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Posts posted by ylvillafierros

  1. I only plan to move if we the waiver is denied. I am giving it a good attempt but i know it may not be approved. I have already lived and raised my kids without him. They may say i have already adjusted. Moving there is my last resort but i knew it was a posibility when i married him. The attorney did tell me that too. I am getting good confirmation on my choice. Thank you. I was really nervous about the cost but i dont think i would do well on my own. It is too complicated

  2. He has been out 10 years. His last attempt at reentry was march or 2005. He tried to use a fake visa to cross in 2001. Be was deported for 5 years then in 2005 he tried again and got caught. He never claimed to be a citizen. No criminal record. We have been apart since 2001. Our son is now almost 16. He has done his time i hope he finally gets to come back. I left him in 2001 but we got back together in 2005 2007 2009 and now i finally married him. This time ill move there if i have to my kids are almost out of school.

  3. Ok. I will find an attorney. I am starting to look for a jobs in El Paso. I have 24 years federal service and I wont leave it so it will take time to get the right job and not loose my status. For now I have trips planned monthly thru the holidays. My kids are both in high school. A senior and a sophmore. I can commute for about a year and then if i have to i will move after my daughter graduates. He did move to the border so he could be closer. Right now an 11 hour drive seems much closer than him being in Guerrero. Thank you all. I am sure i will be talking to you again.

  4. I just got married in Ciudad Juarez in the border on July 5th. I mailed my i130 on Saturday 8.15.15. I married my sons dad who i met back in 1998. My son was born in 1999. We filed for a fiance visa in 2000 got approved and went to the interview but we were not emotionally prepared for him to stay for the waiver processing so he tried to cross illegally and got caught and was deported. He tried to cross again in 2005 and got caught. He has been in Mexico since and has not been back to the U.S. I finally married him and my son is now 15.

    I know the situation is difficult and i am finally ready to move to el paso if i have to. He is living in ciudad juarez now and i am in denver. I tried to move on without him and so did he. We keep getting back together no matter how hard we try to forget eachother.

    My question now is.... do i wait until after the interview to find out what waiver i have to file or fo i try to file now or when I get an i130 approval?

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