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Posts posted by Mrs.yadav

  1. According to your Timeline, your husband appears to have been approved. If so..

    Congrats to you both!!

    THank you so much. My hubby told me all about his experience and you know what? It took over 6 hours because he was the VERY LAST ONE and everyone had left. They had even left the windows so he got up and said.... EXCUSE ME...lol.... then the interview took her time and carefully squeezed out a lot of info but they had a nice 30 min conversation between the two of them. I think it ended up being a nice time for them both! Anyway...just waiting for that email to pick up the packet.

    WOW... almost over.

  2. QUESTION: on hubby's P4 letter, at the end it shows documents required for interview with letters that represent that status.

    It reports Petitioner's marraige certificate, birth certificate and marraige termination all with the status of F. F shows as "NVC did not request this document".

    Does that mean I need to send my originals for hubby to take to the interview or it means they do not need those at all?

  3. QUESTION: on hubby's P4 letter, at the end it shows documents required for interview with letters that represent that status.

    It reports Petitioner's marraige certificate, birth certificate and marraige termination all with the status of F. F shows as "NVC did not request this document".

    Does that mean I need to send my originals for hubby to take to the interview or it means they do not need those at all?

  4. QUESTION: on hubby's P4 letter, at the end it shows documents required for interview with letters that represent that status.

    It reports Petitioner's marraige certificate, birth certificate and marraige termination all with the status of F. F shows as "NVC did not request this document".

    Does that mean I need to send my originals for hubby to take to the interview or it means they do not need those at all?

  5. Sacred

    Right now super scared .. I got a news from a fellow vj who is nepali and was interview in Delhi today landed in AP for more evidence

    He was sharing his experience that people were biased.

    I was thinking we r fine but now scared .. Can't sleep anymore

    Do not be scared. They rarely deny anyone and if you have a clear PCC and medical and can show the documentation required, you will be fine. Just be yourself and do not overtalk to convince or anything like that. They dont care about you, they are doing their drone job and just need to see in person that you are really married, etc. Stay calm and be excited in your heart because your WHOLE life is about to change. :)

  6. Yes that's when u have to get ur medical done.. In Delhi they don't schedule u for medical without interview letter

    My husband did his medical early without the interview letter but now it is about to expire.. .so he has to do it again. I guess we get overzealous to get this process overwith.... please let it be soon. I am not seeing any scheduling activity anywhere. Are any of you?

  7. HOw long will it take to get the email?

    That would be nice of you. I just got off the phone and mine is not scheduled but I am calling twice a day until I know something at this point. They said it takes 3-5 days to get the email confirmation. I wonder how long yours has been scheduled already or if it happened today. VERY happy for you both!!!

  8. The US Embassy in Delhi will not issue a notarized letter proving someone is single. You must have your original court documents or original certificate of death to show. A court marraige with a certificate of conversion (you aren't really becoming Hindu, just saying you accept this part of your mate) costs around $450 to a lawyer. The ceremony is quick if it is just between you and your spouse. Take pictures of everything and once you get your original certificates, that day, you can file your CR1 by "overnighting it", costing around $25 to the USCIS in America. Then starts the process, they will assign you a case number.


    I am similar situation... I am american who fell in love with an Indian citizen and lived with him for six months in New Delhi. We thought about getting married in India fist then heading to the USA later on but realized it would be harder for us to file that immigration process and it seems to take longer than the K1 visa. The marriage process in New Delhi requires you to announce your marriage for 30 days which can be beforehand if you want a court marriage or afterwards if you want a typical Indian ceremony. There are two marriage certificate you can receive in India one being the hindu marriage certificate if yall are both hindu or the special marriage act certificate. The documents requirements are complicated but you should be used to that with dealing with Indian bureaucracy and require a high level notarized signature. You’ll need to submit your intention to get married to the registry office, along with evidence of residency, certified copies of passports and birth certificates, and two passport sized photographs each, which each need to be notarized. It's only necessary for one of the parties, not both, to be present to submit the intention to marry.Your american fiancee needs to set up an appointment with the US embassy to get a notarized letter declaring that she is single and the marriage process require at least one of you to be in the country for 30 days before or after ceremony which every way you choose.

    My advice if you are planning to transition to the usa as soon as possible is to go through the K1 visa process, because you can still have the big ceremony in India but dont file any documents, come over on a finance visa, and have another legal ceremony in the USA. I also used IndiaMike as a great source of finding out information for marriage with expats in India and we were able to get great advice from our local register office in India.

    I hope this post was informative and that you figure out what is best for ya'll!



  9. We have a CC on July 22nd, notified in email on July 29th and are awaiting our interview date for our CR1. Anyone with similar dates? It could come anytime. I get different answers every time I call the NVC. The last person, Joshua, said that they will schedule at the end of the month. I do see trends to confirm that and they were scheduling on T, TH, and Fridays (I noticed as a trend) until the last couple of months were I see all random dates, Not sure where we are in the queue but we feel and cancellation could happen and any of us could be scheduled any day now. :joy::goofy::joy:(L):joy::luv::wow::clock:(F):joy:

  10. Mrs. yadav,

    Usually when you call, the rep will say - you have case closed as of <date>. Most of us have been so eager that we call often, and we happen to call on the very day the status has changed. It's not the date on the email. It is the date that it was marked as "Case Closed" in the system.

    If you do happen to call, and they tell you that your case is closed, be sure, in all your excitement, to ask for the DATE that the case was closed. You'll get your email about 7 days later.

    Sukie in NY

    I called a few weeks ago and was told my case was complete on July 22nd. I received the email on the 29th so I posted about this, wondering is OTHERS are giving their correct CC date. Thanks :)

  11. Your case complete is the 22nd. The email always comes 7 days later.

    Congratulations on the CC. You are added to the spreadsheet. Welcome to the group.

    Thanks! Also... does the NVC send a date or send you to a website to choose a date of availability options?

    Thanks! Also... does the NVC send a date or send you to a website to choose a date of availability options?

    I think you left out our country on the spreadsheet. It is India. :)

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