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Posts posted by Oliviaka

  1. You are skating on thin ice there. Forget the two different calendar years, basically within a 6.5 month period you are spending all but 3 weeks in the United States. As a general rule, you should be out more than you are in. The VWP is not for people to live in the USA in 90-day (or near 90-day) installments.

    Sounds like you have no ties to your home country. No job? No mortgage to pay? Why would they even believe you are going to return?

    A letter from your boyfriend will do nothing at all. He should save his ink, time and paper. It's worthless. It's you they are interested in, not his letter-writing skills.

    It's hard. We know that. My husband lives in the USA and until my visa is approved we have to be apart.

    The VWP is a precious gift to a select few. Please don't abuse it and spoil things for the rest of us. If I can cope with only seeing my husband for a week at a time, every few months, everyone can. That would be far better for you - several short visits rather than one or two long ones.

    I'm surprised you're doing a long trip when you don't even know how things will work out. What if you hate each other when you meet in person? You're going to be stuck far away from home. Let's hope you have a changeable plane ticket!

    First of all, we don't have the same life and problems. Yeah, you see your husband for a week a time that's sad. I'm with my boyfriend since more than a year, went 10 days in August and 9 in September last year that's it. That's how I know we won't hate each other. I've met his sister, his parents and the rest of the family. They all were really nice to me. Then, several short visits are great when you have plenty of money to spend on plane tickets. I don't. And I'm not crazy or stupid : I've asked before bying plane tickets. Thanks.

  2. Hello everyone,

    So here's my problem : I would really like to visit my boyfriend in Alabama from the 15th of September to the 9th of December. Than come back home (France) and visit him again from the 2nd of January to the 28th of March. Normally (i'm bad in mathematics) it makes less than 90 days each time (in case of problems with planes, or being sick etc.). So the first trip would be in 2016 and the other one in 2017 : does it help ? Also, I'll be there with an ESTA not a visa. So it makes things "more complicated" kind of. My boyfriend is Senior Airman in US Air Force. Do you think a letter would help ? If he explains them i have no intention of working, that if there's extra money to spend, he'll take care of it, and so on ?

    We know that making a visa would be better.. But we need to know how's life together before doing it...

    What can I do.. ?

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