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Posts posted by expatrica

  1. Hello,

    We received an email notification today that my husband's case was transfered to the CSC. I see that a lot of people are in this same situation but what I don't understand is why or what this means for our case. Can someone explain to me briefly what being tranfered to CSC means and what we might expect now? If there is already a thread on this just point me in the right direction please - the search function doesn't seem to be working right now.



  2. Ok, so just to make sure - I should be looking at the processing dates for the Boston, MA district office. Is that right?

    Also, so people are granted AoS without an interview? I've never heard of that!

    ]Thanks so much!

    Follow the times for your local District Office. The MSC or National Benefits Center as it is now known, just does preliminary processing. The DO is where the case will be adjudicated unless you are lucky enough to be transferred to the California Service Center and granted AOS without an interview.
  3. Hello,

    My husband and I recently filed his AoS packet (including EAD and Advance parole request). We received the Notices of Receipt with a receipt date of December 22nd. It says that our files are currently at the Missouri Service Center. However, when I go online to check the current processing times, there is no Missouri Service Center listed. There is a district office listed as being in Kansas City, MO. Is this the office processing our case? Please let me know if you have any idea as we'd just like a little more info on where they are as far as processing dates. Thanks!


  4. John & Annie,


    I think our situation is a little different than John and Annie's -

    How are you going to prove that the ceremony you had in your home country was not legally binding? What information can you provide?

    The ceremony we had on July 23, 2006 was here in the states. We were not trying to scam anyone. We had planned the whole thing and had many guests coming from overseas. Due to IMBRA, L's visa was denied and it was too late to cancel everything. The officiant called it a committment ceremony because by law, that's what it was. There was no marriage license and we were not married on that day.

    Our marriage license clearly states that we declared our intention to be married and were married on October 13, 2006. Only myself, L, and my parents were there.

    Think about the possible consequences of showing photos from two wedding ceremonies to the adjudicator at the AOS interview. What is s/he going to think about the first set of photos?

    We have over 200 pictures from our ceremony in July but less then 10 from our marriage two weeks ago. I am concerned that only bringing the 7 pictures would see more suspicious then bringing both sets. In the event they do ask for pictures and we showed only the ones from Oct 13th, I'm afraid they'd ask why non of L's family were there or why we didn't have more. I would show just pics from the July ceremony but I think it's clear from them that it was a summer event. I really don't know what to do!

    If someone showed me photos from two wedding ceremonies, I would wonder which one conferred a legal marriage. And, considering the requirements of the K-1 visa, I'd wonder if the ceremony in the home country actually conferred legal status.

    Both took place here in the states and it is very clear from the marriage license that we were wed on October 13th, 2006.

    Regardless, I'd probably ask the couple to produce some evidence to the contrary. If the couple could not produce the evidence, I would deny their AOS application on the grounds that they were legally married prior to entry into the United States. I would send the immigrant back to his/her home country to file for a marriage-based visa.


    P.S. It's fine that you had a non-legal ceremony. The problem is proving that you didn't get married in that non-legal ceremony. It's best to play it safe and only show photos from your wedding in the United States. That way, there is no possibility for confusion unless you actually tell the adjudicator about the other wedding in your home country.

    Either way, post the outcome, whatever decision you make.

    John & Annie,


    I think our situation is a little different than John and Annie's -

    How are you going to prove that the ceremony you had in your home country was not legally binding? What information can you provide?

    The ceremony we had on July 23, 2006 was here in the states. We were not trying to scam anyone. We had planned the whole thing and had many guests coming from overseas. Due to IMBRA, L's visa was denied and it was too late to cancel everything.

    Meant to type "delayed" not "denied."

    The officiant called it a committment ceremony because by law, that's what it was. There was no marriage license and we were not married on that day.

    Our marriage license clearly states that we declared our intention to be married and were married on October 13, 2006. Only myself, L, and my parents were there.

    Think about the possible consequences of showing photos from two wedding ceremonies to the adjudicator at the AOS interview. What is s/he going to think about the first set of photos?

