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Posts posted by afreenkhan8843

  1. Hi everyone,

    I would really appreciate a response. So I am about to file n-400. I have a question about Part-4. The question says: Where have you lived during the last 5 years?

    1. I am naturalizing by marrying a US citizen. So I've only been in US for the past 4 years. Do I have to mention where I lived before I came to US for that 1 more year?

    (I am assuming they are asking for 5 years in US because generally you can apply for naturalization after 5 years of being an LPR. But in my case I am eligible in 3 years.)

    2. So in 4 years, I took 2 vacations to India, for 4 months and 3 months. During my first vacation, my husband vacated the apartment (in NY) and moved to a different city (in MI) to get some training and then got a job in another city (in CA). He got an apartment in CA and then I joined him after 4 months.

    And the second vacation we took together. At that time our lease was ending, so we emptied the apartment, put or stuff in storage and traveled to India. My husband returned in a month, got a new lease and I joined him 2 months later.

    So now, in the first time I did not have any apartment lease under my name or my husband's name for 4 months. And the second time we had no apartment for around 1 1/2 month. So how do I mention this on the form? If I only mention the dates I was in US excluding the vacation days, then there would seem some gaps. So do I mention my foreign address during those days? Or do just add an extra sheet explaining it?

    A kind response will be appreciated.

    Thank You

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