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Posts posted by naalite

  1. My wife's I-94 will be expiring in the next week. We have not filed for the AOS yet since I did not have a job for the past couple of months and don't have the proof of income needed for the affidavit of support. However, in June, I will be starting a job with great pay and benefits.

    We were not able to get my wife a state ID (Illinois), but we did get her a social security card. We went to the DMV a couple weeks ago and they told us since her visa was expiring in 3 weeks, she was not eligible to receive an ID. They even told us that she had to leave the country when her visa expired, which I do not believe is the case.

    My first question is about the ID. Should she actually be eligible for one? If so, is there any documents I can show to the DMV to prove this?

    My second question is about health benefits once I start my new job. Since her visa will be expired and we haven't completed the AOS, will she be eligible to be on my healthcare benefits at my new job?

  2. I have a friend living in Italy. She owns a house there, has a long term relationship, and has lived there for over 10 years. However, she is a Romanian citizen. Romania is not yet on the visa waiver program. When she applies for a B2 visa, will she need to travel back to Romania? Or can she apply in Italy? Also, she does need a visa to travel, correct?

  3. My fiancee received her visa today! She is going to be coming to the US on Feb. 9. We were wondering, do people usually bring a copy of their medical history with them? Or should the paperwork that was given by the medical exam be enough?

    Also, at the port of entry, I read somewhere that she could request work authorization from the immigration officer. Can this be requested, and if so, would filing an I-765 be unnecessary?

  4. My fiancee is Romanian and we are almost ready to schedule her interview for her k1 visa. We are looking for some advise from anybody who has been through the process in Romania before.

    Specifically, my fiancee is from Cluj and knows very little about Bucharest. She is going to have to make a long journey to get there. Unfortunately, I can't be there with her, and she will have to travel alone. For the trip, we are primarily considering train or bus, but we have talked a little bit about flying. Any tips here?

    We noticed that the medical exam is far from the embassy. Any tips on whether a bus or taxi should be taken in the city to get to these areas?

    Another question concerns hotels. What areas are good to stay in? Should she stay closer to the embassy or the medical exam locations?

    Anything else we need to consider?

  5. I totally agree that it would be nice to hear from somebody who has been through this. We have decided to get her marriage certificate, but we aren't sure how long it will take her until tomorrow. Without hearing about any experiences with this specifically, we have decided to err on the side of caution.

    Either way, I know that she will have to have this document come interview time. But with this being the only document we are waiting on, if they make us wait for it, it could be a painful wait.

  6. I have seen it mentioned in these forums and in other places that on the I-129f, the family name should be in caps. I can't find this requirement anywhere in the instructions of on the form itself. Is this an old requirement?

    If this is a requirement, is it also a requirement on the G-325a? My fiancee mailed her signed G-325a to me a few days ago. I am hoping this doesn't need to be redone.

  7. Keep in mind, this is for my former wife, not my fiancee.

    Won't there be an issue since her first name is different than her birth first name?

    Making up a name, let's say Jane Smith was her given name on her birth certificate.

    When she was an adult, she changed her name to, say, Kelly Johnson.

    When we were married, lets say her name became Kelly Jackson.

    Should I really put her name like this?

    First name: Kelly

    Maiden name: Smith

    She never would have gone by this name. And there would be no record of this person existing.

    On the divorce decree, her name before and after would have been, in this example, Kelly Johnson.

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