    We have over 200 pictures from our ceremony in July but less then 10 from our marriage two weeks ago. I am concerned that only bringing the 7 pictures would see more suspicious then bringing both sets. In the event they do ask for pictures and we showed only the ones from Oct 13th, I'm afraid they'd ask why non of L's family were there or why we didn't have more. I would show just pics from the July ceremony but I think it's clear from them that it was a summer event. I really don't know what to do!

    If someone showed me photos from two wedding ceremonies, I would wonder which one conferred a legal marriage. And, considering the requirements of the K-1 visa, I'd wonder if the ceremony in the home country actually conferred legal status.

    Both took place here in the states and it is very clear from the marriage license that we were wed on October 13th, 2006.

    Regardless, I'd probably ask the couple to produce some evidence to the contrary. If the couple could not produce the evidence, I would deny their AOS application on the grounds that they were legally married prior to entry into the United States. I would send the immigrant back to his/her home country to file for a marriage-based visa.


    P.S. It's fine that you had a non-legal ceremony. The problem is proving that you didn't get married in that non-legal ceremony. It's best to play it safe and only show photos from your wedding in the United States. That way, there is no possibility for confusion unless you actually tell the adjudicator about the other wedding in your home country.

    Either way, post the outcome, whatever decision you make.

    Also just wanted to mention that after the committment ceremony here in the states in July, L went back to the uk and waited until he had his visa at which point he returned we we were officially married 2 days later.


  5. burralow,

    Many people get married before a justice of the peace, or other authorized person, with the required number of witnesses present, and nothing more.

    What could you possibly expect to be proving to a USCIS officer by showing pictures of a wedding ceremony that did not create a marriage when what they are wanting you to prove, what they are expecting you to document, is that you got married? What can you possibly expect the reaction to be other than that you got married before entering the USA on a K1 visa, something that is not allowed.


    so then i think the real question is that in a case like expatrica's if you do not bring pictures from your 'non-legal wedding' and just bring pics from the legal wedding but the legal wedding was small, not many people present etc does that matter to the AOS interviewer?

    would they see such a small wedding and no family present and see no other pictures of any other wedding and therefore suspect a fraudulent relationship due to the fact that u obviously didnt make a big deal of it?

    or is it enough that you have pictures of the legal ceremony and then have other documentation to prove continued relationship. ie. joint cars, insurance, utilities, rent etc?


    Very well put. :yes:

    Peter Miami

    I think you're both kind of missing the point here. We did not get married before L entered the US but we did have a ceremony and reception. We got married last Friday. The reason I would contemplate bringing both sets of pictures is to show how much time and effort went into our july party. If I explained the situation, they would surely understand and not expect all of our guests to travel long distances twice. We did nothing wrong and I don't see why there would be a problem.

  6. Hi!

    My husband and I had a wedding ceremony here officiated by a priest in July. However, it was not legally binding as no marriage certificate was filed for.

    He was approved for the visa last week and we were officially and legally married last Friday. We did take some pictures at this official ceremony but most of our pictures are from the July reception at which we had 80 of our family and friends presents.

    I don't see any problem in us bringing both sets of pictures to the AoS interview. Does anyone see any problem in doing so and just explaining the differences in the two ceremonies?


  7. Thank you! He just called and has gone through security at Heathrow and is now waiting to go to the gate! In a little over 8 hours from now he'll be in Boston! In a little over 50 hours from now, we'll be legally wed - finally.


  8. ................VISA APPLICANTS LONDON 2006...................

    August 2006 Interviews



    Pnd629...........K1..06/16...07/26.................08/11 .10.30...APPROVED



    Ddchucksgirl.....K1..06/04................07/14.. .08/15..10.30...APPROVED


    September 2006 Interviews






    October 2006 Interviews






    Cian & Mags......K1..08/25...09/06................10/03...9.00am..APPROVED







    CapeG ...........K3..09/14...09/21.........10/4...10/18..9.30am

    munchkins........IR-5........09/22..Phoned 09/14..10/18..10.30am


    Linababe.........K1..08/25...09/25........00/00...00/00..00.00am ON HOLD

    Waiting for an Interview






    Roger and Angela.K1..

