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Posts posted by NandJ

  1. Danke für die Info.

    Ich habe das Packet 3 mit allen Dokumenten am Samstag nach Frankfurt geschickt. Wir warten jetzt gespannt auf den Link damit wir uns einen Termin aussuchen können. Geplant ist Mitte Juli, hoffentlich bekommen wir einen guten Termin.

    Mal eine Frage für alle die, die nach Frankfurt reisen mussten. Welches Hotel habt ihr euch genommen? Ich bin gerade am schauen. Ich denke wir machen es ganz gemütlich und bleiben 2 Nächte. Eine vor dem Termin und eine Nacht danach damit wir nicht so hetzen müssen. Besonders luxuriös muss es nicht sein, wir wollen ja kein Vermögen für 2 Nächte ausgeben. Ich hätte auch kein Problem ein Taxi vom Hotel zum Konsulat zu nehmen falls ein gutes Hotel ein bisschen weiter weg ist. Ist auch wahrscheinlich sehr viel bequemer.


    ich hatte in Frankfurt das Hotel "IB Best Western Friedberger Warte.

    War sehr zufrieden. Nette Mitarbeiter, sauber, tolles Frühstücksbuffet (auch wenn ich kaum was essen konnte vor meinem Interview :rofl: ) und gleich beim Konsulat. Für ein EZ mit Frühstück hab ich glaube ich ca. 80-90 Euro gezahlt. Nicht sehr günstig, aber mir war es wichtiger gleich beim Konsulat zu sein, anstatt ein vielleicht günstigeres Hotel zu haben, dann aber Taxikosten und Stress/Panik wenn dann Stau gewesen wär oder so. ;)

  2. I totally understand you!!! I came here 2 weeks ago and I'm already starting to get bit depressed and bored.

    I try to get outside of the apartment as much as I can (mostly in the evenings when my fiancé comes home from work): go to the Mall, grocery store...

    The rest of the time I spend with research (immigration process, recipes, jobs, etc.), cooking, cleaning and watching TV lol

    Maybe you have a gym somewhere close? That's what I'm gonna start soon, since we have one in our apartment complex. ;)

  3. Hey Guys, im leaving this upcoming Tuesday. Got pretty much everything packet and ready to go.

    I have been pretty emotional these last couple of days. I'd appreciate if someone else might wanna share how they felt and what their experience was. Dont get me wrong. I am super happy to see my fiance and that we can finally be together and move on with our lives. :) my brain is just going a hundred miles an hour. scared that i might forgot something / what future holds....these thoughts are normal, right?

    and to Sugarplease and NandJ i'll be in MD by the End of next Week, near Ocean City to meet up with my Future Employer. I'd love to have a coffee with you guys if you are close by.

    ALSO i always tent to forget to say (hope that doesnt seem selfish) Congratulations to all NEW approvals! :)

    I know exactly how you feel!!!! :yes: The last days in Germany were tough... happy, sad, excited, scared... all at the same time! lol

    So yes, your thoughts are normal! ^_^

    I'm close to Baltimore, so I'm afraid that might be a bit too far for a coffee ;(

    Lol totally :) Like I said, we can have a bbq american style lol. yeehaa?? i dunno, sounded american. lol

    YES!!! :yes:

  4. thank you! Wedding date is May 1st! Surprisingly, I am not too stressed about it.. YET.. but I know it will start when I get the states!

    Do you have a date?

    I think I'm not stressed because we are keeping it simple and small.

    sorry, I'm a little late.

    hehe, ja the stress will probably start later ;)

    We don't have a date yet and that stresses me so much. lol Because I'm so worried about e.g. health insurance between the POE and the wedding. But after a long day of research I found something (inbound immigrand insurance) and am a bit more relaxed now. ;) How are you gonna handle it since you have about 3 months to cover?

  5. I'm so happy everyone is getting approved :) I remember our early days :) My interview is in a few days and hopefully all goes well. All my papers are in perfect order, paper clipped, stickied and photocopied to all heck. Even being super prepared im still nervous..... so close!!

    I'll be thinking of you and keep my fingers crossed on 3 February! :) you will be fine. I was so nervous and anxious about literally everything and in the end it was so relaxed and actually not worth the stress. Lol

    But I understand exactly how you feel.

