My brain is completely fried for today.

  3. Ash wrote you an extensive post on how to reestablish domicile and this is what you took from that?!?! Personally, I don't think Ash's assumption was that big, considering you're taking your husband of several years and moving in with your mother. Anyway, for immigration purposes, as you have no current history of US income, you do not have the financial means to support your husband and will have to have a joint sponsor to meet the financial requirements.

    Of course I'm moving in with my mother. How are we supposed to know where we want to live until he finds a job? How can we look for an apartment from overseas? It's temporary. And while I have to give up my current job when we move (obviously), the move won't affect my freelancing. I communicate with those clients online, but it's currently not enough income to support us. I will take on more freelance work after I give up my job (it's full-time, and I have a small child, so I can't do it all at once).

  4. Sorry, I assumed that you didn't make enough because you have a cosponsor. Having foreign income to USCIS is basically making 0 dollars and they will continue you to make 0 dollars. Make sure to explain that your job will continue, just within the US.

    Check with your country forums as well, some countries won't even accept intent to re-establish as enough proof, they want 100% insurance. Every consulate is different, but some are pretty hard on the domicile portion of things. Check to see how hard your consulate is on this subject.

    Got it, no problem.

    Thanks for the info about the country forums; I will check them out.

  5. I have a tax return, but it's for foreign income. But my dad is our joint sponsor.

    Unfortunately, I'm not able to renew my driving license online. I wanted to do it before our last visit (in 2014) but I couldn't prove residence (in my mom's housing edition, the post won't deliver mail that isn't addressed to her, so pretty much all I had was voter registration and it wasn't enough). But I will try to open a bank account.

  6. Thanks!

    I'll read that link.

    Housing: My mom will have to write a letter saying we'll stay with her at first.

    My dad is my co-sponsor

    Transport: Well, I can have her say I can use the car too, but I'll have to get a new driving license first. I was actually planning to use the bus for awhile.

    Education: I can write to preschools. Do you think I have to actually register her, or can I just email them for more information and use those emails? If we arrive in April or something, I probably wouldn't bother to put her in preschool for the rest of that year (but I can do it if that would help).

    Maybe I can apply for a bank account from here. I thought I saw on another thread that someone did it. I'm not sure how that would work though.

    Moving/shipping: Well, we were planning on pretty much selling most of what we have here. I have a lot of household stuff in storage in Florida (my mom's storage unit). We won't be shipping anything. The most we plan on doing is paying for an extra suitcase (mostly for my husband's books). On our last visit home, I took a bunch of our stuff and left it there.
    I'll read the link in more detail and think of what else I can do. Before I left (about 8 years ago), I was registered in the local temp agency. I wonder if they still have me on record. I doubt it.

  7. I have been living overseas with my husband for over 7 years. Actually, I've been living mostly outside the US for the last 10 years.

    My driving license is expired

    My bank account was closed (by the bank) several years ago because there was no money in it

    My credit card expired (I never used it because I had no way of paying it off - since I had no US bank account)

    No car or other property

    I haven't paid state or local taxes, because we don't pay state taxes in Florida (I did pay federal taxes for 2014 and 2015 - in 2013 i was on maternity leave and had no income)

    I am not applying for jobs because I will be a freelancer

    I did vote. I am not sure how to find my voting records. I found some public records from the state of Florida (voters.findthedata.com). It shows my name and that I first registered in 2011, but it doesn't show that I voted in 2012 and 2016. Do I need something else?

    My husband has applied for jobs in the US, but that doesn't prove that I'll be going with him, I guess. Although, obviously, why wouldn't I?

    What else can I do?

    We will be staying with my mom at first. Shall I ask her to write a letter saying so?


  8. Hello,

    I have a couple questions about the I-864 and financial documents:

    1. Do I need to bring the joint sponsor's (my dad's) I-864 and financial documents to the interview? We're going to put the packet together, mail it to him, have him add his documents and send it along to NVC. Should I also have him send a copy (normal photocopies ok?) of his passport, I-864, and financial documents to us so we can have them for the interview?

    2. I filed my taxes electronically (H&R block). At the end i received a pdf to print out, sign, and send to the irs. Is this pdf sufficient evidence for me?

