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Posts posted by RandyC

  1. I know this is an older thread but I just wanted to let anyone know who planned on getting married in Davao City is fine. I was happily married January 17th 2012 and I can also include (LOL) a late response I got:

    Please be informed that the City Government of Davao through the City Civil Registrar's Office still accepts the Affidavit in Lieu of the Legal Capacity to Marry secured from the US Embassy for Americans who intend to get married in Davao City. This requirement is embodied in the provisions of the New Family Code of the Philippines which cannot be suspended or otherwise removed by any local official. Hence, you may still submit the Affidavit In Lieu of the Certificate of Legal Capacity to support the application for marriage license in Davao City.

    Please be guided accordingly.

    Atty. Leo Anthony R. Braceros

    City Civil Registrar

    Thanks, also, for posting this.

  2. Hey Pw and all, still waiting on the Embassy :( They keep telling me to wait like it's a normal thing. :angry: Anyways, it's been about 5 weeks so far, i'll try calling again monday. I may contact my Congressman if they don't give me some kind of info.

    Sorry if i don't post much, while i'm glad people get approved so fast it's pretty depressing to read hehe. :thumbs:

    I know this doesn't help much, but I know exactly what you are going through and it was by far the toughest part of the whole process for me. Thinking that you are through it all and then not getting the visa is just very hard to take. I got the same non-answers and there appears to be very little one can do. There seems to be no consistency or fairness in this process sometimes.

    I hope that yours is there soon and you can put this behind you. You certainly deserve it. Hang in there. I know everyone here is pulling for you.

  3. What a roller coaster ride. After calling the embassy call center yesterday, a very nice lady pretty much made me feel that we were going to have to wait out a CENOMAR check. It had not been processed but was with the CO.

    Then out of the blue with no warning from Delbros, the visa was delivered today (Oct 4). So 14 days for us...you can add that to the timeline.

    Finally.....I feel happy and exhausted.

  4. Thanks for the kind wishes Audrey&Romy and PatientlyWaiting. While it appears that Delbros delivers on Saturday (according to some of the dates received in the list), unfortunately that will be too late for us. She will need to get her CFO stamp (they are closed on Sat), also her flight is at 8:05 am.

    I'm sure it will be here soon and we will make the best of it. Still holding out the slight hope that it could come in time :unsure:

  5. My Visa got delivered today (5 days after my interview) :dance::dance::dance:

    PW, please update the list. Thanks to you and everyone who have helped us so much in the interview process. (F)

    Audrey :)

    Congrats to you! We are still waiting and it looks like will have to reschedule her flight (this Sat). She is in Manila, so I'm not sure what the hold up is.

  6. I have a question about the forms in packet 3. Does it ask if you have ever been denied a visa before? If you tried for a tourist visa before and were denied do you have to put it down?

    Unfortunately, yes. Honesty is substantially needed but I think you'll be fine since K1 is considered an immigrant application.

    If someone would be so extra specially kind as to scan a full Packet 4 for Manila Embassy and convert it to .pdf with link here, it would be so wonderful for the rest of us. I understand there is no packet 3 for Manila K1?


  7. just an update....

    we've been approved! :dance:

    i will have more details later. right now, he's sleeping and resting (had no sleep the night before his interview.)

    he mentioned that the Filipina interviewer ask for the basic questions and was focusing on the pictures and letters/emails...and did not ask for a lot of documents that he had (not even phone records, joint bank account records, etc.)

    the CO only ask the basics too and then they talked about the pictures and where in the Philippines that resort that we went to.

    thanks for all y'all's help. i know for sure it won't have gone this smoothly without this forum...specifically this thread.


    That's great to hear. Congrats!!!

    I think we are next...I'm trying not to think about it. At least I'm not the one going to the interview.

  8. Hi all.... we hope everyone is doing well. Our dates are coming up quick :D The visit in July was great, now we just can't wait to begin our family life...

