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Posts posted by Orojen

  1. The form was just for the aknowledge of the conditions, etc... basically one paragraph on a copy of a copy of a copy of the form haha... not even a fresh print out... sad uh?...

    Infopass appointments really help, even if they tell you the same old "fbi name check pending", at least you know it's still there and not that someone "forgot" to do something else they needed to do... the wait is very frustrating... I feel very lucky now, and today I got the USCIS email about the update on the case status... it feels wonderful....

    Something else, this website is the best thing that has happened to me on this visa-green card journey, I learned so much from a lot of people and hearing all the stories is very comforting, knowing what else is there to do and that you do have options...

    If someone had told me there's a paper to sign right there after you are approved, at the time of the interview I would have asked the immigration officer and maybe she would have remembered... the other things is whenever asking questions to the officers and making comments, always always be polite.. i've learned that with them you never win!!!... once again that is sad.. but if you are polite and friendly you have more chances to get the right answers, of course everyone is different and you never know what kind of mood the officer will be in...

    Ok I'm rambling now.. good luck everyone and thanks again!.... I'm heading to Mexico on the 29th and I'm soooo happy!!


  2. Hello everyone who is been waiting for the Green Card...I'd like to share my story...

    Back in Oct 12th 2006 i had my interview for AOS. After 5mins interview the lady said: you are approved, your card should arrive in the mail in 3-4 weeks, and she took all my original AP and Employment Card. I happily went home, bought a ticket to fly to my home country to see my family in december. But I never made the trip! I called them every single day and nobody replied to my messages. I tried to go to an infopass appointment and the roads were too icy back in November and I did not go.

    It was January and the card never arrived! After reading all the threads in this site I convinced myself that my green card was pending because of the FBI name check.

    Getting anxious with this cold weather and wanting to see my family, not to mention get my driver's license and not been able to prove my status in this country, I decided to get an Infopass appointment.

    Yesterday, Jan 16th, I went back to the immigration office, and spoke directly to the person who interview me last time. She literally said: I forgot this document for you to sign and she handed me a piece of paper where I singed my name -while she openned my file- and right before my eyes, all my documents were still sitting there!!!!!!!! Then she said, she had not approved my case back then because she forgot that form!!!!!!!!!!! Right there she stamped my passport so I can travel now, and told me once again, smiling, that my green card should be in the mail in 3-4 weeks.

    Another lessson learned: every case is unique!.. and always ask! Infopass appointments are good!

    Good luck everyone, hope this time I do get my card... at least I got the stamp on the passport and that's all I care about right now! *SMILE*

  3. Here is my sad story.. back in oct 12th my aos was approved, quick easy interview... I told the immigration officer I needed to travel on dec 1st and she said: you will receive your green card in 3 weeks, you have nothing to worry about. YYYYessssss she was wrong. I have been calling them for 2 weeks because I have no welcoming letter, no changes in uscis website and no green card.

    I made the infopass appointment for today and after driving for 2 hours my husband and i decided we couldnt go any further (we are in montana) because the road was so icy and the pass (mountain pass) seemed dangerous in such conditions. All I could do was call the phone number at the immigration office and left the message telling them my situation and asking them to please call me back or let me talk to someone because i need to travel and i have no proof of my status...

    My question is what would happen if I go ahead and travel anyway... beside spending a long time at the port of entry, could they not allow me back into the country????? The officer at the interview said I am an offical resident since the day of the interview, is that true? does that count???? what can i do???????????

    I'm sad, miserable and most of all very frustrated... please help!!!


  4. Crazy, that's the word for it, seems like all of us are on the same boat... Same messages on the uscis website, no paperwork on time... but yes, this website is truly comforting... I love it!

    So for Thanksgiving I'm thankful to have found all of you!

    On the other hand, back to the same subject... I got my infopass appointment for Monday just in case but... Actually for my surprise when I had my AOs interview and my case was approved, the lady gave me their office phone number, it's a "leave message" number but they did call me back!!!!! They did not want to leave a message in the answering machine so they say they will call me again later... nice uh!!!!!!!!!!! It's awesome not to have to call the 1800 number... I love the immigration office here in Montana (Helena), they are very very helpfull, even when the times are the same for every office from what I have seen, here in Montana they are not as busy and they always have someone come talk to you and help!!! which is awesome.

    I hope they call me back soon and I dont have to drive there (3 hours drive, not bad)... but even if i do, it will be for my own sake. I have to travel to my home country on Dec 1st, and at the interview when my case was approved they took my AP!!!... no green card, no AP, no employment card... yikes! They will help me out I'm sure, it just sucks to have to deal with this.

    Well, hope you all are doing well. Patience is the name of the game, and dont worry too much, cheer up!


  5. My interview was October 12th!! :)

    I will just call them today (directly to the officer who interviewed us (she gave us her number!!), she was very nice... but I'm sure I'll have to have an infopass appointment and they will have to stamp my passport -it sucks!

    Orojen, I'm in exactly the same boat as you. Interview 11th October, "You're Approved, you'll get your green card in 2 weeks". Since then nothing but a touch on November 11th. I called the hotline and they told me they couldn't even put in an inquirey with the DO until 3 months after my interview. Also I wrote a letter to my DO which has so far been ignored.
  6. thanks for the answers... I get a little anxious because they made me wait sooo long for my AP before and now again with the green card and I already got my tickets to travel -which I informed the immigration officeer about it at the interview and she said it wouldnt be a problem (now it is becoming a problem). I do get anxious, I know it's not right! :)

    The weird part is that my Case Status online has not been updated since May, aint that weird?????

    I will give them a call and find out if I need to go all the way to their office, is kind of away from here... I'm sure they'll help me out, I just hate having to go there again!


