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Posts posted by MortuusMachina

  1. So...here's my situation...

    I am a 23 year old man who is the US Citizen petitioner for my UK wife's CR-1 visa. We're now at the NVC stage and I need help on the Affidavit of Support as I am extremely confused and don't know where to begin.

    I've only been working since early 2015 and even then, my employment has been sporadic and inconsistent (I was fired from one job for some retarded made-up reason, I was laid off from the next, and my current job has inconsistent hours as it is an on-call basis). Before early 2015 I was a full-time college student.

    With these facts, it's pretty safe to say I don't meet the income threshold set by the US Government. My mother has agreed to be a joint sponsor, who does in fact make above the threshold.

    I currently live with my mother, and my autistic sister. Once my wife obtains her visa/Green Card she will be living with myself, my mother, and my sister, until I finish college and make enough to where myself and my wife are able to move out.

    My question is, how do I go about this Affidavit of Support? Which exact form should I use? What should my mom use? What documents do I need to provide? What documents does my mom need to provide? How many documents do me and my mom need to send for the NVC to be satisfied? ect. ect. ect.

    Please and thank you for all your help.

  2. USCIS as well as the Embassy does not require nor will they expect a couple living apart in separate countries to have joint accounts, joint property, etc. As for the affidavits, those are also not required and they carry little to zero weight in the overall evaluation of a file.

    What you should focus on instead is evidence of time spent together in-person, that is strongest evidence.

    We've met in person in December of 2012 and have spent New Years together here in California, we still kept in contact and kept falling deeper and deeper in love with eachother. In May/June 2015 she visited me again and I proposed to her and eventually got married on the 11th of June...my wife and I are also planning a visit in New York for Christmas/New Years and I'm planning another visit on her birthday in February...I've got evidence of her visits to the U.S. Such as photos, plane tickets and passport stamps
  3. My wife and I got married in Reno on June 11th, 2015 after 5 years of knowing each other and "dating" for the best part of 3 years, she is a UK citizen (she got to the US on the VWP) and I am the US Citizen petitioner, we currently live apart in order to comply with her visa rules and immigration laws, so we're doing the CR-1 visa route. We don't have a joint account (we cannot open one unless she is here) or joint ownership of property, her name is not on any insurance policy or anything of that nature...we're essentially newlyweds. So I'm gonna include "Sworn Affidavits" in my I-130 package....

    My simple question is, how do I go about this? What do I do? What does it look like? Is this convincing evidence? I have plenty of people I know who can write and sign one; My mother, my step-father, my wife's step father in the UK, my best friend, my band mates ect.

    I'm at a loss here and I want to know if I'm doing this right and going about it the right way...I do not want to get an RFE and delay the process

  4. I need help gathering my I-130 packet and the proving a bonafide marriage part is the one that's getting me the most...what do I need to send, how much do I need to send, is my case a convincing one???

    I'll start with a brief summary of our story

    We've first met online 5 years ago through mutual friends and have been talking and chatting as friends from time to time. Then in December of 2012 to January 2013 she came out and visited me in my home state California and as soon as we met In person, that's when we fell for eachother...we just had that "chemistry", and we've been talking and falling deeper and deeper in love with eachother ever since...As soon as we both got jobs my wife (then girlfriend at the time) came out and visited me again in May/June of this year...around Febuary and April of this year we had seriously discussed the idea of marriage, we genuinely felt our relationship was at that point; that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. So when she visited out here, we went on a lake by Livermore, and that's when we both officially proposed to each other at the same time...about 3 days later we went to Reno to visit some of my family and see Virginia City...we had a long discussion of actually getting married, so we decided to proceed with it, and we officially tied the knot on June 11th at the Chapel of the Bells in Reno NV, it was the happiest moment of both our lives. She flew back to her home country England since she had a job to go back to and to comply with the immigration laws (as retarded as they are) we've decided to go the CR-1 visa route

    Here's what I have for my "evidence of bonafide marriage"

    A lease for both of us agreeing to rent my moms 2nd house once she's here on her CR-1 visa,

    Sworn Affidavits from my mom, my step dad, my cousin and her husband who live in Reno, my best friend, our friends that we initially met through, all of my band mates, my wife's step dad and her 2 half-sisters, her parents, her 2 brothers, and 4 of her friends in England.

