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Posts posted by nina1790

  1. 1 minute ago, Dee elle said:

    The instructions for I864 for self employed are to provide 1099 as you dont have w2. Did you provide your tax return or the IRS tax transcripts. . If you gave them tax returns, I would recommend getting the official tax transcripts from the IRS as they contain all the supplementary documentation needed. All of this is needed from you as sponsor, even though you are also needing a joint sponsor. 

    thanks for the reply. I did send them my tax return which has all my self employment information but since I don't have 1099 either, I think I will have my husband take my tax transcripts to the interview. I'm not sure if I should fill out another form and put down my net income or just leave it and bring the original form. (we sent the copy)

  2. I need some advice....


    I am self employed but don't make enough so my brother is my joint sponsor for my husband. I sent his tax return and his W2s and we got our case closed a couple days ago but I received a checklist from them saying that my husband has to bring all W2s related to MY 2016 tax return...I did send my tax return but I don't have W2s since I am self employed and I'm not sure why they even need it when we have a joint sponsor and the case has been closed. Should he just bring my tax transcripts to the interview? 

    Also, I put down my gross income on the form but I'm thinking that maybe I should've put down my net income? If so, should I fill out a new form with my net income and have my husband take that to the interview along with my tax transcript? Or forget about fixing that one since they're only asking for my W2s? Still I don't make enough and we have a joint sponsor and our case is closed so I'm not sure why they even want my W2s which I don't have anyway....(I did file jointly with my husband last year. He uses a TIN number. maybe they want his W2s? but he's not a sponsor...)

  3. 4 minutes ago, AJR19 said:

    Hi All...
    We just checked the visa status and it's "AT NVC" and the AOS is also disappeared.
    We just called NVC and confirmed that our case is completed.
    Our case got completed in exactly 7 weeks.
    SD- May 30, 2017
    CC- July 18, 2017 :jest:^_^

    Hi, my case closed today as well (checked online). when you called, did they say how long it will take to get the interview notice? I haven't received a "case closed "email from them yet either. trying to stay patient...

  4. I'm the USC and petitioning for my husband from Mexico.

    I sent my I-130 in May and just realized that I forgot to put down my husband's arrival date!!!

    I can't believe I forgot that part...

    Should I call them and let them know? Or just wait for the RFE?

    Also, I was told that his birth certificate is not nessesary yet so I didn't include it...but I've seen people including it.

    Are we supposed to include it!?

    Thanks in advance!

  5. For those of you that filed earlier in May and have already received the hard copy of the NOA1... how long did it take for them to cash your check? I know this question gets asked constantly on these forums, but I'm wondering how things are going with how quickly the immigration processing times are right now.

    My I-130 was received on May 14th, check was cashed on May 16th!

    going pretty fast so far :)

  6. This might be a stupid question but....

    The only time we need to send a child's birth certificate for i-130 is IF the child is born between us, correct?

    I have a daughter from my previous marriage, she lives with me and my current husband who I am petitioning for full time but he hasn't legally adopted her yet.

    In that case I do not need to send her birth certificate with the i-130 package, right?

    Thanks in advance!

  7. Thanks for the reply!

    I actually just found out that theres a registry paper from my home country that shows my biological dads name and my stepfathers name and when he adopted me which also works as a birth certificate.

    So I think I can use that...

    I'm just worried that I used my stepfathers name as my birth name on the marriage certificate when it's not :(

    And my divorce certificate shows my biological dads name...

    I'm sure they'll question why I lied about my birth name on the marriage certificate :(

    I'm not sure if I should just send all this as it is and show them this registry if they question it.

    Luckily I am the petitioner and not the beneficiary so they might not look into it that much.

  8. Hello,

    This forum has been very helpful and I have already received answers to my other questions but I have one more before I send off my I-130...

    I am a US citizen (naturalized) and I am applying for my foreign husband.

    However I just realized I made a huge error regarding my birth name....

    I don't know my biological father and was adopted by my step father after my mother got remarried to him when I was little.

    So on my birth certificate it says my birth name is under my biological father but I never really used that name so all my documents has been under my step father's name (he is the legal father since he adopted me). That's the name I have used my entire life. Except I was married once in the past and used my ex husband's name before I married my current husband.

    Anyway, on my divorce certificate (which i need to submit with the I-130) under "birth name on birth certificate", I put down my biological father's name since that's on my birth certificate. However, I don't know what I was thinking but on other certificates like my current marriage certificate and my child's birth certificate i put down my stepfather's name since I am so used to using that name as my "maiden name"....but it's not actually my birth name :(

    on all the visa forms I put down my stepfather as my father and his last name as my maiden name.

    So basically, my marriage certificate and my divorce certificate's birth name of mine does not match...they still both have the same last name which was my ex husband's last name at the time. so on the divorce certificate it's "first name, ex last name -biological father name" and on the marriage certificate it's "first name, ex last name -step father name"

    I'm sure they can tell it's both me the same person because of the first and last name but would it be a huge issue to them that the birth name is different from one another?

    Maybe they won't catch it or maybe they won't care too much since I'm the US citizen and it's not my husband's name issue.....

    I don't know...I really messed up :(

    I could have them amend my marriage certificate to my biological father and change all my forms to his name but I don't think I can even get a hold of my birth certificate to prove this since I was born abroad in another country- not in my home country. it's a very complicated situation...i know :(

    Please give me some advice! thank you.

  9. Hello,

    My husband is from Mexico and we are about to file the I-130.

    In Mexico they have 2 last names so it's something like "first name, middle name, last name (father), last name (mother)"

    That is how it appears on his passport, birth certificate and marriage certificate.

    However he only uses his first name and mother's last name in the US ((he has no connection with his dad)).

    so "first name, mother's last name" is what appears on his bank accounts, car insurance, our apartment lease etc...pretty much every US documents. He doesn't even use his middle name for these. I took his mother's last name as well so my ID shows that name.

    Would this cause any issues when we are filing for I-130?

    I am thinking it would be ok since the passport and marriage certificate matches but I don't know about the evidence part...with all the marriage evidence being in a shorter version of his name.

    So, for the I-130 should he write down the entire name that matches the marriage certificate/passport or just the "first name, mother's last name" he goes by here and then put his father's last name under "other names used" ?

    It's so complicated and we want to do it the right way...

    Thank you in advance!!

  10. I'm a USC and about to file i-130 for my husband. We just got married and I just changed my last name to his name at the social security office.

    I still have to go to the DMV to get a new driver's license, change my name with banks and bills, add him or have him add me to all the bills/bank accounts etc.

    Do we have to wait for a month or so until we get all the bills in my new name (with his name added to the accounts)?

    We really want to send this out ASAP...

    Also, our lease is in my maiden name since we moved in together before we were married.

    Would that matter?

    I feel like maybe I should've just kept my maiden name to make the process faster.....


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