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Posts posted by simsim92

  1. Hi all!!

    Have you guys hear about alg asking visas to inter it from yemenies??? I am lost i do not know what to do ,, should i trensfer my case to Dj or to ماليزياء ???

    Sorry late reply but I think Malaysia is the best option if your case is complete. It's not expensive to stay there like Djibouti and it's much nicer. But I'm not sure how long it would take since each case is different. it took two months for my husbands file to get to Malaysia once it got there they gave me the appointment date which was in almost two months so it was a long wait for the appointment but it was worth it Alhamdulillah

  2. السلام عليكم

    Does anyone know how long it takes for Malaysia to receive electronic file or give an appointment? I requested a transfer for my husbands case 2 months ago to Malaysia and got a new case number but it still says at NVC and my case has been complete since July.

    And also I've been hearing a lot of people talking about contacting their Congressman. How does that work? Would they be able to help me? Or is it only for specific cases or if you're running into a problem with your case?

    And congratulations to everyone whose spouse has came in or gotten an appointment.. :D now just waiting on my turn and everyone else's In Sha Allah

  3. Does anyone know how do I change my husbands contact number for his case? He is out of Yemen and has a different number now and it seems like they are contacting people via phone calls which is great and faster but is also making me nervous since they don't have his number. I've sent out an email but haven't gotten a response.

  4. Its crazy because they called him yesterday to come for an interview today. I'm a registered nurse and had my supervisor at work write me a letter explaining I need my husband to support me. My husband said the consular said the letter helped expedite his case. He just had to take all the forms + form 160 (bc our case is k3 spouse visa) and the affidavit of support. His interview was 45 min they asked him simple questions like how long and where we got married. The consular told him everything is good. Alhamdulillah. Cant wait till he gets the visa!

    Alhamdulillah, that's great :) thanks for sharing

  5. My husband went to the interview it went very well. They want him to do the exam and send them his passport for the visa :) im so happy


    That's great news congradulations :D so he didn't need his appointment letter with him?

    What did they ask him when they interviewed him?

    Hearing everyone's good news is getting me all hyped up and excited as well :D :D

    I can't wait, soooooon In Sha Allah

  6. Congrats, when is the interview?

    Did they send you a letter?

    I noticed they updated my case twice in the past five days so out of curiosity I called the NVC to see if they had anything. The lady I spoke to told me there was an interview for december 16. That's in TWO days!!! ALHMADILLAH! but I'm still concerned because the embassy never sent me an appointment letter so I called the nvc again and talked to someone else to confirm the date just in case.They told me to email Algiers but I doubt Algiers will get back to me by wednesday so my husband will be going inshallah or inshallah they send me the letter tomorrow or call my husband at least. Make sure you guys consistently call NVC at least once a week,just ensure you don't miss anything.

    What do you mean by updated your case? Like how do I get that information for my case?

    And also if I were you I'd call the embassy in Algeria because from what I've heard is that you can't go to your interview unless you have the letter with you but I'm not sure. Calling is faster than email especially since you don't have much time. Good luck and congratulations! :)

  7. this means that they accepted your transfer. from my experience, it takes weeks to transfer your electronic and physical files. you can confirm that by calling NVC.

    Aw I knew that I got too excited for no reason. But Alhamdulillah it's still one step closer, and I will for sure call.Thanks for your reply :D

  8. My husbands case was transferred to US embassy in Algeria. I have been emailing the embassy and they dont reply back. All I get is automated responses. I checked the ceac for a status update and it says "REFUSED" and to check the letter you recieved at the time of the interview. First, he hasnt had an interview at the embassy yet as his case just got transferred and second why would they refuse it. Has anyone got the same response? Is this a glitch?


    Since they aren't replying to your emails call NVC. Maybe it was a mistake the sooner you contact them the faster you can fix the problem. Khair In sha Allah

  9. Haven't been here for a while, but been stressing out and busy, alhamuduillah for everything.

    just update on my husband's case..

    he was given interview appointment for 11/29/2015. The appointment went well, but they put him on Administrative processing. iA khair

    Aww Alhamdulillah and Mabrouk! That's really exciting you're one step closer and In Sha Allah it will be over soon.

    Can I ask what did they ask him during the interview?

  10. Alsalam wi alaykoom

    After a wait of five months ...and almost 4 months since our case was transfered to algeria my husband finally got an interview date for the bigining of January. Allahoma lak alhamd. I can't explain how greatfull to Allah I am. Inshallah all of u out there finally get ur interviews and get over with this process.. May Allah give you all Alsabr!!!

    Wa Alaikum Alsalam

    Awwww Yaaay Alhamdulillah!!! Sooo exciting Mabrouk so happy for you. I can't wait to feel that excitement soon

    In Sha Allah

    Ameen Ya Rab

  11. I'm so sorry for the long messages you all are probably like this girl write to much, but just a quick question. For those of you waiting for an appointment...

