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Posts posted by williamle216

  1. Yes, its very frustrating and time consuming. Even after you submit the documents they are asking, noone can tell you how long the wait will be for them to even let you know the results.

  2. Hey, guys. My wife is flying from Vietnam to U.S.A. this upcoming Friday (January 8,2016). As far as I know, all she needs is her Passport with visa ( plus brown package), Medical Packaged (Vaccine/Xray) correct? And the green card (USCIS Immigrant Fee) fee of $165 can be paid later? Any other tips when traveling here to make it easy for her (non-english speaking). Thanks guys.

  3. that's long, but did you need to resubmit any paperwork?

    yeah, I had to provided additional papers because the person who was handling my case did not do a perfect job. I had requests for additional documents twice before the interview, plus 1 week delay due to 221g. hehe

  4. yeah it was long, I thought it was just going to be less than a year. but yeah. TODAY my visa has been issued. my wife was approved on the 28th of December. Woohoo.

  5. I just want to thank website for such useful information and to the nice people who actually tries to help people who want to bring their love ones to the US. I was so stressed out before my wife's interview with all the paperwork and even worse after receiving a 221g blue paper for not providing a i864A. I had my brother helped me as a joint sponsor, but did not providing a i864A for his wife. After a week, I had his wife i864, my wife was approved on the spot.

    P.S. my case was CR1, they did not NEED a timeline of relationship.

  6. CR-1. My wife's birth certificate and household registration has all her information correct. The only thing is her fathers year of birth is 7 years off with same date and month. I asked my lawyer and he says is ok? Any one with the same experience? I was not worried before, but as the interview dates coming soon (December 2016), makes me a little stress. Any advice?

  7. CR-1. My wife's birth certificate and household registration has all her information correct. The only thing is her fathers year of birth is 7 years off with same date and month. I asked my lawyer and he says is ok? Any one with the same experience? I was not worried before, but as the interview dates coming soon (December 2016), makes me a little stress. Any advice?

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