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Posts posted by carreonm

  1. Hello everyone,

    I am trying to get some advice on how to start my petition and here is our story. I was born and raised in the Philippines and pretty much I grew up in the same place as my fiancee, we attended the same high school but during college my family and I moved to Guam. I already have a crush on her since we were in high school and my feelings for her became serious but I never told her while I was still in the Philippines, but when I was in Guam I started to express my feelings for her and we communicated through chat and phone calls until she became my girlfriend. I decided to join the Air Force and the time I was in training I had a hard time on communicating with her until we split. 3 years passed our paths crossed again and we started talking again through chat and phone calls until we felt that we go deeper in our relationship and I planned to propose to her. So I prepared myself by starting to send money on her account just to establish something and last August I went back to the Philippines to propose to her. I spent a month with her in the Philippines and after my proposal I asked for her hand from her parents and then we started to stay together as live in partners for the rest of my time in the Philippines. We had pictures together to serve as proof and my plane tickets are saved too. When I left her I felt that I should apply the petition ASAP and as far as application is concern I already started filling out the forms and she already filled out her part. Now I only ask if there's anything that I can do to strengthen our case? Any suggestions are welcome and I really need to get other people's opinion about our case. Thank very much in advance!!


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