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Posts posted by meandhe

  1. Thanks for all the replies everyone. I do realize that it is risky to adjust his status but I believe it is worth a shot. If we get denied, he'll return to Scotland and we will try th spouse visa. He won't be returning to Scotland as long as it works out and we can easily prove there was not intent of marriage because there honestly wasn't. He still technicaly has a job even though he isn't returning, and bank accounts and dept in the UK and and had a return ticket. I live with my parents (I'm 21, almost done with school so I've been with them to save money cuz it's cheaper than a dorm!), so I don't think anything about our situation makes it seem we planned it. As far as the 3 month/3 week visit thing is concerned, we already knew each other from when I studied abroad for 6 months so we can definitely prove we know each other well.

  2. Thanks for the reply pax....I had already decided that it was too risky to do Advanced Parole. Is it truely really risky for us to adjust his status? Do people often get turned down? Would it be better for him to go home and come back on a spouse visa? I really dont wanna be away from him for a year. If adjusting status is safe I'd rather do that. Any opinions?

  3. Hi I'm new to the site and I think this section is ok for this post. I am American and my boyfriend is British and came over to visit me and we decided that we couldn't be apart and got married. I've done alot of research in the past few days and but I want to make sure I do everything right because I don't want to do anything illegal and get him deported. From what I can tell he can legally adjust his status from coming over on the Visa Waiver Program because we weren't planning on getting married. I know there are lots of forms I need to fill out but I don't know what order to do so. Would it be best for me to get an immigration lawyer to help me out? Or will it be ok to go thru the process on my own? Any guidance is greatly appreciated.



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