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Posts posted by Wrenly

  1. Thanks so much! I'll call him as soon as I'm off work. If I could have given him a cuddle this would have been over on Sunday. :)

    ... and there's the problem...

    Respect the fact that he did not want to take his mood out on you, and give him his space. The sooner you can work those sorts of cues out, and accept them of each other, the better off you'll be. I used to get bothered when he would want to end a phone call because he was 'tired', even though I had more I wanted to talk about... or sometimes just listening to him BREATHE is enough for me... :blush:

    But I know now how he 'shuts down' when he's tired (unlike me who can go weeks on a average of 5 hrs of sleep a night) and I let him go... it's not like it's our last chance to talk or anything like that....

    Be patient with each other... it's easy to let the little things intrude. Rise above them!!


    To quote Marie from When Harry Met Sally "You're right. You're right. I know you're right." :)

  2. Ok, I'm hoping I've been posting on here long enough to start a topic like this. :)

    Mikey and I are in a bit of a snit. The whole thing went something like this.

    He was supposed to call on Sunday. Sunday afternoon I got a text message:

    "I know I was supposed to call you today, but I'm in a really foul mood today and I don't want to take it out on you. I'll talk to you soon."

    I forgot to breathe before I text'd him back with "Oh there's a good reason. I have to go wash my hair now." And promptly turned my phone off. *sigh*

    Instead of the message I expected from him pleading for forgiveness ;) I got "I'm not really in the mood for sarcastic comments."

    So yeah. Now it's a stalemate. I feel very silly. We had a text back and forth yesterday but it was just about something of his that I found and wanted to know if he wanted me to keep it.

    I really want to call him, but I'm stubborn and want him to call like he was supposed to.

    As I'm typing this out, I realize I sound about 10. I guess I should just call.

    I hate thinking he's over there upset with me. :( But I also hate thinking he didn't call because he was mad that Rooney got a red card. You know? Sorry.

  3. Welcome. It sounds like you've been doing some good research. You'll find people on here very helpful (make sure to read the Guides--there's a link at the top of the page). :D Best of luck to you.

  4. [snip]

    Part of the problem, for me, is that often people only see the US thru the eyes of the media..which always carries some reporting bias (oops showing my sociology degree roots here, lol)..and a lot of them will either never have been there, or not know any Americans personally.

    I think this poll could be equally used to describe how people felt about the UK in its Imperialist days - with the exception of the Bush comments/current world affairs :lol:

    I've no doubt SOME Americans are 'rude and ignorant' but then so are PEOPLE from EVERYWHERE.

    Well said. :thumbs:

  5. I had no idea what it meant, but I was kinda scared to ask. So I just kept reading people's posts and eventually figured it out on my own. Worked for me. :)

    You did well :yes: . Now how do we instill that fear in others so that they too will figure it out on their own?...



    Fear as a research motivator!

  6. Thanks for this story.

    I explained in my introuction how there was a lapse of 8 years in my relationship with Mike.

    So this time when I went to pick him up at the airport and it was taking so long for him to clear customs I started to get paranoid that I wouldn't recognize him or he me...but then I saw him like 10 miles down the hallway and it was like no time had passed at all. *thumpty thump* went my heart.

    I love to watch people in general...at airports, malls, etc. We're all so different, it's wonderful.

  7. I love him because when I got us lost in the slums of Washington D.C., threw a tantrum, blamed him for being lost, and stopped the car in the middle of the street he said:

    "But I'm not even from this country."

    And made me laugh.

    And still loved me even after that. :star:(L)

  8. I like Virgin much better than BA. The people on BA I've always found to be very friendly, but I feel even more like a squashed sardine than usual on their economy class. No room for your legs at all! (I'm 5'6)

  9. I think that a lot of couples do the math and realize that one salary would end up just being enough to cover daycare, babysitters, etc and it ends up being a wash.

    I hope that this disagreement doesn't turn into something much bigger, family is the most important thing! Much more important than being "right." (not directed to the OP, just in general)

    I hope you work everything out!

  10. OK OK, it's bmi. :)

    I have flown on BMI and I liked it.

    Have fun!

    I'm flying on U.S. Airways for the first time--in 3 and a half weeks(the countdown has started).

    I usually fly on British Airways.

    Cool, thanks for the info on BMI. I'd never even heard of them! So I was reluctant to book...but I sent Mike a text message and he assured me they were for real. :lol: I'd rather fly on Virgin, but Mike would rather not have to drive all the way to London to pick me up, so Manchester it is.

    Now onto finding my passport and getting it renewed! :wacko:

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