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Posts posted by MaGi14

  1. Have you think in contacting the Media??... even Donald Trump will make a big topic of this regarding "Legal Immigration"... don't know,,, I'm just thinking out loud. I'm desperate too.Y

    I thought of that too
    I thought of that too
    I thought of that too

    I have thought of that, but since I have had no luck contacting the entities related to the issue, I am not sure what impact I would have with the media =(. I have been looking to contact Primer Impacto or Univision, but I am not sure, if they would care about it =(.

  2. Hi MaGi:

    Any luck with the letter to the president?

    I ask my congressman Carlos Curbelo to do another inquiry (they have done 3 already) and they got the same answer " Still in AP they need to wait" :clock::(

    Nope =(. No reply from the president or vice president. I am getting so desperate, I do not know who else to contact that will help me. Let's see if we something out of the consul =(.

  3. Hi MaGi:

    Any luck with the letter to the president?

    I ask my congressman Carlos Curbelo to do another inquiry (they have done 3 already) and they got the same answer " Still in AP they need to wait" :clock::(

    Este viernes a las 2:00 p.m. nuestro Cónsul, Sr. Brendan Mullarkey, estará en línea para aclarar todas tus dudas sobre visas. Es muy sencillo participar: escribe tus preguntas como comentarios de este post. Puedes hacerlo desde ahora y te responderemos el viernes. Por favor, NO incluya en su comentario sus datos personales (fecha de nacimiento, número de caso, etc.) Recuerde que no podemos comentar sobre casos específicos. Si tiene preguntas sobre su caso, puede escribirnos a havanaconsularinfo@state.gov

    I wrote my inquiry and question to the consul on facebook "Embajada de Estados Unidos en Cuba"

  4. Hi MaGi:

    Any news?... Have you received answer from the President? I'm planning on writing to the white House.
    Cases like this should be a topic on Marco Rubio's campaign. We have done everything the correct and legal way however we are being penalized with this absurd waiting. Have you received any answer from his office? in the other hand more than 8000 Cubans entering illegal with no background checks!... I'm not hating (a quien dios se lo dio... good for them) but this waiting it's just so depressing...


    No answer from the President, Vice President or Congressman. I e-mailed my congressman again =(. Marco Rubio sent me a release of information yesterday to be signed in order for his office to check with the Federal Agency. I feel the same way about the 8000 people that will be entering US. I am really happy that they had this opportunity, and that their journey will end soon, but at the same time I am sad because we have been waiting so long with no answer. We went thru the legal way thinking that it was going to be as fast or faster than any other way =(. It breaks my heart to see my daughter get a picture of her dad and kiss the picture and start looking behind the frame to see if he is there. I am so tired of this ordeal. It should not be this hard for a family to be together. Today is not a good day for me, I am so sick of checking the case daily with no change on the status, been ignore by the people that I am e-mailing in reference to the case, and receiving the same generic e-mail from the Embassy week after week. ='(

  5. Hello,

    Let me start by saying that we are desperate waiting for the administrative processing to be done. I will make my long story short. We got married February 14, 2014. I submitted the I-130 March 18, 2014. I am the petitioner (US citizen) for my husband who is in Cuba. I got pregnant during our honeymoon and our baby girl was born December 2, 2014. His interview at Havana Interest Section was March 5, 2015. During the interview he presented pictures, our baby's birth certificate, but they requested additional information to proof our relationship. He went back March 9, 2015 with a file with all our phone calls, e-mails, letters, text messages and more pictures. The case has been in administrative processing ever since. It has been 5 months since the interview. I call and e-mail the Interest Section weekly and I get the same automated reply, about the administrative processing. Our baby girl is growing fast and he has not been able to be with her. I'm at the breaking point. Please any information, advise or similar experience is greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance for your time.


    I am writing to give you guys an update on my case. The case still in Administrative Processing, 300 days have passed since the interview. We have been calling and e-mailing the Embassy weekly, to get the same generic message:

    "Thank you for contacting the Embassy of the United States of America in Havana, Cuba

    We regret to inform you that Mr. Gilberto Garcia Fernandez’s case is still pending completion of the administrative process. We realize that these extended time periods cause frustration to many individuals. However, there is no set time period for this process to be completed. For individual cases, the time needed for adjudication is different, as each case is unique and the U.S. Embassy must adjudicate visas in accordance with the provisions of the law, and, in some cases, this involves extensive administrative processing. As soon as the processing of the application has been completed, we will contact the applicant for further instructions. "

    I have contacted:

    Senator Bill Nelson

    Senator Marco Rubio

    President Barack Obama

    Vice President Joe Biden

    Congressman David W. Jolly

    Senator Bill Nelson e-mailed the Embassy and sent me a copy of the e-mail he received, which is exactly the same e-mail that we've been receiving weekly.