    3. I have no W2s because I am self-employed. My tax return consists of form 1040 and form 2555 (foreign-earned income). Should I provide a copy of my business license to show that I am self-employed?


  9. Thanks so much! So, in part 5 (household size):

    (for my own form)

    1. 1 (my husband)

    2. 1 (me)

    3. Should I enter 0 because my husband is in question 1?

    4. 1

    5. - 7. 0

    8. 3

    (for my father)

    1. 1 (my husband)

    2. 1 (my father)

    3. 0

    4. 0

    5. 0

    6. 0

    7. 0

    8. 2

    Would this be correct, or would my daughter and I be included somewhere in my father's household size, or is it assumed (correctly, of course) that our daughter is my dependent as a US citizen, and my father is not financially responsible for her or me? (I don't think this matters, but just in case, let me mention that we'll be staying with my mom at first in the US, not my dad, but my mom doesn't make enough to sponsor us.)

  10. Hi,

    I've searched through a bunch of old threads on the I-864 and haven't found my issue. It is probably there somewhere, but there were so many and I couldn't find it.

    I am US citizen. My husband (the beneficiary) is a citizen of Tajikistan. Our daughter (4 years old) is a US citizen. We all live together in Czech Republic. As soon as the visa comes through, we will all move to the US together.

    I will be filling out the I-864, and my father will fill it out as well, as a joint sponsor.

    My question is about Part 3:

    Question 1: Yes

    Question 2: I am sponsoring the following family members...

    Would this boxed be checked or not?

    Question 3 (family member 1): Would I be listed here? Would my daughter be listed here? She is a minor and a dependent, but again, already a US citizen.

    Would I or my daughter appear anywhere else on the form?

    In the above issues, would there be any differences in my and my father's forms?

    Thanks so much! I think that's all the questions I have for now. I just want to get my dad started on this while we wait for the last police certificate, so that he can take his time.

  11. I found an old thread: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/454563-ds-260-vaccination-requirement-question/

    Does this answer sound good to you (copied from a post in the old thread; I hope this is allowed):







  12. I'm in the process of filling out the DS-260 for my husband, as well as gathering all the documents that we will need to mail. I'm looking through a pdf sample of the DS-260, and one question is:

    Do you have documentation to establish that you have received vaccinations in accordance with U.S. law?

    (if no, there's a box to explain)

    First of all, when do we submit the DS-260? I was under the impression that it could be submitted before mailing in the other documents (police records, financial documents, etc).

    Secondly, no, he doesn't have documentation of vaccines. Heck, I'm not even sure where I'd get documentation for myself! He had vaccines as a child (required under the former USSR), but has no record of them. Should I just choose "no" and explain that?

    Thirdly, when he goes for the medical exam, will they check his antibodies and give him a booster for expired vaccines? (I'm thinking of having that done for myself as well while we're here in Czech Republic. I haven't had any vaccines since I was a teenager and it would be much more expensive in the U.S.)

    Sorry for asking so many questions lately

  13. I'm a bit confused here. I went to edit my timeline, and here are some steps listed:

    Date Package Received By NVC : (yyyy-mm-dd) Date Case #, IIN, and BIN assigned : (yyyy-mm-dd) -- Received DS-261 / AOS Bill : (yyyy-mm-dd) -- Pay AOS Bill : (yyyy-mm-dd) -- Send AOS Package : (yyyy-mm-dd) -- Submit DS-261 : (yyyy-mm-dd) -- Receive IV Bill : (yyyy-mm-dd) -- Pay IV Bill : (yyyy-mm-dd) -- Send IV Package : (yyyy-mm-dd) -- Receive Instruction and Interview appointment letter : (yyyy-mm-dd) -- Case Completed at NVC : (yyyy-mm-dd) Date Package Left From NVC :

    We've paid both fees on the website (AOS - affidavit of support - and IV), but don't the documents go in one package together after the fees, and after filling in the online form? Why are they listed separately and why is the first packet listed before the second bill?

    And what is DS-261? Right now we're in the process of submitting DS-260 online (stuck while the grumpy hubs tries to remember his past addresses).

    Is DS-261 choosing an agent? If so, no problem, we did that over the phone when we called to get our case number.

    Sorry if these are stupid questions. It just seems like every website has the steps in a different order, or uses different terminology, and then I get confused.

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