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Posts posted by hdbueg

  1. this employer knows better according to visa holder. He was going to be paid in cash since he has no social security number. The employer works also is a supervisor for the Department of Human Services or Children Services if memory serves me correctly.

    The both know better. The visa holder told me he is well aware that he violating his visa but does not care. He wants to stay and states the only way he can to do that is get a job so he afford what he needs.

    I told him if you are not going to do this the legal way you will be caught and be deported and will not be allowed to come back ever. It seems he is only concerned with the now factor. Very sad.

  2. we talk about once a week either on skype or facebook and text on facebook or whatsapps all the time.

    I tell him that I want to talk to more he says he wants to too but does not make the effort. He says he is always says he soooo busy. I have called him a few times he won't answer nor return the call. So I gave up on calling and told him if he is sooo busy to call me.

    If you can not take 10-15 minutes out of day to call someone you really care about then what is point of moving forward.

    I am suppose to go visit him next month but am having doubts on even going.


  3. my children are 9 and 15.

    I have never met him before.

    As far as them talking to him I am not sure what they will accomplish. I have skyped him and his family. Which I have mentioned that to them and them and their response is how do you know that actually is his family. There is no winning with them unless I just break it off with him.

    Giving them information might help but I am not sure what to give them that would make them feel more comfortable. Because this is about them and me pissing them off not about me and possibility meeting the love of the my life.

  4. I would be going to Casablanca. although he did say that he wanted to take me to a tourist location for a few days I don't remember the city. We met in May of this year and I would be going between mid September and mid November.

    Unfortunately when I say anything about him to my parents they always say well go do you know what he is telling you is the truth. I have googled him and found him online belonging to a local soccer/football league. I have seen his passport and ID and I tell them this and they say how do you know they are not falsified documents. SO it does not matter what I say to them they think I am being played or much worse. How will I know until I go.

    I don't feel comfortable leaving my kids with a stranger and they did say that they would be better if I did not travel alone.

    I don't have any other family that is close besides my parents

  5. my parents are dead set against this. Please tell me Morocco is a safe country. I Mother says that she has done hours of research on government websites and states that everything she has read says this is big no no.

    They are dead set against watching my kids while I go. So the only option I have is to hire someone to watch or bring them with me.

    I know she is worried but I am no fool and will take care or myself. She said yeah how can you do that when they have a gun pointed at your head.

    Please someone help

  6. I am American living in the USA.

    Has anyone taken their kids with them when they go meet their finance? My finance is in Morocco. My kids are 8 (9 in September) and 14 (15 in August). The only people that I trust to watch them has already refused to watch so I can't go right now. They said and I quoted "we are not going to bring you back in a box." So I will have to watch several months to go unless I can their mind.

    Anyway is it a good idea to bring my kids? It may be the only way we see each other?

    Thanks guys.

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