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Posts posted by ehh

  1. I think you should go to a deferred inspection office and get an I-94 as a parolee. Otherwise, it appears you entered as a Canadian visitor.

    It doesn't say I was admitted as a B2, it just says I "departed" on the day I crossed into the states even though it was an entry. My last i94 is my still my K1...I'm not sure if that would make a difference?

    I just don't want to be making mountains out of molehills but it would also suck to find out there was a problem when it came time for my asos petition to be adjudicated.

  2. Wow cant believe they did this!!! I never even had to show my drivers license... yet they gave me a learners permit with no supervision needed... guess they just believed me lol...

    I dont know how it goes in your case but its a bit odd that they do that... :/

    It should have never happened in the first place. I feel dumb, I should know better by now. I like to think it was an honest mistake and it somehow ended up in the trash accidentally but who knows-regardless, it's unacceptable. Video surveillance is being reviewed to figure it out.

    The guy who has it has stopped responding to messages too so I don't know if I'm going to get it back and I'm a little bit worried about identity theft...

  3. I am currently awaiting green card approval after adjustment of status from K1. I have the work authorization/advance parole combo card.

    I entered Canada mid June by land and I returned to the US also by land about two weeks later. It was my first time using my AP. At the border the guard looked at our passports, I assume he saw my combo card because it was handed over in my passport, and we drove through in under 2 minutes.

    When I now look at i94 history, it shows that I departed the US but it does not show that I re-entered.

    Could this be a problem down the line? I regret not speaking up at the border to verify that everything was okay with the parole (I entered with my parents who were just visiting and I was in the back seat), should I just count myself lucky I saved some time and I didn't have to go through any secondary processing or should I get everything verified at a deferred inspection point?

    Apologies if this is a dumb question, I have developed major trust issues as every agency I've dealt with so far has made major mistakes. If you look at my post history you can see my latest drama :rolleyes:

  4. Just thought I would share my experience here as I continue to be shocked by the lack of accountability I've encountered at all stages of this process.

    Word of the wise, DO NOT HAND OVER YOUR FOREIGN DRIVERS LICENCE TO THE DMV. I had read here a couple times that they have no right to it being a document issued by a foreign government but when I went to get my Florida drivers licence yesterday they told me I had to surrender it in order to get an 8 year Florida licence. I was weary, but fine, what could go wrong?

    Today I received a message on Instagram from a stranger with a picture of my Canadians drivers licence saying he picked up my fully intact licence out of the garbage in a near by city. My husband and I had no idea if this was just a good samaritan trying to do the right thing by returning it, or if he's trying to exploit this some how. So we were cautious in what information we gave and asked if it could be sent to the address on the licence.

    I feel dumb for believing that the DMV would actually take the time to destroy or at least invalidate a private document (that doesn't expire for another 8 months I might add) and I am fuming. It makes me wonder what else is tossed out so carelessly!

  5. Looks like lots of people got EAD/AP for people who filed in March as well

    Sigh Dallas is being slow with mine , first the cheque issue that they personally messed up n now this :(

    I would love to have atleast a interview date or something

    No worries, I still don't have ANYTHING. No EAD/AP, no case ready to be scheduled.... Starting to think I'll go home tonight and find another biometrics letter waiting.

    Makes me want to cry. Been in the us since June 2015 and I miss working. I am NOT a good house wife. ( We got married two weeks before my I-94 expired, his mother had a stroke 2 weeks before the wedding. We had to travel to MD and because of this had no money to file until February. )

    I'm right there with you guys, filed Feb 17th, NOA 1 Feb 24th, Bio appointment March 14th and not a peep.

    My cousin is getting married in June but the flights are already getting really expensive so I don't know if we'll be able to make it even if I get my EAD/AP soon. It's a bummer.

  6. When I moved I called the GST credit line, told the agent the situation, he went through the steps with me to ensure I wouldn't receive the April 5th payment...or so I thought.

    April 5th the payment showed up via direct deposit in my bank account.

    I called the GST credit line again and the agent told me I would need to send a personal cheque for the amount of that GST credit to the International Tax Service Office in Ottawa (2204 Walkley Road) with a cover letter telling them that I had moved.

    Once I hung up I realized while the agent told me where to send the cheque to, I was not told who or what department to make the cheque out to.

    I called the GST credit line back to find out who to make the cheque out to, they told me to call the International Tax Service Office, I called the International Tax Service Office, they told me to call the GST credit line.

    I called the GST credit line, the agent I spoke to didn't know and suggested I make it out to the "GST department" (what?) and then suggested I call the International Tax Service Line. :dance:

    Has anyone had to deal with this recently? I'm starting to question if its even the International Tax Service Office I am supposed to be sending a cheque to in the first place.

    I just want to give them their money back.

  7. Wow, what a jerk! Did you have your I-94?

    The government workers down here like to feel better than everyone else. Even my husband, who IS a government employee tells me to play dumb with people who think they're in charge because it makes them happy and easier to deal with. He knows I'm intelligent and likely have researched whatever it is beforehand but sometimes here, that just makes someone else feel dumb (which obviously isnt the intention) and get defensive.