    Thanks alot!!


    Well, Since you were approved.. you can make an infopass and go to your local office to get your passport stamped. With that you can travel outside the U.S.

    Good luck...

  7. My husband and I had our AOS interview (one and only) on October 12th! and it was approved. Only took 5 minutes, the lady was very nice, just two questions: birthdays and parents name's, she looked at pics, did not take any of the paperwork I brought with me (listed in the AOS interview letter) except for the Vaccination Supplement (which by the way was for free, no charges for that here in MT). And she also looked at our wedding pictures (briefly). Of course we took 4 albums and 1 book with all the documentation in order. I think it helped because she saw we were serious about this. Gives a good impression!.

    So now, I'm waiting for my green card to arrive in the mail, it's killing me because they said it would take 3 to 4 weeks, it's been over a month and it's not here yet. does anyone know how long it usually takes????? I'm traveling to my home country in 2 weeks and of course they take your Employment card and AP, so what do I do? Except for calling them and requesting an answer ( we all know they are not very good at answer questions at the uscis phone line -sad but true)

    Thanks for your help!


  8. Ok, here it goes, I didnt know I had to change my name before sending out all the AOS paperwork. My husband and I were waiting to have all our paperwork approved and then change my name and then open joint accounts at the bank, etc... But now hearing all about the AOS interviews, how can I proof I live with him and we are happy together if there is no bank accounts, or leases, or anything whatsoever!... What do I do now?! I'm confused! please help!



  9. Hi!~

    I'm so sorry to hear such bad things happening... I was very close to cancel my wedding too. Funny, it's on June 17th!.. Anyway, my AP hadnt even been touched after the biometrics, so I got my infopass appointment and today I was there. I spent almost 4 hours at the office, luckly my husband and I were the only ones there ALL the time we were there, except for 1 person who walked in for biometrics. anyway, we explained the situation, we told them that first of all we planned everyting according to their timelines and that we got an email from them saying that my AOS was almost done (Funny how the AP is not anywhere near and the AOS is almost done!). We told them how much we spent $$ and how much my husband's relatives and our friend up here would lose because everyone have their flight tickets! ... So, we waited, and waited, and waited. After a while, the clerk came out and told us she would see what she could do, and we waited and waited, when she came back she asked me if I had my pics! Of curse not, I didnt know I needed any again!. So she asked me to fill out a new I-131 form, handwrite a letter explaining the emergency. I told her I understood they dont consider it an emergency but on the uscis website they say a bona fide reason is good enough. So I wrote all that, and as the director who approves the paperwork was out for lunch we took off to get my pics taken. When we got back he was had just walked in. The clerk gave him my original Notice of Action, the Biometrics paper, my new form, pics, the letter and passport, and we waited, and waited!... After a total of 3 hours she came out and said everything was ok! ... Meaning it had been approved! ... After another 15 mins she came out with my AP -multiple entries!!! ... I did not pay an extra fee or anything else. Stressful, very! ... I think I was lucky just because this immigration office is small, the director was right there, nobody else ringing their bell, you know what I mean...

    I feel very lucky and blessed I'll be able to fly to my hometown on thursday...

    I wish you all the luck in the world! ... Truly hope you dont have to cancel. I would try another infopass... Good luck again!


  10. I applied for my AP over 60 days ago, and it's still not here...My theory is that on the uscis website the AP is given to people who have a personal emergency or "bona fide" reasons, which means good intentions to travel... A religious ceremony is more than good intentions... I believe if you talk to the officer with the right words and the right reasons there will only be a possitive answer from their side and also it might depend on the local office, I'm in Montana and when I went to the biometrics everything seemed easy and not very busy up there.. so, I'll try my luck on tuesday at the infopass appointment for my emergency AP!!! ... I'll let you know what happens...

    Good luck to you too..


  11. Hi, I know everyone will give you different opinions but I've been there too, and I would suggest, cancel the Virginia wedding for july 3rd. Stay in your homecountry, have your blessing there and then travel to Virginia and have the justice of the peace, etc you have planned... Once you are in Virginia you will have time to apply for the Adjustment of Status and you wont have to worry about as much. Believe me!!! I applied for my AP over two months ago and it's still not here, you dont want that extra-stress on you... I know you already paid alot of money but this is best, truly believe me...

    Good luck!

    p.s. someone suggested get an infopass appointment on 4th of july... that's independence Day, it's a holiday, they dont work that day...just so you know

  12. Ian,

    Our filing dates are the same for our AOS, EAD and AP... I have the same frustration as you... I need to travel to my home country on the 25th no matter what... so what I was told I can do is make an infopass appointment just in case (which I did for May 23rd), and I should be able to receive an emergency AP.... I feel much better knowing that... My husband and I planned our religious weddding for June 17th and I do need to travel there before May 27th for a bunch of things... What I will tell the immigration agent will be: I followed the rules and applied for all the permits according to the processing dates your website gave us, I know it might take longer, and I am aware this is not a death/life situation however, when you apply for AP it tells you your reason to travel could be "bonna fide" which means "good faith" or in other words, good will... So, according to the uscis rules, I dont need to have a sick parent to want to go home... :) ... Rest my case LOL.

    Hope this makes you feel better... I surely will let you know how it goes if I go to the appointment or you can do the same!... Good luck!


  13. Hi!

    My husband and I are having our Church Wedding Ceremony on June 17th in Mexico... I'm still waiting for my AP... My I-131 was received in Chicago on March 15th, so I still have hope that next week my AP will be approved :) I really wish we didnt have the extra stress but oh well, we like following the rules, dont we?... So, I've been told that if my AP is not here I can make an infopass appointment and they'll give me an emergency AP... That makes me feel better :)

    Good luck!


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