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Posts posted by zakura02

  1. :dance: Yeheeey....Finally sis ha.... wow, you must be very excited and so so happy with the great news. I bet you didn't get enough sleep too waiting for the results.

    I am glad everything turned out well and you will soon be reunited with your loving hubby. I am pretty sure that this will be the happiest holidays for both you and hubby, as a family! I so happy for you.

    As always, God bless and Congratulations to you and hubby! :wub:

    ~ Rina

    Thanks sis! We both are so excited! The best christmas gift ever!

  2. Hi everyone here on VJ! I've been waiting for this time to post this message here.. finally, after the long wait, my husband's interview is done and he got approved! His experience wasn't bad at all, the Filipino prescreener was a bit strict but nice and the C.O was nice too, we were over prepared just like most of us here, he brought along with him all the letters i sent him for the past 6 years, our wedding album, chat logs, money tranfer receipt and tons of pictures! they only requested for our pictures and the CO looked mostly on the old ones, (when i was still a size zero and my husband looks like a geek! LOL) she requested for the picture that we were actually signing our marriage certificate and good thing that my husband brought everthing with him, most of the question are about how we met, who introduced us, how did i get here in the US and my the last time my husband and i saw each other.. He arrived there at 6am and done by 11am, requested for a visa pick up but not granted, but its ok, we live around metro manila so it wont take them long i hope.. This tuesday i booked his flight from Manila to San Francisco and it will be the beginning of our forever..

    Thank you all my VJ friends with special mention to sis Rina for all the advices, prayers and support, hope everyone here will be finally reunited with their loved ones soon.. Merry Christmas to all of us!

  3. Just wondering if anyone ever got a medical appointment as weird as mine...



    what did you do?

    same thing happened to us, my hubby's medical was scheduled 12/11 at 12am then interview at 6:30am, what we did is that i printed out the one online with the same date and i had him go to st.lukes as a walk in, i scaned the appointment letter that i received since he didn't have it that time yet, they accomodated him and now he's done with his medical ang we're waiting for his interview next tuesday.. goodluck to all of us!

  4. got news from my hubby today, everything went out fine! :thumbs: .. it was just me and my paranoia that caused all our worries in the past 3 days, glad its over! i think it was the Xray tech's fault for the unclear films! i should have trusted him when he told me that everything is ok.. oh well, just glad its over.. interview next week! hope everthing will go smoothly...

  5. I was so upset, i've been telling him to get an initial one but he is didnt listen to me! But thanks sis, i will just hope for the best, but i want to know if suspicious TB or old infection will be a ground for denial?

    I don't think so.. Its not like it was his choice to get sick..

    Illegal DRUGS is a choice, that is why permanent ban is the penalty..

    If you wanted an American Dream from the start you shouldn't have done Drugs the 1st place..

    But anyways.. Let me get back to the topic..

    I think they will approve him and cure him here..

    I myself failed my PPD... So as soon as I got to the US, the immigration officer instructed me to go to Public Health and get cured. NO I don't have TB.. I was prone to it.. Alot of asians are.

    Did you have to go to a repeat chest xray too? coz i know they dont do routine PPD on medical exam, i am also PPD positive and been declining to undergo INH treatment coz i know ts common if u came from PI and my xray is clear and i have to do it yearly, my hubby is more healthy than me,not even a single sign of TB, doesn't smoke at all..

  6. IF he says that he is healthy and living a healthy lifestyle, then it should be ok. However, it is a torture, I know, waiting for 3 days with uncertainty. :unsure:

    I was so upset, i've been telling him to get an initial one but he is didnt listen to me! But thanks sis, i will just hope for the best, but i want to know if suspicious TB or old infection will be a ground for denial?

  7. My husband went for the second day of his medical at SLEC yesterday i believe just to get the result, then they said that they have to do a repeat Chest Xray an Apico view coz they need to confirm something, it was like a nightmare for me, I've been telling him to get an Xray months ago, he was so confident that he is ok, he doesn't smoke, hardly drinks alcohol, exercises and regularly takes his vitamins, been healthy all his life and his only 31.. the only thing he was diagnosed for was his mild dextroscoliosis, now he has to come back monday for the result since friday is a holiday, that means 3 days of torture in waiting. well, i will just hope for the best, sharing your similar experiences would be helpful and prayers ofcourse...

  8. Hi everyone! My fiancee and I checked my medical and interview schedule just tonight... :dance:

    St. Luke's medical sched : December 27,2007

    Interview sched : January 8,2008

    Thank You Lord Jesus for being our matchmaker.We owe this to you :thumbs: . To all VJ members...thank you

    as well to all of you. Goodluck everyone!

    We have the same medical and interview sched but our IR1 is scheduled for december 11 so we will drop the k3 application.. goodluck on your journey!

