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Posts posted by AnAmericanInLove

  1. I don't know how much of the thread you have read. No my fiancee never used e. He was found with something that may have been that, or so he says, but I can't find any proof this happened. So, I'm confused as to what to say to the consular officer. I've spent the past five months looking for records and making calls, and nothing except the records from that time have been destroyed. He has received his VOG from the Department of Justice that declares his record is clear for emigration.

    I can't imagine walking into a consular office and declaring someone did something and there is no proof.

  2. "Since MDMA had already been patented in 1913, it held no profit potential for a drug company, as a drug cannot be patented twice and before marketing a new drug, a company has to show that the potential side effects are justified by the drug’s benefits as a medicine, and this involves long and expensive trials. The only way of recouping that expense is by obtaining exclusive rights to sell the drug through holding its patent. Only a few experimental therapists researched and tested the drug (between 1977 to 1985) for use during psychotherapy sessions."

    ...From your narconon link..

    No profit potential and expensive trials in 1913, followed by the Harrison Narcotics Act in 1914 seem more likely reasons it wasn't on the market. Alexander Shulgin in the article was mentioned to have found mdma to be his best theraputic drug..closest out of 167 he created. So, I don't think it was because the drug was bad for you. If used as directed, cigarettes, alcohol, and guns can kill you, but Americans have legitimate businesses to sell them. These commodities are potentially lethal, and yet legal. Responsible adults can use drugs without abusing them, and sorry for digressing out of the original post and issue, but please don't tell me drugs are bad unless you have a problem with addiction. Possession is not use, use is not abuse, and abuse is possible with any of the above listed products/drugs.

    Thank you for your information and for posting!

  3. Just so you know MDMA was used as a diet drug and an antidepressant type drug already. When they found out the harsh effects it had on the body they made it illegal and yes E today is worse than any other drug because it is no longer pure. They use household chemicals to make it. MDMA hash harsh side effects to serotonin hence why when someone comes off of it they are depressed. You have a better chance at seeing LSD make a comeback for medical treatment than MDMA so don't get your hopes up. It is still a harsh punishment for having it...but hey stranger things have happened. They may find a way to regulate the side effects.

    Out of curiosity, where and when was MDMA licensed for being an anti-depressant and a diet drug? Any years? Articles? References?

    what was the RFE for?

    Oh, they either lost or missed one of the original documents sent in. Just have to resend it now.

  4. Hmm. Well Im a bit confused here. I really want to help though.

    Where exactly are you in the process? Your timeline is blank. Have you sent in the 129F? Did you get the NOA? NVC? Heres the flowchart from VJ- where are you on it?


    Thank you for your reply. The I29F has been received. However, we now have an RFE on the way in the post. So, I have NOA1, but will have to resolve the RFE before I dream of the NOA2. lol

  5. where does all of the apathy come from? I mean, even the lawyers say no hope. So, a citizen has to be rich to challenge the law, that's disgusting. I'm sure even people working within the government wish the laws for drugs were flexible. Zero tolerance defies human nature. Zero tolerance for drugs is a zero tolerance for humanity. It makes no sense.

  6. Sometimes life isn't fair. Here's a good one for you. I am 52 years old, I have an old possession of marijuana (2 joints) arrest on my record from 1986, I was 23. I have been pulled into secondary twice within the last 7 years because of it when attempting to cross the Canadian border to visit my then girlfriend, (now wife). Both times I was asked by the border guard if I had ever been arrested, I had to answer yes and tell him what for. I was eventually allowed entry each time, but I was questioned pretty intensely and had my vehicle searched both times.Things stay with you for life whether you like it or not.

    It shouldn't be that way. You shouldn't have to go through that.

  7. Why do you feel it's wrong?

    I can't wait to be attacked for this, but a zero tolerance policy discriminates against responsible citizens. Millions of responsible American adults use, or have used drugs. The law does not reflect how our society conducts itself. Unless we're all just meant to lie to ourselves. Why shouldn't we revisit and revise laws to reflect times have changed? Just how rich do you have to be to buy lubricant for the wheels of justice?

  8. Can a United States Immigration Law ever be challenged legally for being wrong? And obviously wrong would be an articulate argument from my position, but is it even possible to challenge in a court?

    I only made it through judicial politics.

  9. I hope we are monitored. I hope I can find some information about what real people do in these situations. I wonder if the consulate officers are like, I wonder if I have this process blown way out of proportion. I don't think lying is an option anyway, because my fiance is probably the only honest person I know. I know people who are generally honest, but not all the time. This guy is honest all the time, so he'll end up just telling them anyway. That is a reason I'm marrying him. He may not be the sharpest, but he is the most honest and loyal.

    Hmmmm. I took ethics, and found that there are situations when its not in your best interest to be honest.

  10. I'm going to assume that all of you who think drugs are not a big deal thinks marijuana is the only drug in the world.

    No. I think there are many drugs in this world.Thank you to our failed policies and drug wars, drugs are viewed with a stigma. I don't advocate alcohol use, but it's legal and causes just as many problems if not more, than drugs. There is no alcohol test for people who want to immigrate. I don't believe there should be a double standard.

  11. I really don't want to get in a big debate on the morality of drug use and possession. I completely understand the position of not allowing criminals to immigrate.

    What I can't deal with is the inconsistency. My fiancé has a charge on his record from 11 years ago. The charge isn't for possession, trafficking, or selling. No jail time he only paid $10 fine and was released. Matter of fact his charge is not even an offense in the USA. That was our ONLY issue in this grievance process. Everything else is in order.

    I understand drugs are not acceptable but when I see others approved and not found inadmissible no waiver required it really burns me up. Rules should be rules. The same should apply for everyone. There should be strict set guidelines of acceptable charges and inexcusable charges and that should be it. End of story.

    To each their own.

    I think the morality needs to be addressed, because in America, to become a criminal, it doesn't take that much. The definition for a criminal in the drug situation includes anyone who may have even considered breaking any law with drugs. There are waivers for violent crimes, and yet none for drugs. I don't believe all drug crime is immoral and detrimental to the social fabric of our nation. It's a very strange system, and its inflexibility encourages dishonesty.

  12. Sugar use can lead to addiction, lots of health issues and mental issues which means that person needs help getting treatment for sugar addiction, health and mental conditions which effects society. Many of the mental conditions associated with the sugar use can make people fat and moody which effects other people.

    Sugar use also has negative effect on the person's friends and family. So no, sugar use doesn't just effect the person doing sugar.

    lol. thank you. i needed that. much love!

  13. What Politician is going to support changing the law to allow those with drug convictions to immigrate?

    Where are the votes or the money?

    OP has been advised of the law in another thread.

    A politician? I believe we were discussing challenging a rejection through the courts.

  14. By all means challenge it. Find someone to take on your cause. There are lobbyists looking for a cause everywhere. Perhaps a marijuana group may help lobby to get the law changed. I do agree that one mistake should not conclude ones eligibility, however I do understand the adage of don't do the crime if you can't pay the time.

    Visa journey sees many sad stories of those who get banned for a year for trying marijuana once, or partaking of it legally in their country. It's sad but that's the way the laws go in the usa.

    You know, I agree with you if you do the crime, do the time. I believe my fiance did his time, and to exclude him from immigration is almost a repeat offense.

    If we get rejected, we'll see what options are left. For now, I'm still hopeful.

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