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Posts posted by donnagdy

  1. The first time, I answered that just because I'm divorced, doesn't mean I have to give up my right and leave. Truth is I have established a life here, I can't leave my boyfriend, job and car etc...  I have responsibilities here, clearly that won't be strong enough reasons... ...
    I e-mailed my ex and his Dad to ask if they can write a simple paragraph for me to state the marriage was true, they never responded... ... At this point, I feel like there is nothing much I can do except hoping officers in CA can have a little mercy for me... ... : (

  2. Hi, 

    Thank you for your reply. So basically just keep it simple, file for waiver based on divorce only? Cuz it's true that I don't have much evidence of abuse... my ex is an extremely smart and manipulative guy, he never said sorry or anything shows that he hurt me whenever there is a third person present. I am thinking to contact him to see if he is willing to write a statement to state that we did entered marriage in good faith ... what do you think? Thanks.

  3. Hello Peace of mind,

    Thank you so much for your reply! So I contacted my ex, he is willing to help and state to an immigration officer that we did entered our marriage in good faith even though it ended quickly in a very painful way. But he is not wiling to send the letter to me, he told me to give USCIS his email address to contact.... I don't think USCIS would do that... ....about his family, I'm not sure, I don't see any reason why they would want to help me... .... I am super worried now, cuz I am in a relationship with my boyfriend, and I have a life here, I can't just leave. Also my ex and I didn't have any joint property, cuz he was a full time student, no income... ... I'm lost... please help...

  4. Hi there,

    Thank you for your reply,  I was thinking that could be an option...  but truth is my ex did stated before we went to US, but after he begged for forgiveness, things would always be fine for a while. After we arrived the US, and all the fights we had, we were thinking to search marriage counsel as well, but we had restraining orders against each other, and later on he told his lawyer that he is only interested in divorce... ... It was't the result I prefer... ...

  5. Hello everyone,

    Thank you for reading my story, I am in a very dangerous place right now of my green card status, and I truly wish someone can give me some kind of guidance, so here is a brief  timeline of my case, 
    A little information about me, I am 26 and originally come from China, I met my ex-husband in China and came to the states together, he is 28 and originally from New Jersey, he is a smart guy and sometimes might be too "smart"=manipulative. He started physically hurt me about 10 months later we know each other, and we were getting ready to get married, I know that I should have left the relationship long time ago, but every time I change my mind when I see him put his knees on the ground and begging me to forgive him and said he will never do it again, and of course he did it again and again.

    04/20/2013 we met each other by a chatting app in China
    12/08/2013 He proposed to me
    05/30/2014 Got married
    08/16/2014 Arrived in the US
    09/12/2014 I moved out after three continued fights and physical abuse again
    09/28/2015 Divorce finalized
    12/2015 Filed for waiver of my green card condition based on divorce and abuse
    10/04/2017 Interview with USCIS at New Jersey

    Here is what happened during the interview: Officer told me that if I want to interview with him in NJ, he will most likely deny my case, reasons are he thinks that I didn't try to fix the marriage, and I used my ex-husband, but truth is we had restraining orders against each other, and I tried to talk to his lawyer to see if he wanted to reconcile, my ex rejected again and again and stated that he was only interested in divorce, that leaved me no choice but divorce him. Second option the officer told me was that to have my file transferred to California since I moved to California couple months ago from New Jersey, and let another officer decide my case.
    Because what happened in the interview, I am extremely worried that if my case can be still denied in CA office. I am trying to get more proof that I did not use my ex as a play doll, and  I have the right to stay... ... More personally, I am in a committed relationship right now, and it would be enormously painful to even think about be separate from him and all of other people that I love here. I know my options are limited and I'm still waiting for interview notice from CA office, but will somebody can give a few advice to help?

    Thank you thank you so so so much! Whatever help can literally change my life.
    God bless all. 

    Signed fighting for my right


  6. Hey,

    Thank you so much for your reply, it means a lot for me.
    And yes I did sent the divorce certificate, so I should be fine at this point.
    I had an immigration lawyer before and he told me to prove my deportation will result in an extreme hardship is optional. And also I didn't see it's mandatory to prove that even in USCIS website, can you help to explain about this? Maybe you have more experience or information on this issue? I do appreciate it.


  7. I believe uscis specifically tells us not to staple things. Imagine them having to unstaple millions of documents. Somebody will find a way to get thier finger pricked rofl.gif .


    My name is Donna, married February 14th 2014 in China, moved to US together in August 2014, divorced september 28th 2015, and I sent form I 751 December 28th 2015, anybody knows when they will cash the check and send me back the receipt? Thank you so much! God bless everyone!



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