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Posts posted by shakennotstirred

  1. He has his citizenship papers, and police records.

    He needs BOTH an original and current?

    He doesn't have the original (issued when he was born). Nobody in his family has it.

    He can't leave France now to get another copy. I suppose we will make a phone call because he said he cannot get another one issued at the consulate in France either. His copy from 2010 is from when he visited his birth country.

    Thank you.

  2. Hello everyone,

    I have a rather particular question.

    My fiance is French (a French citizen, has lived there practically his whole life). He was however born in another country. What kind of copy does he need to bring to the interview? Is the one we have fine? In France they want the (French) paperwork to be no more than 3 months old.

    "STEP TWO: Obtain original or certified copies of documents listed below for yourself and each family member who will immigrate to the United States from the relevant issuing authority. All documents are required, even if previously submitted with a petition filed with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in the United States."

    "Birth certificates: One original or a certified copy of the birth certificate (copie integrale de l’acte de naissance) is required for each person named in the application. In countries such as France where an updated birth certificate is available, the birth certificate must be less than 3 months old. The birth certificate must state the date and place of birth and the names of both parents. The certificate must also indicate if it is an extract from official records. Birth listings in family books (livret de famille) are not accepted."

    He has an "Extrait D'Acte De Naissance" from an African country (and it is in French, which is fine because at the French embassy everything has to be in either English, French, or Portuguese). The only thing is it does not say "copie integrale de l'acte de naissance". Though it is a copy, hand stamped etc but it dates from 2010 so it's not an original by any means.

    Any insight would be appreciated.

  3. Hello everyone,

    I have a question that is seriously worrying me. My fiance and I have been together for a while. We started filling out our paperwork Long LONG before we ever sent it in (as he was still a student and both my parents went through life threatening illnesses we decided to postpone our filing as I knew I would be swamped being a caregiver for them and wouldn't be able to help him adjust to America etc..plus quite frankly the stress of all that was already too much for me). Anyway, it has been a LONG wait since we did finally send in our paperwork back at the beginning of this year (about a year after we started filling the papers out!)

    When I sent in the papers I reread my answers thoroughly but I guess I hadn't read through my fiance's as well. I don't know why/how it happened so please don't get on me about it.

    Anyway he used the same paper he originally was filling out and just signed and dated it.

    The problem is, he was a student back then so under employment the most current thing is STUDENT from the start date until PRESENT TIME.

    This was no longer true when I mailed it in but I had not noticed it and now we are about to send in the DS160 and I was looking over what he filled out and checking over all the addresses etc (just double checking as we all should ALWAYS do) and so I was looking back at the g325a and noticed the error. I am freaking out!

    I tried to look through the forum and elsewhere online and have seen lots of mistakes on the 325a even some regarding current addresses etc. Everyone states to just bring out a proper updated form an explain the error at the interview before they even ask.

    Is this what we should do? Should he bring his diploma/degree with him to back things up?

    I am at a lost and after all this time am quite worried about this.

    Thank you for your time!

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