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Posts posted by Abid2222

  1. 9 hours ago, Desi24 said:

    Hi, Why get US police clearance? is that standard. I thought they do there own clearance.


    Also does one require police certificate from every country (in you case UAE) or the current country you are living in.

    I visited USA many times in past. Thats why they asked for.

    Coutries where police records are maintained and you have visited or lived there, required clearance. This you can check on NVC website which country not required pcc according to your previous travel history. 

  2. Alhumdulillah long journey came to an end and got the visa finally .
    My interview was on 25th oct 2016 at islamabad embassy.
    Stayed in hotel. Took taxi and reached around 6:30 at shuttle service. 
    8:30 reached inside embassy. Got token and start waiting for my turn for interview.
    In 2010 my petition was filed. In 2012 I moved to dubai. So I came to pakistan for interview from dubai. Took 1 month off from job as I had my annual leaves.
    After an hour I was called for finger prints and document submission.
    After further half an hour I was called for interview. There was a young guy. After exchange of greetings he asked me that you can give interview in english. I said yes. Then he started questioning

    1. Who sponsored you? 
    2. Why you want to move to USA.
    3. Why you have not taken interview in UAE
    4. Who else from your family living there.
    5. What your siblings do in USA.
    6. When they move there.
    7. When your family visited you last time.
    8. Do uou photos over the period of time with your family
    9. What is your profession.
    10. How long you are in dubai.
    11. How many other countries you visited.
    12. When last time you visited usa.
    13. How much you stayed there.
    14. Are you married? 
    15. Do you have kids?  I said no.
    He said i can not believe this. I smiled and asked why you can not believe this. He said In 2006 u applied for visit visa and your answer was you have kids.
    I said I applied with my mother and siblings. This question was from my mother and it was her answer. Then he start checking in the system and said yes you are right.
    Few more questions. Then he said I want to see photographs. I gave him. Then he asked me to sit and wait.
    After 15 mints he called me. Returned my photographs.
    He told me everything is fine. I am holding your passport. You need to submit USA police clearance certificate only. 
    Send me this and I shall issue you visa.
    Gave my refusal sheet.
    I returned my home in karachi. And start searching how to get this.
    I went to forensic dept of police in garden area. Get my finger prints on FBI form.
    FBI take 3 months to reply. So I searched and submitted my finger prints to NYS dept of criminal justice who give report in 15 days. Paid their fee in USA. It took a month to get the report.
    After submission I got an email that until you submit original UAE police certificate we will not review ur case.
    Dubai police give certificates only in email.
    So I wrote them the reason for print out certificate and send the copy of email from dubail police in which they sent pcc. After 20 days of submission case status chaged to ready from ap.
    Then again it changed to ap on 19th.
    Today it changed to issued alhumdulillah.

    Any questions would be welcomed if it can help.

  3. Hey guys!

    My visa has been issued! :dancing: They took just 4 days(including a holiday) to review the documents.

    Below is the msg I saw on https://ceac.state.gov.

    Immigrant Visa Case Number: BMB201******* BMB Case Creation Date: 28-Sep-2010 Status Updated Date: 14-Oct-2016
    Your visa has been printed. Depending on local procedures at the location where you were interviewed, your visa will be mailed or available for pickup soon. If there are further questions, or if we need updated contact information, you will be contacted.

    Many Congrats!

    How was your interview? what questions they asked you?

  4. Hallo abid222. I heard if u don't opt out then nvc will cancel the visa in the interview time .I was hoping my wating will be fineshed but there is another problme come up .my father got neutralise I think automatically my catagorey will chnge .I didn't informa nvc yet the about my father neutralisation.I don't knowwhat will happen during my interview time .totallly frustrated?

    I dont think they cancel the visa at interview time. But you call them and discuss the situation. Either they will ask for the letter or Either they will inform you we are not changing your category.

  5. I called yesterday and i was told they havent reached marcha yet. Did you guys request expedites or were your categories changed fue to your relatives becoming citizens

    I think when you call NVC, they only tell you what they see on screen and according to present Visa Bulletin. They are not aware of whats going on back office. I also call them even few days back they were saying they are working on Jan now. But all of sudden they send interview letter.

    I think when you call NVC, they only tell you what they see on screen and according to present Visa Bulletin. They are not aware of whats going on back office.

  6. Just to update you guys, I've just received email from NVC. It looks like, it's case completed email. Happy with the current progress. My PD is March 14, 2010.

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    The National Visa Center (NVC) received all the requested documentation for this immigrant visa
    case. The applicant is now in the queue awaiting an interview appointment overseas, where a
    consular officer will adjudicate the applicant’s visa application.
    NVC schedules appointments one month in advance. The U.S. Embassy or Consulate General
    tells us what dates they are holding interviews, and NVC fills these appointments in a first­in, first-
    out manner. Most appointments are set within 60 days of NVC receipt of all requested
    documentation. However, we cannot predict when an interview appointment will be available.
    When we are able to schedule an appointment, we will notify the applicant, petitioner and attorney
    (if applicable). The applicant can prepare now by reading about the embassy’s interview
    requirements online at http://nvc.state.gov/interview. Thank you for your patience.
    The embassy may require additional documents at the interview. In particular, if the following
    three items are all true, the applicant must bring a new police certificate to the visa interview:
    He or she is more than 16 years old;
    one year ago; and
    He or she still lives in the country that issued the certificate.
    The applicant should not make any travel arrangements, sell property, or give up employment until
    the embassy has issued a visa.
    National Visa Center

    My PD is Feb 2010, My case completed 28th july, still waiting for interview letter. I hope i will get it with in 2 weeks. Coz they take 60 days to schedule visa after case completion

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