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Posts posted by noxavis

  1. Hi Leute,

    gestern habe ich endlich meine EAD/AP Combocard bekommen und möchte jetzt nächste Woche rechtzeitig zum Geburtstag meines Vaters nach Deutschland fliegen. Hat jemand von euch Erfahrungen mit der AP Ausreise/Einreise gemacht? Vor allem möchte ich gern wissen, wie das mit dem Flug buchen funktioniert, da in meinem deutschen Reisepass noch mein Mädchenname steht und auf meiner EAD/AP Card mein neuer Nachname, den ich von meinem Mann nach der Hochzeit angenommen habe. Ich werde auf jedenfalls sämtliche Papiere und Marriage License mit auf die Reise nehmen, im Falle des Falles, aber zum Flug buchen werde ich wohl den Namen im Pass angeben müssen, richtig? Bestimmt mache ich mir wieder unnötig viele Gedanken, aber es waere schön von jemandem zu hören, der das alles schon ausprobiert hat! Danke schon mal!

  2. Frage zum K1 Interview:

    Welche Dokumente muss ich mitnehmen?

    Passbilder, Reisepass und Interview confirmation page werde ich definitiv dabei haben. Ebenfalls einige Bilder und Chat-Auszüge.

    Was ist jedoch zB mit der Medical-CD? Oder der DS160 confirmation page?

    Habe das Interview übermorgen und bin super aufgeregt :)

    Hi Daisy,

    Ich hatte alles dabei nur um sicher zu gehen (minus der Originaldokumente, die eh schon dort waren). Aber gebraucht habe ich letztendlich gar nichts. Bzw. Nur meinen Pass und die Interviewbestätigung. Das scheint in Frankfurt den meisten so gegangen zu sein! Also nimm doch einfach am besten die Kopien mit die du gemacht hast vom Paket 3, oder auch die Kopien vom I129f Paket, damit du beruhigt sein kannst. Im Endeffekt wollen sie ziemlich sicher aber sowieso nichts sehen ausser deinen Pass und die Interview confirmation. Medical CD brauchst du def. nicht. :)

  3. hi guys..me again :D ...I finally got married on december 1st and am now almost ready to send in my AOS..just a couple points I'm confused about..I just posted this in the German Forum but maybe someone here can answer me more quickly. On the AOS instructions form here on this forum it says to send in your I-693 Medical Examination. Is that the sealed envelope (it says DO NOT OPEN- it contains a copy of your medical examination) that I have received from the embassy in Germany together with my k1 Visa? do I send in the closed envelope? and do I also include the cd they gave me with my x-rays?..I'm guessing this process might be slightly different from country to country so hopefully someone can help!

  4. hallo ihr alle, ich habe es mittlerweile halb geschafft und bin in den Staaten und seit 1.12 verheiratet. Wir haben soweit alle Dokumente für AOS (Und EAD/AP) zusammen und wollen sie so bald wie möglich einschicken. Meine Frage ist wegen den medical files..der step-by-step-guide für AOS hier im Forum besagt :

    11. I-693, Medical Examination of Aliens Seeking Adjustment of Status.I-693, Medical Examination of Aliens Seeking Adjustment of Status. If you are a K-1, K-2, K-3 or K-4 visa holder the I-693 instructions state that you are not required to have another medical examination as long as your Form I-485 is filed within one year of your overseas medical examination. If you are missing any shots from your overseas medical a I-693 vaccination transcription is required to be completed by seeing a Civil Surgeon to have certain portions of the I-693 completed and have the Civil Surgeon certify the form (sealing the original in an envelope and giving you a copy).

    Lieg ich damit richtig, dass das der verschlossene kleine Brief ist (auf dem steht "DO NOT OPEN- it contains a copy of your medical examination), den ich zusammen mit dem großen Umschlag (bei dem eine Ecke fehlte) und dem Visum zusammen von der Botschaft bekommen haben bevor ich in die USA geflogen bin? Oder ist das noch mal was extra? Muss ich die CD mit meinen Röntgenaufnahmen auch mit schicken? Das ist das einzige was mich ein bisschen verwirrt gerade...