  9. DATE..................... VISA ....................... NAME

    03/ Thu...................K1.......................... TravisAndMichelle

    03/ Thu...................K1.......................... jeffjohnsonsr

    03/ Thu...................K1.......................... midwest

    03/ Thu...................K1.......................... Mike & Beth

    03/ Thu...................K1.......................... Stibnite

    04/ Fri.....................K1.......................... coolbreeze

    04/ Fri.....................K1.......................... Pineapple

    07/ Tue...................K1.......................... DavidandJenny

    08/ Tue...................K1.......................... teddy bear

    08/ Tue...................K1.......................... Longwait2

    08/ Tue...................K1.......................... joy&maryjoy

    08/ Tue...................K1.......................... pinktulips

    got our interview sched for k3 for january 09 but we are already scheduled for IR1 on Deccember 11 so we will definitely go for IR1, just a waste of money but its ok..

  10. First and foremost, I would like to thank each and every member here on VJ that helped me so much with the whole immigration process. I appreciate all the wisdom, understanding and patience. The daily contributors from the IR1/ CR1, NVC and Philippines forums… you are truly the best and amazing folks I have met. Thanks in a million!

    My husband interview is finally over, and he was successfully granted his IR1 visa.

    His interview was scheduled at 8:30 AM at USEM (Philippines) and he was there at 7AM with the rest of the applicants lined up outside the embassy. He was grateful to the front guard since he was told go inside the embassy since our 1-year old son was also with him and it was raining hard. Yes, it was true that there were scammers outside, so please be careful and not be lured by them easily.

    Once inside, he was given a number and asked to keep until the end of his interview process. If you do not pay attention to the next flashing number, your name will be called on the microphone. Once he got to the window (I guess, that was the pre-screener and she was Filipina), asked him a lot of questions (my husband thinks she was very rude) which he thinks were unnecessary. But towards the end, became calmer and nicer.

    He did not tell me what room# he was sent to, but the consul was a male and aged about mid-50’s. They did not take any of his paperwork, although he said he was carrying a bag that felt it weighed a ton. All they asked from him was our photo album. The CO was very pleasant, friendly and his questions were very direct: How did you meet? How long have you known each other? And since our son was with him inside the interview room, he asked Who’s the little boy and if he is included in the petition? My husband felt so comfortable with him, that while he was scanning through the pictures while asking the questions that they laughed most of the time. He even apologized at one point, since my husband had to quit his job to take care of all the paperwork and take care of our little boy. Finally, he said to my husband “I guess we have no choice but to approve you. Congratulations and Welcome to USA”. The interview lasted in less than 10 minutes. My husband did ask for visa pick up but was declined, and was asked to pay at the counter for visa delivery.

    After that is history…..

    Congrats sis rina for the early christmas gift!

  11. I am getting impatient again, our case was completed almost 3 weeks ago, oct.19 and still it is with NVC, what are they waiting for?! do they wait til it becomes a bulk then send it all at once?

    They do send them once USEM opens its slots for the next month's interview dates. For CR1/ IR1, it is before the 2nd week of the current month when it gets queued in for interview. Therefore, it will be this week it will be sent for interview dates to be assigned, and information of the interview dates that are currently on waiting list will be on next week's post. :angry:

    or is it the embassy in manila who tells them when are they ready to schedule for the next month's interviews?

    It is USEM that provides them information when they are ready for the next month's batch of applicants.

    The operator i spoke with yesterday was so mean! when i inquired about the case she said she cant really tell coz it all depends in manila! i hope they forward it by this week or early next week so we can get the december interview, so far i havent seen a lot of interview scheds yet so im still optimistic about it.. goodluck to all of us!

    Don't worry sis, it's there! They really just want to test your patience. :whistle: Kidding aside, that's how it really works. They won't tell you anything until it's time for them to say so.

    Keep us updated :thumbs:

    thanks rina! goodluck on your hubby's interview! keep us posted..

  12. I am getting impatient again, our case was completed almost 3 weeks ago, oct.19 and still it is with NVC, what are they waiting for?! do they wait til it becomes a bulk then send it all at once? or is it the embassy in manila who tells them when are they ready to schedule for the next month's interviews? The operator i spoke with yesterday was so mean! when i inquired about the case she said she cant really tell coz it all depends in manila! i hope they forward it by this week or early next week so we can get the december interview, so far i havent seen a lot of interview scheds yet so im still optimistic about it.. goodluck to all of us!

  13. I just called DOS, still no appointment set for December for CR1/IR1, regardless of the date when CASE COMPLETED with NVC. :o

    What's taking them so long to forward our case to manila?! :angry: I've been trying to be more patient on this final step but this waiting is really killing me! I've seen a number VJers here that had their case completed mid november but none was forwarded yet, im talking about IR1/CR1. well, its gonna be november in 2 days so we all have to be more patient, as if we have other choice. winter is coming and the nights are longer and its getting colder and colder here in San Francisco, hope all of us will have our loved ones right next to us this holiday season and that will happen only when thay release the December interview sched! Goodluck everyone and keep us all updated!

    Thanks sis Rina! i know i can always count on you! i hope next week we can get our sched already, i just noticed that they schedule the K visas first before the IR1/CR1? or am i just imagining things? anyways, i will keep you posted. thanks again..