    Asad & Saima.....CR1



    Oh No im soo sorry to hear this. My interviewer on Monday was American, Male with a smart blue shirt. He was very nice. Asked about my fiancees previous marriage and about his profession. I was required to show NO evidence and he didnt even ask when we met. I thought it quite strange...but good, especialy when he said it was all in order!

    I hope that you get this sorted out very soon. Dont let it stress you out, there is really nothing you can do, you'll have it before you know it.

    My fiance had a really nice guy yesterday, he said. Asked how we met, what I studied in England & where. That's it!

    Huh, so strange! Oh well. I'm done worrying about it now. According to the courrier service, the embassy should have received our packet of proof today so hopefully he'll have the visa and be here within a week!

  9. Thanks so much for your warm wishes. I'm trying not to stress too much but it's very frustrating especially after hearing about how many of the the other interviews yesterday seemed much less complicated.

    The 47 pieces of proof including a cover letter and detailed index are on their way and there's nothing more we can do. The only positive thing is that my fiance has moved out of his flat is packed and ready to go just crashing with friends in london. So, as soon as he has the visa he'll fly out. Maybe even that night!

    By the way, congratulations on your visa!

    Oh No im soo sorry to hear this. My interviewer on Monday was American, Male with a smart blue shirt. He was very nice. Asked about my fiancees previous marriage and about his profession. I was required to show NO evidence and he didnt even ask when we met. I thought it quite strange...but good, especialy when he said it was all in order!

    I hope that you get this sorted out very soon. Dont let it stress you out, there is really nothing you can do, you'll have it before you know it.

  10. Actually, you're right, it did say evidence of engagement. Sorry, my brain is still a bit fuzzy with all the stress of the last week or so. :wacko:

    It does seem odd that you were asked so much, you obviously have been together far longer than Cian and I and yet I was asked for no evidence at all.

    I guess it is luck of the draw with the interviewer really. Mine was really nice and chatty. She had a soft American accent and had dark hair tied back in a long ponytail. Quite a bit of makeup. Dark suit.

    Hope you get it all sorted soon.

    By the way, I wish to add that to any people due an interview soon DO NOT USE THE MAP PROVIDED! It is the biggest pile of ####### I have ever seen. Go onto Multimap and print yourself off a copy of how to get to Grosvenor Square from there.

    If you use that map, the potential to get lost is huge...

    Yeah, I really do think it is the luck of the draw. Oh well. I hope it's all sorted soon too! By the way, congrats on your visa and good luck with everything!

  11. Actually, on one of the forms that you filled in with packet 3 (DS-230 part 1?) it says at the bottom, in a box above where you sign, all the things that must be presented with the form. Birth cert, police certs etc and evidence of relationship.

    Granted it doesn't say anything in your packet 3 checklist (or the reminder list with packet 4) nor did my interviewer at the embassy today ask me for any evidence of mine and PlatyCian's relationship, but it does say it on that form. So it is actually mentioned, albeit not very obviously.

    But if you're reading through the forms when you fill them in, and considering later on you will sign them, you should read it all through very carefully. After all you could be signing your life away... :P

    We did read them very carefully - all of them. That form was one of the ones we turned in when we first got packet three in May as per the instructions in the packet. He returned the two forms and brought all the other required docs with him to the interview. What that form actually says is required is "evidence of engagement" which he had on him although she didn't seem to think he had enough.

    My point is that it's ridiculous considering the fact that he was given no detail on what he should bring in this regards. If they are going to further delay people on these grounds then they should state exactly what is required at the interview. There should be no grey areas at all in the instructions for something as important as this.