  6. i do but it sounded like they just give you one option and if you might check in later they might give you the opportunity to get it earlier or maybe later. , ;)

    oh no! lol

    they just show you the first possible date on the side and then you have the calendar to book any other date you want. ;) But I guess you'll see tomorrow ;)

    But don't worry, it's normal that they first "review your request" and then you are free to chose a date and time ;)

  7. Right on! Thank you so much for your fast response :) soooo i shouldnt go with my first option you say?

    Depends on you! I'm just saying ;) Maybe you have a preferred date?

    I was happy, because I was hoping for the 25. since that was the only possible date for me in January.

    So I was glad I waited a little bit (even though I was just "forced" to wait until I got home. otherwise I probably would have chosen 8. February) lol

  8. Hey um i just logged in into my account. When i clicked onto Request for an Interview all i got was this

    Your request to schedule an appointment has been received and will be reviewed. You will receive an email once your request is approved.

    I thought there would be something like a calendar. was it the same for you?


    Yes, it was the same for me. You have to wait until tomorrow. Then they'll send you another email that your request is approved and you can go back to ustraveldocs to schedule the appointment. Then there will be a calendar and it shows you the first possible date. ;)

    When I first logged in it said 26. January and later that day it was the 25. :)

  9. Hallo zusammen!

    Ich habe eine Frage, die mich gerade verrückt macht:

    Kann ich das DS-160 nochmal neu ausfüllen? Ich habe die Visa Fee noch nicht gezahlt.

    Wir wollten eigentlich Paket 3 vor Weihnachten losschicken, aber die Unterlagen meines Verlobten kamen nicht mehr rechtzeitig an. :(

    Ich war jetzt über Weihnachten drüben, habe aber das DS160 schon Anfang Dezember ausgefüllt. Damit stimmt ja der Teil mit den "previous visits to the US" nicht mehr.

    Kann ich Probleme bekommen, wenn ich es nicht nochmal neu ausfülle, bzw. kann ein Problem entstehen wenn ich ein neues DS160 mache?

    Bin über jede Hilfe dankbar. Ich mach mich gerade selber ganz wahnsinnig :unsure: lol

  10. Hi everyone,

    I just came back from visiting my fiancé the US today. We actually wanted to send packet 3 back to the Embassy in Frankfurt before my trip. So I filled out and submitted the DS-160 beginning of December.

    My problem now is that the "previous visits to the US"-part is not current anymore. Since I thought we would send packet 3 before Christmas I didn't worry about it.

    The confirmation page is dated December 4th, but I haven't paid the Visa Fee yet. I want to send everything to the embassy tomorrow.

    So my question is can I fill out a new DS-160 or should I just use the one I already have, since the date it was submitted online was before my last visit (Visit was 24 December until 5 January).

    I will be happy about your answes and help. I'm so insecure and nervous about it.

  11. Congrats to all new approvals and a happy new year to all! :goofy::joy:

    I just came back home from the US to spend Christmas and NYE with my love. I had a wonderful time but now it feels like the stress continues.

    The actual plan was to send pack 3 to the embassy before Christmas (before my visit). But the papers stuck in customs (nobody knows why..... it's only papaerwork! lol), even though he sent it with priority mail...

    So now I'm getting everything ready to send it tomorrow.

    My question now: I already filled the DS160 before I travelled and there I had to say when my last visit to the US was. Does anybody know if that could cause a problem or how I could change the DS160 again, even though I already got the confirmation page for submitting it?

    I really hope somebody can help me. I'm already anxious again :unsure:

  12. Check this forum http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/67796-yes-you-can-visit/

    And lucky you! You must be so excited!! I still have to wait 4 weeks to see my fiancé. Last night I actually couldn't sleep cause I was so excited so I got up at like midnight and "practice packed". Then I had a nightmare about forgetting my passport when I went to the airport haha. And then a dream that it was actually me that had to be interviewed and we were approved.

    thanks for the link. I already checked it out, but I was hoping for any experience from my septermber-filers-family. :)

    I can't wait to see him again. Even though it's only been like 3 months or so... I understund what you mean! ;) I had several dreams in which I'd rather missed my flight or forgot something. lol

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