  14. What's taking them so long to forward our case to manila?! :angry: I've been trying to be more patient on this final step but this waiting is really killing me! I've seen a number VJers here that had their case completed mid november but none was forwarded yet, im talking about IR1/CR1. well, its gonna be november in 2 days so we all have to be more patient, as if we have other choice. winter is coming and the nights are longer and its getting colder and colder here in San Francisco, hope all of us will have our loved ones right next to us this holiday season and that will happen only when thay release the December interview sched! Goodluck everyone and keep us all updated!

  15. Just wanted to say hello to everyone my Fiancee has been here one week now and its has been just great to have her next to me after seven months. Her POE was Detroit and everything went great even with 1hour 45 min connection to Hartfort, Conn. So Just wanted to say thank you to everyone here that posted information to help guide us through the long tough immigration process. Her smile is forever imprinted in my mind when I saw her get off the airplane.

    Thanks Everyone. :dance:

    Congratulations! So after the long battle with this whole process you have your most precious price right next to you, who could ask for more?! Treasure every moment and goodluck on your life together.. (L)

  16. Oppss... Sorry heheheheh i thought that was you... my bad!!!.. anyway did u guys get already the result of ur hubby medica examl?

    It's OK, i thought it was funny :blush:

    Yes he did. They did not tell him anything and just took his passport. However they just had to replace the 2x2 photos he brought with him since they said they do not want a smiling face to be submitted with his medical. Don't know why??? :unsure:

    I saw your concern about your medical, I replied on that. You have nothing to worry about. Good luck! :thumbs:

    WHAT?! They dont want a smiling face on 2x2 pics? so i have to tell my hubby not to show his teeth and never say cheese! :(

  17. My case was completed october 12, 2007. until now, i am not given interview date. iand still waiting. im pretty sure that i will not be included anymore this coming November. It has been discussed here that normally scheduling are done every second week of the month. i justed wanted to know how many, if any, in VJ are already scheduled for December interview.


    Anybody here who had their case forwarded to US Embassy in manila already? or got their definite interview date? I called NVC today and the operator just read her response and did not give me any helpful info, she even said to call back 3rd week of november, that is a long wait! i will try to call DOS sometime this week hoping to get a better response.. this is a never ending wait, glad we are all in the final steps!

  18. Hello Everyone,

    Oh thank God i found this website i have been reading through many threads i see different people post their problem here so i thought i could post mine here too.

    I got here on a K3 visa it just about a week since i got here when i met my wife(USC) about 2004 we married she told me she has some kind of depression in her, what i use to know is that depression is you cry whenever you are not happy or something of that nature.

    For the past few days i have been here i came to find out that she has some kind of mental disorder and she is taking medication for it not only that she has so many secret around her about her health just this morning i came just i came to find out that she has a stomach virus she say i never heard stomach virus in entire whole life and sometimes she just starts crying for no reason when i ask her what is making her cry she will say she don't know plus sometimes she tells me that she hear voices, i asked what kind of voices do you hear she will always say she don't....As the day goes by i keep discovering one thing or the othe about her, please help me i so scared that i might get infected with one of her health problems(Diseases)..

    Like i said i just got here going to a week now, I dont have EAD nor have a filed for AOS i only have my K3 visa and the I-94 in passport i really dont know what do to i am from Nigeria i so so scared that my health is in danger .....PLEASE GUYS HELP ME OUT WHAT SHOULD I DO. I am actually thinking of running away from here i have a friend in florida whom i can stay with but the point is if i run away from here how do i file for EAD and AOS is it possible to do that without my wife??

    Please VJers help me before i kill myself.



    First off all let me guide you what depression is.. it is not a state of mind, like hypertension, diabetis, or simple flu, it is caused by pysical or chemical changes in the body, in depression's case it the imbalance of some chemical in the brain, so IT IS NOT your wife's fault that she is depressed! We are in US when medical care is available so treatment is not impossible, i know a lot of people who has the condition but still manages to go on with their family life, and family's support and understanding plays the key role in the treatment process, so running away to your friend will not change a thing, it will make her more depressed!

  19. Here's my problem:

    I am from the Philippines and it's our tradition that when a Filipina gets married, she drops her middle name (which is actually her mom's maiden name) and takes her maiden surname to become her middle name. Which is of course what I did. Example:

    name when single: Abby Laurel Acenas

    married name: Abby Acenas Westerman

    All my papers (SSN, Driver's License, Bank accounts, etc. etc.) here has Acenas as my middle name. Now, when I went for my adjustment of status interview in St. Louis, Missouri, I was told that they had to use the middle name that was on my birth certificate. When I applied for removal of conditions, even though I've put down "Acenas" as my middle name, everything they send back to me would still contain "Laurel" as my middle name.

    I am getting ready to submit my N-400 application next month and I am torn on what to write down as my current "legal name". How do I complete Part D-Name change?

    I know I'm not the first to go through this kind of situation. I'd really appreciate to hear from anybody who had experienced the same thing.

    Thanks in advance,


    what i did with mine was that i used the name reflected on my greencard, then if you want to use your maiden name as your middle name, there will be a portion in N400 that will ask you if you want to change your name, then write whatever middle name and last name you want to use, and also it will be asked on the interview.. best of luck to you!

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