  5. Hi guys, sorry if this has been asked in this thread before, I'm not quite sure if I read every single post.

    I arrived in NJ on Thursday and want to get the marriage license Monday. On the website it says to bring ID, SSN, proof of address, a witness and the $28 fee. Now I have everything except proof of address here in the states. Anyone who's already married know if it's required for both of us? Can I just give them my German (proof of) address for now? How did you guys do it? Thanks!!

  6. Thanks. I spoke to one judge who said they only perform on thursdays. I might ask the office if they know anyone that would perform it on a sunday. Would make life a lot easier.

    Also for SSN, as soon as I arrive how do I start the process? Ive seen a lot of links but nothing with an actual form to fill out. Is it a case of just going to the office or is there something I have to print out or fill out on-line first?


    For me, I only brought my most recent I-94 and my passport. (plus marriage certificate if you want to get the SSN after and have a name change) They were really nice at the office I went to, I just told them I don't really know what I'm doing and they explained everything right then and there. They filled out the form for me at the computer and just asked me the questions directly. However, I did not file on a K1, I filed last time I was in the states on a J1..so it might be slightly different, so this might help:


  7. That is highly unusual. Are you sure? Call up NVC or send an email ( NVCINQUIRY@state.gov) and ask for your case number. You will need to give them your WAC number (put it in subject line). But calling there is much quicker and they are usually very nice and helpful.

    Here is how you get in touch with NVC:


  8. Hi,

    I am not a tax expert so unfortunately I can't help you there. However, repeating what others have said so far: For the K1 application it is sufficient to have ONE year of tax returns. If you have the employment letter and do manage to get paystubs that will be sufficient for NOW (for my application it seemed to be enough anyway)....BUT once you file for adjustment of status, from what I know, you will need THREE past tax returns. If he wasn't employed at all during the time before this coming tax return then you will most likely have to explain why.

    Getting his tax returns back will depend on when you file for the taxes. So far for me I always got them back a few weeks (about a month) after filing.

    He is the USC petitioner and therefore can travel how much he wants. My fiancé came to visit me for 4 weeks last month. Not a problem. If he's lucky enough to have a job where he can take that much time off, good for him. Just be sure that he will have a job to go back to.

  9. Also, keine Panik, alles gut.

    1. Ausschlagebend für die Grippe-Impfung ist der Zeitpunkt des Medicals. Ist der außerhalb der Flu Season (1.10.-31.3.), brauchst du keinen flu shot. Es gibt in D im Moment auch noch keinen Grippe-Impfstoff.

    2. Visa: Fürs K1 selber brauchst du eigentlich gar keine Impfungen, erst zum AOS - natürlich ist es einfacher den Kram in D zu erledigen als drüben.

    3. AOS: Die offizielle Linie laut USCIS Handbuch ist auf das Datum des Medicals zu gucken. Wenn das außerhalb der Flu Season, dann soll keine mangelnde Flu vaccine bemängelt werden, auch wenn die Bearbeitung des AOS Antrages in der Flu Season stattfindet. Im realen Leben wird wohl hier und da mal eine Impfung gefordert, aber sehr wahrscheinlich ist alles gut und du wirst kein neues Medical brauchen.

    Auch siehe hier:


    Und ja, die Wartezeiten bei der Botschaft sind im Moment 4 Wochen plus...hab morgen endlich Termin...der wurde im Juli gebucht.

    Hui, da fällt mir ein Stein vom Herzen! Vielen Dank für die ausführliche Info. Ich wünsch dir ganz viel Glück morgen! :thumbs:

  10. you have to wait until you get an email from the consulate. If you sent out your package 3 today, you shld have the confirmation email by the end of the week or early next week!..I mean you can try to schedule now, but when I tried before getting the email from the consulate nothing happened -in other words it wasnt possible.

    October 29th was the earliest possible date :( the next available one is on November 7th as of now. If you're scheduling in Frankfurt that is. I was also rather astonished/annoyed that I have to wait so long. I was hoping to get it done by mid october which is my intended travel date. but oh well...