    Is there anything we can do while we wait? Should we contact NVC? If so, what do we say? Or do we contact the embassy? What do we do now?

    I feel weird just ...waiting. A friend of mine told me we shouldn't bug them now, just wait. Did you guys hear anything different?

    I've heard so many things. I heard if you don't bug them your case won't get anywhere and I've also heard if you bug them too much it can delay your case or even ruin it. Supposidly some girl bugged the NVC so much that her husbands case got canceled and he's been in Dijibouti for months. But you know how people are, word spreads from person to person and no one knows the truth. So honesty like I said just follow your heart and do what you think is right because I really don't think there is a right or wrong answer because everyone's case is different.

  12. they were able to entry egypt?

    yeah subanAllah Allah has a plan for everything and everyone.

    Yea, his family first went to Dijibouti and stayed about 3 to 4 months waiting while he went to Egypt, I'm not sure what he did exactly for them to be able to go. Then they stayed about 3/4 months in Egypt till they got their visas. It's been a very long process.

  13. Honestly how can I weigh the pros n cons when I keep getting different information about everything. Really I don't know what information is the right information. You have ppl that say Djibouti is great n worth going n then u have those that say what you are saying about the case transfers... idk who to believe it just all gets me so confused and I think we all just have to make a decision and Djibouti is sounding a bit better to me. I KNOW it's a huge risk and I'm not saying that I'm officially going with that everything is up to Allah but I am continuing to here good things about Djibouti. Idk if you all are in touch with or contact marhaba service in new York but one of the workers told me that Djibouti is accepting case transfers without having to physically be in Djibouti. Your spouse/relative would just have to go for the appointment. I'm currently still looking into that to see if it's true but I've been hearing that for a while and he told me he's been transferring his clients cases that way.

    May Allah guide us through to the right path inshaAllah

    SubhanAllah it's all Makateeb. My uncles family went to Egypt and just got their visas, I know people who stayed in Dijibouti only for 2 weeks and came in and I know people who took them 6 months or even more. My friends parents got deported to Yemen a couple of years ago and guess what they got their visas and her son which she had in Yemen hasn't gotten a thing. He should get a passport since she is a citizen. She's already brought in her husband and her parents but her son nothing.

    So I think we should just follow our heart and In Sha Allah it will be the best because I guess no two people is gonna be the same everyone's having a different experience which is very hard because I know we all want reassurance on what we end up choosing but I guess there is no way of finding out except having patience and faith in Allah and everything will all work out in the end.

    الله يكتب لنا مافي خير و يسهل لنا و يجمع كل واحد مع حبيبة قريب ان شاء الله

  14. Call NVC and speak to supervisor.

    Tomorrow will mark a month since he has been there. my thoughts to you and anyone, don't rush into things. Really think about your options and what would work best for you. But always follow-up about your case. ask questions and iA everything will work as Allah wills it to be.

    In Sha Allah

    How long has it been since you started this whole process?

  15. interesting, idk if that's common or not. I actually think someone on here has the same thing. Their case number never changed (so it stayed SAA), but at the end it had ALG (for Algeria)

    I know mine was originally SAA, but changed when I transferred to Egypt. Where's your husband now? is he still in Yemen?

    Oh see now I wonder why, I need to call

    because you transferred your case so that's how it changed and everyone else was changed automatically.

    Yea my husband is still in Yemen.

    I'm trying to figure out what the best option is, but it's getting harder and more confusing each day.

    I'm too scared on make the wrong decision but at the same time I don't want us siting around doing nothing. In the end it's all meant to be and up to Allah.

    Khair In Sha Allah

    How long has your husband been in Algeria?

  16. Salaaam!

    Our case FINALLY got reviewed and completed after 3 months. I'm happy but goodness how much longer??? Now we have to wait for the interview and like you alll my case was supposed to go to algeria n I do have an Algerian case number. Question for u all, dd you guys get ur sanaa case numbers changed to an Algerian one with ALG at the beginning? I'm just curious.

    Algeria is taking so long and I haven't heard of any recent appointments. I asked a guy from marhaba services in NY and he said nobody knows it can take from 6 months plus. So we were thinking to go to Djibouti. I know, it's hard there but honestly the people that go there are the only ones that I've noticed are coming in quick. It's a risk but inshaAllah Allah picks the right path for us to go on and inshaAllah that path isn't too bumpy.

    My sisters husband just got here today from Saudia and you guys it's so beautiful and amazing. InshaAllah Allah reunites us all very soon with our loved ones.

    Ameen Ya Rab!

    In Sha Allah very very soon :D

    My case number never changed its still SAA and my case has been complete for about four and a half months so I wonder what does that means?!? :S

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