    I feel hopeless and do not know what else to do. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

  6. Thank you so much for the information. Please keep me updated on your case. Thanks again

    Hi MaGi:

    I'm so sorry you are going thru all this waiting. i know how it feels because my husband has been waiting also on AP for 7 months in Canada. He is canadian citizen but was born in Cuba.

    Here is some info I found about AP. unfortunately there's nothing to do about it but wait.


  7. Hello,

    My mother is going thru the same situation, she has been under administrative processing since July 2015. I don't know how long should I wait for the visa to be issue without doing anything else. Is your case still under Administrative Processing? Can you please update about the case status. Thanks!


    I apologize for the late reply, but I just spent 3 months in Cuba waiting for the case to be solved. My husband's case still in Administrative Processing. I have been calling and e-mailing the embassy weekly with the same reply week after week. I contacted the senator, and even e-mailed Obama, but no luck yet =(. My husband had his interview March 5, 2015 and provided additional evidence on March 9, 2015. The case has not change since. I hope your mother does not have to wait this long. Thank you

  8. When he submitted the information requested on the 221g did they give him any other document? What did they tell him after he presented the information? Is there any way you will be in Cuba and can go visit the embassy your self in the near future? How many times has he visited the embassy and asked them personally what the hold up is? I know a lot of people don't live in Havana so it isn't easy to go visit the embassy. I will keep you and your husband in my prayers. I know it is a nightmare this waiting! I would say if it is at all possible, he should go visit the embassy weekly asking them what the problem is until he gets his approval. I know online when you check his case status the date will change every time they touch his file. That is one way of at least knowing they are touching his file. Did they take his passport?

    When he submitted the 221g they did not give him any other document, they just told him to come back in 2 weeks to pick up the visa. They kept his passport. He went back and they told him about the administrative processing. I went to Cuba, and called the embassy to go there, and they told me that they can not discuss any case information, that I can go for passport services and other services, but that no case information would be discuss. He went 4 times and they told him the same thing about the administrative processing. We call and e-mail the embassy weekly. They only check the case when we e-mail them. Thank you I need all the support and prayers. I am at the point that I am thinking to go to Cuba until the process is completed, it is so hard to think that our baby is 8 months and they have only been together 1 month =(. Thank you so much for your support

  9. I am so sorry for your struggles! Has your husband visited the embassy to see what the hold up is? When they put you in administrative processing did they give you a 221g and ask for more information? If you don't find out something soon, I would definitely contact your senator.

    :( yes he went to the embassy and the reply was the same "Thank you for contacting the Embassy of the United States of America in Havana, Cuba. We regret to inform you that Mr. Gilberto Garcias case is still pending completion of the administrative process. We realize that these extended time periods cause frustration to many individuals. However, there is no set time period for this process to be completed. For individual cases, the time needed for adjudication is different, as each case is unique and the U.S. Embassy must adjudicate visas in accordance with the provisions of the law, and, in some cases, this involves extensive administrative processing. As soon as the processing of the application has been completed, we will contact the applicant for further instructions. "

    We also call and send e-mails in a biweekly basis. When he went to the interview they gave him a 221g. He provided the additional information on March 9. I contacted the senator this week. I am at the breaking point :(. Thank you for replying this means a lot.

  10. Hello,

    Let me start by saying that we are desperate waiting for the administrative processing to be done. I will make my long story short. We got married February 14, 2014. I submitted the I-130 March 18, 2014. I am the petitioner (US citizen) for my husband who is in Cuba. I got pregnant during our honeymoon and our baby girl was born December 2, 2014. His interview at Havana Interest Section was March 5, 2015. During the interview he presented pictures, our baby's birth certificate, but they requested additinal information to proof our relationship. He went back March 9, 2015 with a file with all our phone calls, e-mails, letters, text messages and more pictures. The case has been in administrative processing ever since. It has been 5 months since the interview. I call and e-mail the Interest Section weekly and I get the same automaed reply, about the administrative processing. Our baby girl is growing fast and he has not been able to be with her. I'm at the breaking point. Please any information, advise or similar experience is greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance for your time.

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