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Posts posted by Manchester84

  1. dear sir or madam,

    my fiance and i are hoping to hear back on an interview date soon. i would like to prepare for the interview. my main anxiety is on finances.

    i (the beneificiary) currently earn 20,000 GBP and will have $10,000 in savings, my fiance the petitioner earns 14,000 USD. The latest guidelines suggest she would be unable to support me as she falls short of the national poverty guidlines. can i support myself too?

    furthermore, I have a close friend willing to co sponsor in the US but he is not related to me or my fiance, can he be considered a co sponsor without being a relative?

    i have a job offer for when i am hopefully authorised in the US but wonder whether this would hinder my case should i mention it at interview? prior to this visa application i was refused a P1 visa as a football coach due to using too many H2B visas in previous years, i am therefore reluctant to associate myself with further work in a similar industry as i am worried it detracts from the main purpose of the application.

    So in a nutshell, can a provisional job offer assist the beneficiaries visa interview in London?

    can i have a US based friend co sponsor?

    can i support myself or will the london consulate be only interested in my fiances finances?

    appreciate any support you can provide. thanks

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