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Posts posted by SHA2078640

  1. Well ...this is what happend. The documents that I sent him ...wasn't able to get him by the interview time ?

    He went fully prepared regarding our relationship and my past. But he didn't have the original certificate and he didn't have the medical ..although he had the recite . And he didn't have my 1040s tax return

    He went their and they asked these question,,...

    What's your name what's ur fiances name ? How you two meet? Where does she live? How long have you known eachother? Did you know she was married? Did you know that her ex husband applied for a green card.?

    And they asked him...are you gonna leave her after getting a free card....also how long after divorce your relationship with her began.. Which he said 6 months....

    After all this ? he said your case is different ...Theirfor it's going to go under AP....and we will contact you when we make our decision. Until then don't go to the medical examination ...because it might take a while for u to here from us...and they handed him a yellow paper? stating he is not eligible for visa at the moment and on the bottom it says he needs to send the forms medical examination, tax return, and original certificate. So I'm confused ...are we denied ????????are we in the process of being denied... I'm not really sure...I been crying all day after hearing all this and also they gave his passport back. ???????so I know that's a red flag for when visas get denied.... ????? I don't really know what to do....I feel like even if we send all those documents he might get rejected either way....

  2. So an update ?....interview is tonight for us and tommarow for him....and he hasn't recived his documents ....I'm nervous ....he will go empty handed ...just couple of receipts and some photograph of our relationship.....you guys have an expearnce on this..... Has this ever happens to anyone....

    Also my lawyer spelled his name wrong on visa application and also wrote the wrong language .....I don't no how much of issue this might be.....

  3. So an update.... My lawyer has decided that it's best if we continue with the interview and try our best..... The interview is on Sunday morning......and I sent the documents he needed through ups and it cost 180... And it might get their by 11 am.....hopefully he can call and get it rather them deliver it.....I'm sooooo nervous ....as I said this is my second case...so I'm frightened ........and he hasn't properly learned everything .....and he still hasn't done his medical.....so first thing tommarow ....he will go and take passport picture the fit the requirement for the visa application....and then go do his medical..... We only have 4 days left for him to study .....and Recife all the documents and study them...I am very nervous ???????and excited??.....I just hope I can log in here and excitingly post regards his approval interview ??????????????so excited ....please pray for me ...obviously I will as well but u guys know what I'm going through...

  4. He will need an English translation too. If he has the English version, have him take that. They will put him in AP and wait for him to send them the document if they need it. If he hasn't had his medical exam yet, then he will need to be in AP anyway until the medical report gets to the embassy.

    It's fine if you can mail the tazkira to him. Mail it today or within the next few days and you might get a short AP.[/quote

    It takes atleast a week .... So I can email him the certificate

  5. Omg you guys I'm so happy....so my lawyer got An email regards his interview and its on the 4th of October ??????I don't no what to do because ....I accidentky brought his original certificate .....and now he needs it on his interview..but we only have 2 days to fill the form and all that ...what should I do I need like a week to prep all this.....what should I do.... My lawyer isn't picking her phone up

  6. So here it is..... I am under so much stress. I started my fiances case in July ang got application approved on August something then it went to NVC anf from their to kabul embassy on sept 3 ....now it's the end of the month ..... And the embassy he lives in says they have his paperwork but it's taking them time. How long though I miss my baby so much. ? I'm stressing because this is my second fiance via that I have applied ..... I applied for my ex husband in 2011 and he came we got married and our marriage broke less than or around 2 years.... Couldn't stay with him....that's why I'm stressing ....does any one hand an experience with second visas?. I'm stressing a lot crying a lot ....can someone that knows about this help me out.plz

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