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Posts posted by jorriv14

  1. 16 hours ago, Sukie said:

    Just to be clear - this list is a "good to have" list - but NONE of these is mandatory.  The idea is that you build your "story" of being together - and you send in documents that prove that story.


    You can still remove conditions without items on this list.  But it IS a good list!


    Sukie in NY

    Oh yeah for sure I get that! I was just kind of wondering or looking for advice on how to show this part of "co-mingling" finances, since most of the bills get paid out of personal account and most are under my name. Like I said we are both named on the lease and are both on a joint car loan together( among other things). It's just that transactions from our joint account won't really reflect much of the bills being paid. 

  2. 1 hour ago, dilip said:

    Co-mingling finance means not just joint checking account:  you need:

    [1] 40IK beneficiary to each other

    [2] Joint credit card

    [3] Joint lease or house together

    [4] Joint tax returns

    [5]   Car insurance, health insurance both name

    [6] Any other joint property.

    [7] Beneficiary to life insurance, mutual funds etc

    [8] Power of attorney 

    [9] Property tax, home own insurance in both name

    Okay this is an awesome thing to see. I just didn't know if it's going to be weird when they see the banks statements and don't see bills coming out of that account. Or bills with both our names. Otherwise I have a lot of other things such beneficiary on each other's 401ks, she's on my vision, health insurance, I'm on her dental plan, joint lease, car insurance, car loan, taxes and child birth certifice.


    Maybe I can show medical bills I paid under her name with the personal account? 


    Thanks for the great info.

  3. Hey there,


    We are in the process of submitting our i751. I just had a quick question. I know they ask for bank statements etc. My question is that I also have a personal account which I haven't closed and had to keep using because Wells Fargo charges fees if I don't use it. So basicsñly my wife pays rent from the joint account , but I pay most of the other bills from my personal checkings. Is this a big issue or what is the best way to show that even tho we have a joint account etc we still coming mingle are finances? Most bills are under my name as well. Thoughts/help? 



  4. Hi, my wife and I are currently in the process of AOS from an F-1 visa. I know the whole process of changing the address, which can be done online. I have a question based on that. I was wondering if it was possible to inform them of the address change, that being our new physical address, but also update the mailing address to a more permanent address such as my parents home. Is this something that is possible to do, or can anyone give me some insight on this? Any help is appreciated and I hope my question makes sense. Thank you!!

  5. Hey there kgrams,

    Yes, we definitely don't want to spend that kind of money on an attorney. We have only now started looking into the whole process of applying so we are pretty nervous about filing everything. I found this link on the forums which seems to be pretty helpful and shows everything we have to fill out. I am not as informed as you potentially are! Also do you know if it's okay to leave parts that don't apply to us blank or should we write in "N/A" or "None" or some sort of response??

    Also, from reading other posts I do believe you can file everything at the same time.

    Here is the link: http://www.visajourney.com/content/i130guide2

  6. Hi there. I am a USC and my wife is currently on an OPT visa. We are soon starting the application for AOS. She use to hold a couple of jobs while she was on the F-1 status. One was through campus work and the other ones were baby sitting and tutoring(off-campus). I don't remember if she claimed the income made from babysitting on her taxes. My main question/concern is if this will cause any major complications in our application process. And is there any advice on how we should go about filing this.

    Thank you

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