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Posts posted by Gracemgc

  1. Consular said that we file a misrepresented material to the consular ,according to them I file fraud papers ,I don't know why they said its fake I was get all our papers in the government here in our place,I'm all documents that we while us correctly,I'm so frustrated they Said that theres a lifetime banned in this case in present false documents we just we presented what we rrcieve from the nd I which is government agency ..please help

  2. We are seeking for help to our case I finish interview june 2014, nd underadministrative process so we sent the documents that consular needs they keeps updating date but still administrative,until we got email that its says our case refuse,august 26 ,2015 Becks they said our relationship is not established.WE DON'T EVEN KNOW WAT NEEDS TO DO WE ARE FRAUSTRATED WE DON'T EVEN KNOW WAT NEEDS TO DO NIW.

    This is what the email says

    The applicants was refused visas august 26 2015 because a petitionable was not established between you and the applicants

    Misrepresented material information to the consular officer while under oath,and sought to procure a visa or entry into united states she was found ineligible for visa under section 212 (a)(6)© of the IMmigration the national act (INC).

    We returning the visa petition to the approving US.Citizenship and immigration service through US IS THROUGH NVC FOR APPROPRIATE ACTION


  3. This is what the LETTER says

    The applicants were refused visas august 26 2015 because a personable relationship not established between you and the applicants misrepresented material information to the consular officer.she was found ineligible for the visa under section 212a(6)c of the immigrant and national act (IN A) ,we returning the visa petition of the approving US Citizenship and immigration service (USCIS) office through our nation visa center nvc for appropriate action.When the uscis is an reciept of the case you may contact the uscis nvc customer service

    In august 26we sent the applicants their passport

  4. BThat the way thats why I said k2because my child born here in the Philippines nd we spousal together a k2 Coz that time she don't hve us PASSPORT only Philippines passport.so they told from embassy that she needs a crba coz she citizen.nd when the time That we finish nd submit all we thought they will issue until its like we wish for along time its all lost evrything nd nd I dint know what happening now..what we need to do.someone told us that we can apply waiver .so can we apply here how it works idont really know about papers so I'm so confuse .

  5. Yah because when we apply our visa we are 4 appliacant my daughters nd me ,nd that time my last child is the daughter of my fiance so they told that my baby needs to get crab coz her dad was us citizen they just told from embassy that we need to apply for crba nd submit another documents so we did we apply then we do also DNA for her if my fiance is the biological father of my daughter so we did then they issue the crba including us passport of my child then we submit also copy of crba nd passport of child including the documents that they need coz they said that we need to submit all papers that they need so they will continue process the visa so we submit all until they said under review until it becomes administrative process then,they said everytime we call the case still review so we wait until they keep updated the date of our case but still administrative then last august we check our case its refuse then wecall nd they send email that they cant issue the visa under 212a(5)A so we upset until they Said that the petition is they forwarded in USCIS FOR RECONSIDERATION TO DISPOSITION IM SO COMFUSE ND FRUSTRATED.LAST MONTH WE RECIEVE ALSO OUR PASSPORT WITHOUT VISA..TOGETHER WITH A LETTER GREEN LETTER SAYING THAT THEY CANT ISSUE THE VISA UNDER212a(5)A so idont know wat to do now

  6. Hi good day to all just want to ask if anyone if you have same situation regarding our case we been waiting for almost two year to approve our visa last year of June 2014 I finish my interview in usembassy manila for k visa that time they said ineed to send documents coz they put underadmistrative process our case when the time they said that right away isend the documents including the crba photo copy nd us passport photo copy of our child nd they said again underview so we wait everytime we calling to follow up our case but its say under review until one time month of august this year 2015 we check status of our case nd it say refuse I'm so frustrated my fiance disappointed.then we wait another until they said that they will not issue our visa.so they denied then they send back our passport togetherr with a green paper saying reconsideration to disposition.under 212a(5)a I'm thinking much now don't know wat to do they forward ready our petition in uscis for reconsideration to disposition.what needs to do we did much all.we can but its like they denied our case .nd they told us wait I'm just upset wewaiting for along time this ithought we will together with my fiance nd get married happy family nd he can take care now of our baby but so sad that usembassy manila they denied all documents we send everything we send ,now we both stress together with my fiance we dont even know if theres a posibility that we can reapply or what idont know .nd someone told us we can do waiver idont know wats that nd how long it takes the process ...is there anyone in.embassy can help us regarding this problem can we do waiver apply in usembassy manila hope someone gonna advance thank you

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