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Posts posted by Diamond7

  1. My fiancé's US citizenship should come thru shortly. One option is to come to India immediately after getting the citizenship,marry here and then return to US to file for Spouse visa(IR-1/CR-1) for me. But in this scenario citizenship,marriage and filing will happen within a short period of one month to two months. Will this be noted as a negative in my visa processing? If yes,what is a solution.? As I have mentioned in earlier post, we know each other for two years and have met in both countries.

  2. Thanks Sara for the quick correction though I had I actually read notified as notarized. :) Perceptual set!

    Plan to check with Registers office if affidavit is OK. Will check out IndiaMike. Thanks!

    I have one more doubt.

    Does my fiance taking OCI help in any way with Civil marriage registration?

    As I understand it... Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) can't buy Agriculture land or vote. Except for these two,an OCI can do what ever a Indian citizen can do.

    Good day folks!

    Thanks Sara for the quick correction though I had I actually read notified as notarized. :) Perceptual set!

    Plan to check with Registers office if affidavit is OK. Will check out IndiaMike. Thanks!

    I have one more doubt.

    Does my fiance taking OCI help in any way with Civil marriage registration?

    As I understand it... Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) can't buy Agriculture land or vote. Except for these two,an OCI can do what ever a Indian citizen can do.

    Good day folks!

  3. Thanks KierenHby, Sara and Divs. I have better clarity now.

    KierenHby, I was confused with Single Status Certificate, No Objection Certificate and Notarized Affidavit.

    http://newdelhi.usembassy.gov/service/other-citizen-services/marriage.html ( Here the No Objection Certificate seems to be No problem)

    http://chennai.usconsulate.gov/marriageinindia.html ( The 1st para here was confusing)

    I am new to to the process, so kindly excuse my ignorance. But I could need all your help as we are only at the start of the journey.

  4. We are trying to to avoid the K1 route as I have a tourist visa and don't want to complicate things with entry to US with intent to marry. More over community obligations means a marriage be celebrated in India. Hence looking at IR1/ CR1. As mentioned earlier we are fine with a one year delay to be together. Are we ok doing this? What are the pitfalls of this route?

    Does both of us having our Indian address in the Marriage certificate be a negative when my fiancé files spouse visa for me? Or is it a must that my fiancé American address be there in the certificate issued by the Registers office to be a valid document or to speed up the spouse visa process?

    I have again posted this thread as I am struggling to get clarity regarding this address part. Kindly help.

  5. Thank you Sara,Kieren and Mrs Yadav. Your inputs are very useful.

    There is some confusion about whether US embassy in India will issue a 'Single status certificate' although notarized affidavits seems possible. Plus the local Registers office gives different opinions regarding documents required from my Indian origin American citizen fiancé. At one point I was told " US citizen with OCI card" is enough. 2nd query got the reply that single status certificate is a must.

    Some 'knowledgeable' locals advise that to overcome these issues ......just have a civil/register marriage showing both our Indian address. But this could mean my fiancé's address in Marriage Certificate will show an Indian address and not US address. Does this have any implications when my spouse files IR1/CR1 for me? My fiancé has just joined a new company and can only come down to India for about 10 days. I am into my final year of studies and we don't mind waiting for about a year to be together in US. We have known each other for over two years.

  6. I am an Indian citizen wishing to marry a Indian origin American Citizen.. We hope to have a civil marriage in India.

    Under which Act can we marry ?What are the formalities and documents required ? Does my fiancé having OCI help in any manner? My spouse hopes to file IR-1 on return to USA.

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