    Hi All,

    My finance had his interview yesterday and was approved kind of. The interviewer did not think he had enough proof of our relationship so approved him pending receipt of more proof which he had to send by courrier, along with his passport, back to the embassy today. They said he should have his visa within 5 business days of when they receive it which should be tomorrow. I know this is good but still, I am pissed.

    He brought everything that the checklist asked for and NOWHERE did it say he needed to bring proof. I sumitted all that in the beginning!!! So, my question is - how was he supposed to know to bring this???? The worst past is that we've been together for five years and even lived together for two of those. We more than enough proof. Had he been told to bring it there would have been no problem. However now his visa will be delayed by about a week. So now I'm thinking that perhaps we missed something. Can you please let me know on which documents it says that he should have brought this "proof"? Surely it must have been stated somewhere. If not, that's just plain ridiculous.

    He sent back 47 pieces of proof today including pictures, letters, emails, phone bills and copies of visa stamps dating back to 2001. If that doesn't do it then I don't know what will.


    So sorry to hear about your delay. I think your fiance' must have had the same interviewer we did.... maybe she has a bad relationship going on in her life right now. Oh well, to happier notes, it is just a delay!

    He probably did! His interview was at 10:30. I have no idea how many interviewers they have on, but it may have been the same one. All I know is that she was American and had dark hair. The whole thing is just so strange.

    Oh well - you're right. It is just a delay. He was hoping to be here by the end of the week which kind of sucks. I guess he'll be here now next week instead!

    Congrats on your approval!

  12. Hi everyone!

    We're back in the States together!!! And I am happy to see there is a lot of progress for us recall orphans. I hope all of you are well and still sane!


    Good luck with getting your refund - I hope it happens quickly for you.


    Paris never said anything to us about evidence either. Fortunately I found something on VJ in the guides and knew. Had I not been here I would never have known as there is nothing anywhere on any gov site stating so. The Paris embassy letter did not list it in requirements, and we only knew about a current intent to marry letter from me because they called and requested it.

    But you have evidence and all will be fine. It's a great feeling when you are together, finally, and don't have to worry about all this. But it's a pain when you only have 90 days to plan a wedding and have the wedding!!!



    I bet! We actually already had our wedding in July (more like a commitment ceremony but none of the guests even realised the difference). Because of the whole IMBRA thing we'd started planning and well, it's a long story. When he arrives next week we're just going to take a trip to the courthouse for the piece of paper!

    Thanks for reassuring me that I'm not nuts. They really should list this in their requirements beacuse it's quite ridiculous. Think about all the people out there who never even know about VJ. Surely, what's happened to us must be common.

    Best of luck to you with your planning. Even though it's stressful, it'll be wonderful in the end!

  13. expatrica, I'm sorry this happened and I hope he'll get the visa in 5 days - looks like he will according to what he's sent the embassy. I have my fingers crossed.

    I believe one of the forms (DS-156 or DS156K) asks for proof of the engagement and the guides mention it as well. Also, the evidence you've sent with I-129F was evidence of having met within the last 2 years and not of ongoing relationship.

    Good luck! :)

    Hi Mew,

    The DS156K asks for evidence of engagement which he submitted. Nowhere in any of the official materials he received did it mention bringing any material prooving an ongoing relationship. I'm kicking myself now that I hadn't read the guides before he went but still, they should put that on the checklist or something. It's ridiculous that they don't!

    Oh well. He'll be here soon and that's all that matters. It's just so frustrating to have yet another delay.

    ~ e

    He *wil*l get the visa and everything you've gone through, all the bad bits will just vanish from your memory, you'll see :)

    I know and you're right. Thanks so much for the support - it helps!


  14. - We've been together since 2001.

    - We lived together in Boston from July - September 2002.

    - We lived together in London from 2003-2005 (I have dual us-german citizenship).

    - Since I moved back we've seen each other every three months.

    - He's been to the US three times since the start of 2006. The most recent was from mid July - mid August.

    - We're 4 months apart in age.

    Nothing weird at all. In fact, I'd say that we've seen each other a lot more than most people applying for fiance visas considering that we lived together for so long!