    A log of our skype calls,

    I'd like to get a log of our Facebook messages but I don't know how much to send,

    Some emails to eachother, even though we rarely use actual email...we mostly just Skype and FB message

    Photos from our times together, one from when we first met, about 10 from her 2nd trip here to see me including ones taken on the day we got married,

    Photocopies of plane tickets from her trips out here including the boat rental we used On the lake in Livermore, and our hotel receipt in Reno.

    I'm thinking of in including some photos of screenshots from our many many Skype calls as well

    Is this convincing evidence to get my petition approved?

    Please help!!

  5. My wife is a UK citizen, we married on June 11th in Nevada, I'd like to bring her over to live with me in the U.S.

    My main question is will she need health insurance before being issued her visa because according to this site, if she doesn't have health insurance she could be denied her CR1 or K-3 visa http://www.emigrationexpert.co.uk/healthcare-us.html

    Will she need health insurance? And if so, whereabouts in the immigration process do we do this?

  6. You didn't really answer my question...What I want to know is, what evidence will be satisfactory to the USCIS and NVC to approve the petition and get it to the US Consulate in the London??

    We're currently setting up the joint bank account and my mother is currently typing up a lease for my wife and I for her 2nd house...what else will I have to send in to convince the USCIS and NVC officials that our marriage and relationship really is legit??

  7. Primary Evidence of the bona-fide marriage
    Original marriage certificate between the petitioner and the beneficiary issued from the official agency of the country
    Secondary Evidences of the bona-fide marriage
    1) Documentation showing joint ownership or property
    2) Lease showing joint tenancy of a common residence
    3) Documentation showing co-mingling of financial resources
    4) Birth certificate(s) of child(ren) born to the petitioner and the beneficiary
    5) Affidavits sworn to or affirmed by third parties having personal knowledge of the bona fides of the marital relationship
    6) Any other relevant documentation to establish that there is an ongoing marital union
    1) All the trips of the petitioner and/or the beneficiary to meet each other - like passport stamps
    2) Auto Insurance Policy under both the Petitioner and the Beneficiary names
    3) Health Insurance Policy under both the Petitioner and the Beneficiary names
    4) Life Insurance Policy under both the Petitioner and the Beneficiary names
    5) Will prepared by the petitioner and/or the beneficiary
    6) If marriage happened in prior year, income tax filing together
    7) Pictures together - Before marriage, Wedding Album, pictures taken in every occasion
    8) Marriage documentation in the religious ceremony such as from church, mosque, temple etc.
    9) Phone logs
    10) Chat logs
    11) Emails
    12) Greeting cards, Marriage invitation cards etc.
    13) Hotel receipts, Rental car receipts, Gift receipts or any other miscellaneous receipts of the expenses incurred between the petitioner and the beneficiary
    14) Money transfer documentation that includes spousal support
    Note : dont send anything original.. All copies only.. original to be brought to Embassy during interview



  8. I'll just start with the lowdown of our case.

    I am a 22 year old American college student living in the SF Bay Area in California, my wife is from England and is a UK Citizen. We've met 3 years ago, through mutual friends when she was on vacation here and have kept in contact ever since. Ever since we met we fell deeper and deeper in love with each other. She came out to the again last May/June to visit me again, we got engaged and a little later got married in Nevada at a cute little chapel in Reno. (keep in mind we've been having serious discussions about getting married long before her visit). On June 11th we decided to tie the knot for real. She went back to England in order to be in compliance with the law, she also had a job to go back to. She wants and I want to get her out here permanently as a legal immigrant (green card holder) and just simply spend the rest of our lives together...

    I understand that the very first step is the 1-130 petition. Getting the birth certificate, passport-like photos, marriage certificate, G325As ect. (the basic documents) is no problem. The area I'm concerned with is the Bona Fides; the documentation needed to convince the government officials that our marriage really is legit. What I want to know is what will be enough to convince the immigration officials at the USCIS and NVC that we really are legit and approve my petition.

    My mother and I are currently arranging a lease of tenancy on her 2nd house for my wife and I. My wife and I are also going to create a joint PayPal and checking account, for general savings for the processing fees (we're splitting the costs of the immigration process) as well has her driving lessons when she comes here on her CR1 Visa.

    What will I need to convince the government that we really are legit?? All my wife and I want is to start our lives together...we really don't think it's too much to ask for

    Please and thank you!

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