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Posts posted by k1701

  1. Hi all!

    Basically, I am a UK citizen. I am currently engaged to a US citizen. I am visiting her currently on a visa waiver program. (I have a return ticket, returning back to the UK next month). As we are engaged now, the discussion of marriage sooner rather than later, is now in conversation as we both cannot wait until the next visit. Air fares aren't cheap and timing isn't the best due to one anothers work schedules.

    We have thought about going to get hitched in Virginia but I have a few questions and hoping I can get some help with them. It's a completely last minute, spontaneous decision. I guess when you know, you know, right? :-) I certainly do not want to wait longer than I have to, to spend my life with this girl.

    I was just wondering whether this would be a good idea? Will it cause any issues? Has anyone reading this, done it this way and can you give me your story?

    I have read SO many different views on this on the internet.

    Some people have said it's a very bad idea and shouldn't be attempted as we'll end up having people knocking on the door, ready to deport me. Others have said it would be OK to do, as my first initial intentions for my visit, which I stated at the border, was visiting my fiancé before coming back home to reality after a few weeks!

    What would the next steps have to be, if we were to get married?

    Would I be able to stay in the US whilst the relevant paperwork is submitted?

    Which forms need to be submitted? Are they expensive? (I didn't exactly have plenty of savings for this!)

    How long would the whole process take?

    I understand too, that I'll be unable to work until I have a green card?

    I'm just really worried as I know next to nothing about this whole journey when it comes to visas etc.

    I want to marry as soon as I can with this girl, but I don't want it to cause problems down the road for us both.

    Thank you for any information/advice you may give!

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