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Posts posted by djflavajerry

  1. My interview was on 4th Dec 2105. My interview went well except that I needed a joint sponsor. I sudmit that document a few days later and the embassy also emailed me when they received it. My case was updated the following week after they got the document and then 4 times after. It's exactly a month since I did the interview and no passport with visa.......... is there anyone with any information that would assist going forward with getting my visa?

  2. My interview was on the 4th Dec 2015, and to date my case as been updated 5 times but still I. AP. After the interview the Co said my case was approved but I needed to submit an additional piece of document which I did a few days after. I was also informed by the embassy that the document was received and they will continue to process my visa. My question is. Is this the usual? And is there anyone who have been through similar situation? And how long did it take to get the visa?

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