    I know there is nothing we can do about it now and that he'll definitely get the visa with all the docs he's sent in today. However, I'm so frustrated since it seems he was targeted rather randomly and unfairly. Also, the interviewers comments regarding my physical appearance seem, quite frankly, inappropriate and besides the point.

    Oh well. Sorry to ramble. I'm just venting!

  15. expatrica, I'm sorry this happened and I hope he'll get the visa in 5 days - looks like he will according to what he's sent the embassy. I have my fingers crossed.

    I believe one of the forms (DS-156 or DS156K) asks for proof of the engagement and the guides mention it as well. Also, the evidence you've sent with I-129F was evidence of having met within the last 2 years and not of ongoing relationship.

    Good luck! :)

    Hi Mew,

    The DS156K asks for evidence of engagement which he submitted. Nowhere in any of the official materials he received did it mention bringing any material prooving an ongoing relationship. I'm kicking myself now that I hadn't read the guides before he went but still, they should put that on the checklist or something. It's ridiculous that they don't!

    Oh well. He'll be here soon and that's all that matters. It's just so frustrating to have yet another delay.

    ~ e

  16. Hi All,

    My finance had his interview yesterday and was approved kind of. The interviewer did not think he had enough proof of our relationship so approved him pending receipt of more proof which he had to send by courrier, along with his passport, back to the embassy today. They said he should have his visa within 5 business days of when they receive it which should be tomorrow. I know this is good but still, I am pissed.

    He brought everything that the checklist asked for and NOWHERE did it say he needed to bring proof. I sumitted all that in the beginning!!! So, my question is - how was he supposed to know to bring this???? The worst past is that we've been together for five years and even lived together for two of those. We more than enough proof. Had he been told to bring it there would have been no problem. However now his visa will be delayed by about a week. So now I'm thinking that perhaps we missed something. Can you please let me know on which documents it says that he should have brought this "proof"? Surely it must have been stated somewhere. If not, that's just plain ridiculous.

    He sent back 47 pieces of proof today including pictures, letters, emails, phone bills and copies of visa stamps dating back to 2001. If that doesn't do it then I don't know what will.


  17. Actually, especially after reading others' experiences here, his seems even weirder.

    She asked him TONS of questions about me including, "So, what do you like about her so much." He then started telling her why he loves me. She interrupted him after a while and said, and she's beautiful too, right? And he said, "Well, yes she is." That's when she said he needed more proof.

    That whole exchange just strikes me as so odd! It's just so frustrating that he had more than enough stuff at his disposal which he could have brough along.

    I am at a loss as to why she grilled him so much. Grrrrr.

  18. Hi All,

    My finance had his interview yesterday and was approved kind of. The interviewer did not think he had enough proof of our relationship so approved him pending receipt of more proof which he had to send by courrier, along with his passport, back to the embassy today. They said he should have his visa within 5 business days of when they receive it which should be tomorrow. I know this is good but still, I am pissed.

    He brought everything that the checklist asked for and NOWHERE did it say he needed to bring proof. I sumitted all that in the beginning!!! So, my question is - how was he supposed to know to bring this???? The worst past is that we've been together for five years and even lived together for two of those. We more than enough proof. Had he been told to bring it there would have been no problem. However now his visa will be delayed by about a week. So now I'm thinking that perhaps we missed something. Can you please let me know on which documents it says that he should have brought this "proof"? Surely it must have been stated somewhere. If not, that's just plain ridiculous.

    He sent back 47 pieces of proof today including pictures, letters, emails, phone bills and copies of visa stamps dating back to 2001. If that doesn't do it then I don't know what will.


  19. Hi All,

    My fiance has finally received his interview date for Oct 2nd. He will fly over as soon as he has the visa so probably on the 5th or 6th. We plan to wed on the 13th. We'd like to go to Montreal for two days immediately following the wedding. Will it be a problem for him to go to canada for 2 days with his british passport and fiance visa?



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