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Posts posted by dmmhydro

  1. the USCIS are granting the green card on the condition that this is a married couple living together who want to spend the rest of there life togather...(a)there not living together raises red flags and questions as to why did they got married in the 1st place was it jut to get a green card? (b) is the marriage declared since they are living in with there respective parents might have been a secret marriage or so to hide from the family for whatever reason or some religious obligation

    let it be clear not living together after getting married is very very fishy and the officers wont hesitate for a second in concluding this to be fraudulent

    they need a really really good reason for not staying togather and proper documents and proof they are still together.

    in some instances the couple gets married but start living together after a period of time due to religious or culture obligations if its also a reason other then just saving up money it can be favorable for them.

  2. Hi all!!

    well like to start of with a great big thanks to Mark88 for this wonderful post has given a lot of insight on the DO's I totally understand what you went through as so have I till now

    here is my brief story and need a few answers too.....

    Iam a U.S citizen by naturalization and my wife a green card holder our 1st child was born in the U.S so no issues but due to my job which is outside the U.S our second child was born outside the U.S. The reason why we chose to have our baby outside U.S was me and my wife traveled to U.S and a few other places when she was pregnant and the Dr. Advised us to avoid flying again keeping the well being of the baby and mother in mind, and the other reason was simple I was (very!) confident enough that i could prove my 5 year physical stay and apply for the U.S passport and CRBA. I even contacted the CO before the birth of my daughter to confirm the required documents and all so that i was at mental ease.

    Now the website mentions that the CRBA should be applied at the earliest or with in 30 days of birth if in city limits and 60 days if outside city limits so me my wife and the newborn hurriedly go to the CO only to be told that this procedure can be done till the child is 18!!

    after showing every document I had of over the past 9 years the officer was not satisfied and said needed a additional year of proof, the officer simply refused to accept lease documents, cell phone bills, ComEd/electric bills, bank account statements, application copies of my wife green card application and my citizenship application, previous employer letters, car payments, photos with date stamps even a couple of parking tickets i had! saying that this did not prove i was in the U.S during those days/months and could simply pay the bills n rent.......FAIR enough showed the officer my tax returns and IRS transcripts but the officer in return asked me to show some kind of official government letter or something which proves my stay...as some earlier ppl posted the CO guys might hav some qouta for rejections so be it

    to add a note the above mentioned din happen in one appointment but rather after 5 visits of tru n fro i concluded that its best to leave the CRBA and find a alternative. was advised by the officer to email the immigration department and ask for a alternative...the immigration guys are in the same building but they dont answer individual question in person but answer only through email! after emailing the immigration guys of the CO a few time i received a reply after full 2 weeks that a transportation letter will be issued so make a appointment and bring in the required documents....... as easy as that!

    when i went to the CO to apply for the transportation letter the officer had no clue about what a transportation letter meant and after explaining in great animated detail and requesting her if she could pull out the email conversation I had with the concerned immigration department of the CO and after a senior officer involving did they know what i needed.

    ( a note again on the website the requirement is for two photos but please do keep extras coz i was asked for 6!! why coz they wanted 3 and something went wrong so they needed 3 again!!! luckily had 6 with me!!)

    HERE is my Question:

    ​after waiting for 3 hours the officer gave us a 3 sealed envelopes saying this is the transportation letter

    1 for the airlines/airport, 1 for the transit depending on the airlines where it stop overs, and 1 for the immigration officer/DHA in U.S

    i came about this forum today so when i saw the picture posted by mark88 on how the transportation letter looks like which is basically like the visa sticker i am confused why i was given a real letter and not a sticker/stamp on my daughters passport or it doesn't matter as long as its a baby transportation letter and the guys at the port of entry in the U.S know what to do with and accept it?

    second question did mark88 apply for the passport after his wife became a citizen or right after entering the U.S?? since we are currently living and working outside the U.S my wife did not apply for her citizenship but if its possible to apply for a passport for my new born once where in U.S would be really great!!

    i read the links but still confused due to the legal terminology used....

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