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Posts posted by UkrainianLady

  1. You are right "But he forgot one thing, that I'm from Ukraine and we are very strong young girls and ladies there."

    Hello, thank you and for everyone with the helpful advice, the good and the bad.) I respect everyones opinion here. I found a job, but he will not take me, so I will just walk. But my husband told me that it wont be my money, If I work, over the phone. He wont even open up a bank account for me. I don't care anymore, I have found a group of support here, that sees my situation and know the kind of man he is. Church is where I go to find solice and the people there are really helpful and witness how bad he is to me.

    This is not the first Ukrainian young lady he tried to marry before and caught him in his web of lies. I'm still alone here, while he's away for the weekend again. As for the attorney there is a nice Russian law firm not to far away that deals with this and is helping me.

    As for being dependent on him, the town we live is very small and when someone who does not want you to succeed in life and locks you away from the world is another story. He talks about minorites taking American jobs and I'm his wife and he thinks I don't understand him. I speak three languages, fluently and very good English by the way and yes I'm only 21. Someone here asked me was this the first time that I have been away from my home, yes, for the past 18 month I been here.

    As of the Alimony, I don't care for this, I wanted to know, because I have found a job.

    I just don't want to see him ruin another young ladies innocents and go praying again over the internet and tell more lies. If I was an American Lady this would not happen. I see him and his lies, when he talks he lies or just likes to verbally abuse me. But he forgot one thing, that I'm from Ukraine and we are very strong young girls and ladies there. For 18 months we lived together over 3 years communicating over the internet, Skype and email. I never saw this side of him until, I was already here in America.

  2. Sorry to hear what is going on, I am also from Ukraine, my husband treats me nice, I am lucky to have him as husband.

    You need to get out of this relationship.

    Communication is very important between both of you. If he ignores you it is not good.

    I really appreciate all of your advices that were given to me here. It really means a lot to read all the support out there and has made me think harder about my current situation. Thank you so much! I know that I deserve someone better and just cant imagine that hes 30 and Im 21, but I feel like the mature one in our marriage. Im tired of feeling scared and trapped to someone who continues to use threats and connotes to make me feel bad about myself.

    Today I wanted to see if he could change, and make it work, but today he told me how I should wash my clothes. Then he began to get loud and complain how bad I am, that I take very long showers. That's just crazy. I can't believe that. This went on for almost 2 hours, "god", of him yelling at me, that I need to learn and that he would teach me again.

    Many husbands would love for their wives to look beautiful for them, but thats not the case. He just continues to put me down every chance he gets. When I talk with people they always tell me how good my English is and he tells me you cant speak my language and your just bad. He said does people dont live with you, so they dont know anything.

    Everyone always tells me how beautiful I am and theyre very nice to me, but he never does this with me. Only when he was writing to me when I was in Ukraine back in 2013, and when we first met and the 1st and 2nd months before we got married, last year in July 2014. He just lied about everything. He really believes that I dont know. I know.

    He expected (basically Im going) me to go next week with him in Spokane to his friends wedding. He never asked me do I want to go. Im his propriety so I should go. He rented himself a suit but doesn't want to buy me a dress. His answer, I dont need that, he told me, thats too much money again.

    Anyways I dont want to go because all the drinking involved and his friends love to smoke so, so much, I dont drink and dont like his friends, very rude, and I mean rude people. I went to his brother wedding in July 2015 and he left me there all alone and I was by myself for the whole wedding, while he and his friends went drinking and partying. Every day he makes me feel so upset and disappointed in myself s and that Im not good enough for him.

    I know that he should be lucky to have someone beautiful like me, that actually loves him, but thats not his mindset. His favorite thing to do is yell at me, tell me how bad I am, teach me whats right and whats wrong, and boss me around. I know my relationship is not good and after 14 months of marriage, living together and 3 years of dating, Im tired of the verbal abuse. I tired of the abuse, just for him to feel good about himself. I dont want to be his punching bag no more.

    Also I found out that I was not the first young lady he tried to marry from my country in Ukraine. She was the lucky one. She told him no that hes weird. She saw passed his lies and I did not.(

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