    Does anyone know what happens if she has her period during the medical exam appointment? We don't know if she will or not, but just want to ask the question. Does it cause delays? problems? There won't be much time (one week to be exact) before the interview, so it is not like we could reschedule. Any thoguhts or actual experiences would be greatly appreciated. Good luck to all!!!!

    Have her do the medical early. They won't do it during her period.

    I forgot to send my fiancee my original BC, she has a few copier copies i signed. I didn't even think about it until today. :wacko: Hope it will be ok for the interview, it says copies should be fine....i dunno. :help:

    I don't think you need your BC at all for her interview. She needs hers, yours was required for the initial filing. I did not send over another copy and it is not in the list of documents that are required.

  9. Someone posted that asawa.org website is now closed. That's sad if true.

    It's closed for new posts but still open for "read only". I sure got a lot of good advice from there and I hope something else replaces it. If anyone knows of forums similar to that, please post the links.

  10. I posted the following in the AOS forum, but I thought it would be of interest here too.

    We learned something at our AOS interview this week.

    Some countries have rules regarding name changes following marriages and the USCIS complies with these rules regarding the name on the GC.

    In the Philippines, your mother's maiden name is used for your middle name and the father's family name is your last name.

    When a woman marries, the father's family name becomes her middle name and her husband's family name becomes her family name...dropping the mother's maiden name entirely.

    When we applied for AOS we filed using Marlene <mother's maiden name> <my last name>

    We had done the same for the SSN

    The appication had to be modified at the AOS to reflect the Philippine naming requirement. So it's now Marlene <father's family name> <my last name>. There was no choice. When we get her passport updated they will follow those rules and the green card will match it now.

    Thanks for this info. I've been wondering about this and have in fact seen diferent opinions. Since one of the first official documents we will be getting is the Marriage Certificate, I want to make sure we get it right the first time. Your explanation was very clear.

    BTW Congrats on the AOS approval. That must feel good.

  11. hi guys im hoping you can help me out with this one. i understand that when you go to st lukes for your medical, they will have a list of vaccines that you would need to have done. i was wondering if anyone could point me to the right direction as to what these are? do you have to get those elsewhere or will they be providing you with those vaccines if you have no records of those required vaccines? also if anyone can recall how much they had to pay for these vaccines?

    thanks so much guys. im sorry i asked way too many questions in one post. i hope you can help me. :)

    My understanding is that the cost of the vaccinations is included in the fee that you pay. My finacee doesn't have records either, so I am guessing that she will be getting a lot of shots. :(

  12. -also i'm trying to look for that link re: contents of packet 4...i'll scan through the pages but if you have it on hand please post when you can. :D

    thanks a bunch! this entire forum, especially the Manila Embassy thread is so helpful...in all levels!!!

    This is the link that I had bookmarked for the pakcet 4, I hope it is what you are looking for:


    -also, other than passport, ID and visa pictures (2)...what else must my fiance take with him to St. Luke's?

    here is a link to asawa.org that gives a lot of info about what is need at the medical:


  13. Updated to add randyandrechie's, Audrey&Romy's and mychelle's interview date. I still can't believe it's that soon. I was expecting September 30 or something. :blush:

    Great news mychelle and Audrey&Romy. Looks like all the packets were sent out on June 16th. I hope everyone receives theirs soon and it is smooth from here on out! :thumbs:

  14. Hey congratulations! :dance: That was fast. I guess I should call too and see if I have my schedule. Will keep you all updated.

    Audrey :)

    Thanks! You should call because I bet yours is scheduled, too. Wouldn't be suprised if it is the same day.

    Thanks for updating the timeline, mychelle....it is on the 20th not the 21st though!

  15. Just wanted to let people know that USE is giving out Sept. interview dates now. Someone on asawa.org with MNL20066351XX is scheduled for Sept. 21st. There were a couple of others that have Sept dates also. I am going to call the USE when they open today. Will also try DOS, if I can get through.

    Good luck to all.

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