  11. Hallo zusammen!

    Ich hab hier mal eine ziemlich spezielle Frage. Heute morgen habe ich meinen Interviewtermin (K1) für den 29. Oktober bekommen (5 Wochen Wartezeit -.-) und bin jetzt ein bisschen am durchdrehen, weil mir diese bescheuerte Flu Season Impfung zu schaffen macht. Ich habe mein Medical letzte Woche schon gemacht ( ja ich weiß mittlerweile, dass ich hätte warten sollen, aber die Infos auf http://germany.usembassy.gov/visa/iv/application/sind echt Irreführend - da steht: " A medical examination needs to be scheduled with one of the approved German panel physicians before you can be scheduled for a visa interview.")

    Jedenfalls ist jetzt meine Frage ob das Probleme geben wird. Auf meinem Medical steht nämlich bei Influenca angekreuzt, dass es irrelevant ist, weil es noch keine Flu Season ist, da die erst am 1. Oktober anfängt und man den Impfstoff vorher sowieso in Deutschland nicht bekommt. Aber mein eigentliches Interview ist dann natürlich schon während der Flu Season. Könnten mir die deswegen das Visum verweigern? Hat hier jemand schon mal das gleiche Problem gehabt? Ich weiß, dass ich dann spätestens beim adjustment of status ein geupdatedes Medical brauche bzw. dieses Zusatzblatt zur Ergänzung des Medicals brauche, das werde ich dann auf mich nehmen. Aber wie sieht es für jetzt aus? HILFE! :o

  12. Okay, to put an end to this topic, in case anyone else is ever looking for an answer for this. I didn't actually do anything wrong. Turns out since I got my email to schedule the interview on a Friday afternoon, it took the whole weekend to get updated on ustraveldocs which is why I couldn't schedule until this morning. My Interview is on the 29th of Oktober..5 weeks wait but at least it's the last step!

    Thanks Sabrina&Chuck for your help!

  13. Totally normal takes 1. several days till they confirm the payment

    2. takes a few days to look trough all the documents if anything is missing etc etc

    No that's not the email you have to get for scheduling a appointment.

    The email has to say you can log into ustraveldocs and schedule NOW an appointment.

    Btw ...it was a huge mistake that you already attended the medical ..you should attend a medical max. 2 weeks earlier then the actual interview appointment is scheduled...otherwise your visa time gets shortend and you don't have 6 months time to travel into the US

    Thanks for your answer but I'm only more confused now. The email I got from the embassy DOES state to schedule the interview now.

    To quote it, it says :

    "Dear (name),

    This office is ready to begin final processing of the immigrant visa applicant(s) named below in this case. We invite you to log on to your account at https://ustraveldocs.com/deand schedule an appointment for a visa interview."

    Maybe my previous formulation wasn't clear. This is NOT the email I received with my packet information of what to send them. I've received that email quite a while ago. I have sent back all the documents already and received the quoted email yesterday. But like I said ustraveldocs. won't let me schedule an appointment. I have already contacted the website but since it's the weekend I obviously haven't heard back from them :(

  14. Hi guys,

    I hope someone can help me. After sending packet 3 back to the consulate on Monday, I just got an email today from the consulate in Frankfurt that states that "the office is ready to begin final processing of the apllicant". It's telling me to sign into my ustraveldocs account to schedule the interview. Now I have already had my medical and paid the fee about a week ago and when I try to schedule an appointment I get as far as the payment information site where my confirmation number is already put in and when I click on continue it just says

    " your request to schedule an appointment has been received and will be reviewed. you will receive an email once your request is approved".

    Is this normal? I thought the email that I received today from the consulate is already the approved request that I need in order to schedule the interview! Do I have to wait for a seperate approval from the ustraveldocs website before I can schedule the appointment or could it be because I just received the email from the consulate today and the system hasnt updated it yet? Has anyone else experienced this?


  15. Hi guys,

    I'm getting ready to send in package 3 to the embassy in Frankfurt. The instructions say to send in the affidavit of support as an original completed document. Now I'm wondering if they also want me to send in the corresponding evidence (like tax returns and bank statements ect.) or should I just bring that to the interview? Also if I do have to send them in, it needs to be the original tax returns ect.?

    Hope someone can help! Thanks!

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