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    Mephys got a reaction from JadeyHexed in General FAQ's for Removing Conditions   
    I am sure bdsmusa is trying to be very helpful, but I don't think that the above should be sent with ANY applications. These are not pertinent to support any evidence of relationship. Joint accounts even have a different card number for each person.
    Remember what the instructions says:
    "Other documents you consider relevant to establish that your marriage was not entered into in order to evade the U.S. immigration laws."
    The fact that they know our social scurity number doesn't mean that they should know every single personnal details, such as account numbers on any kind of statement or bills, or credit card information.
  2. Like
    Mephys got a reaction from DiZZyLoX in General FAQ's for Removing Conditions   
    I am sure bdsmusa is trying to be very helpful, but I don't think that the above should be sent with ANY applications. These are not pertinent to support any evidence of relationship. Joint accounts even have a different card number for each person.
    Remember what the instructions says:
    "Other documents you consider relevant to establish that your marriage was not entered into in order to evade the U.S. immigration laws."
    The fact that they know our social scurity number doesn't mean that they should know every single personnal details, such as account numbers on any kind of statement or bills, or credit card information.
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