    I brought my i94, my passport and BC, (and the print out from the SS website showing K1 are eligible for SSN but he wouldn't even look at it).

    I initially asked about the SAVE database and he was like "stop throwing all these acronyms at me."He typed in my handwritten application to start and just said it could not be processed.

    Then when I tried to clarify what that meant (i.e. if I wasn't in the SAVE database yet, if a g-845 would have to be submitted) he kept talking over me (that is when he kept trying to say that they were not immigration...no kidding), basically told me to stop talking, then started to only address my fiancé (who thank heavens is a calm, level headed person) and basically told him a bunch of false information about EAD.

    I started to tear up so I just wanted to get my passport back and get out of there, and when we asked to speak to a supervisor he just kept repeating "nope". I'm pretty sure I asked him why he was being so rude to us too :P

    I'm a pretty meek, non-confrontational person, so I'm mostly just stunned. I don't know what I could have done to set him off like that, I guess he was just having a bad day? I'm upset with myself with how upset I am about the whole thing and I am dreading when we'll have to go back there.

    If the wait weren't so long I'd be tempted to take my chances and hope I got another person, but it's just not worth it at this point.

  8. Update:

    My visit to the social security office was just a little bit traumatic....I'm still stunned at the way we were spoken to...

    The person I dealt with was above and beyond rude...I knew it wouldn't be easy but I didn't expect to be treated like I was satan trying to get a social security number in the body of a 100lb Canadian woman but anyhow...

    The clerk (are they clerks?) claimed he had no way of looking me up in the SAVE database (really? realllllly?) and when I asked about a g-845 (not that we wanted to take that route anyway...) kept repeating "we're not immigration, we're not immigration, we're not immigration" and insisting I needed EAD to do anything.

    I was starting to get annoyed but I asked politely (emphasis on politely) if we could speak to a supervisor and he out right said no and started going off on us...it was just very very very strange.

    I don't know if I'm being unfair when I say I can't imagine a government employee interacting with the public being able to act that way in Canada and getting away with it...but I've literally never had to deal with someone so awful at a government agency. No one at Sevice Ontario has ever made me cry at least.

    So now I'm at home, drinking a glass of wine, trying to relax. I'll go get my SSN once I get EAD because I sure as hell don't want to wait 2.5 hours to go through that all again. It's not worth it at this point for us when I can be added to my fiancé's lease and his bank account without it, and I'll be changing my name any how....sigh.

  9. My POE took less than 5 minutes, no secondary, no questions other than where I was going, and when we planned on getting married (ASAP) and now that I am not yet in the SAVE database despite my i94 being online, I'm wondering if something went amiss...(or if I'm just lucky I didn't have to wait forever!).

    I walked to the booth, told the CO where I was going and that I was activating a K1 visa.

    The CO opened my packet, barely flipped through it, took my finger prints, photo, stamped my passport and I was on my way. I was surprised it went so quickly as everything I read (granted the reviews were mostly for land crossings and American airports) suggested it would take much longer, I mean, every time I've entered on a B2 at the airport it has taken the same amount of time, if not longer...

    This was only last week, but from my understanding several users have suggested in the SSN subforum that now the i94 is electronic I should appear in the SAVE database around the same time as the i94 and the 10 business day thing no longer applies...can anyone who has entered on a K1 recently speak to this? Should I re-evaluate in a few more days?

    Edit: this was a Canadian airport for the record

  10. My Payment went through had to do it via the phone, my comment was in response to another user who needed help.

    Though I am not able to book an appointment which sucks

    My bad, I thought you and Sapphhira were the same person.

    I called and they said no appointments available. They were just checking on our on-line page that we can see and she just read it off verbatim. I tried to explain the problem we are having and she told me they cannot help with that. so we have hit a dead end. I tried to make a new account using my Fiancées e-mail to see if it would work and it did not... got the same thing, stuck at the payment page still with no way to pay.

    I honestly think it is the multiple family member thing messing it up. Does anyone know who I can go to for help, I will e-mail again but that was a dead end last time and they just reprimanded me pretty much saying I was trying to cut ahead of other people and that I had to do it through the website just like everyone else does.

    Someone Please help us! Its been 2 1/2 months of clicking the site constantly all day and even in the middle of the night and still never once have found an open interview =(

    My above suggestion was supposed to be directed to you :)

  11. Yes you are correct sorry, its been such a long process i forgot the dang number ;)

    First the huge delays in the Texas Service center, now this. Go figure.

    Is it possible to remove the K2 visas from your account at the stage you're at?

    After setting up my account and paying my K1 fee, there was still the option to "add applicants" to an account (though I'm travelling by myself so I have no idea whether it works or not...). So maybe try and see if you can pay for just the K1 and add the K2s after?

  12. I'll give it a look into!

    I lived in Vancouver


    Good luck!

    I did another quick search and I read a few times that if applying from abroad they need finger prints, I don't know if that still rings true or not. Hopefully someone who actually has experience applying abroad can provide you with a sure answer.

  13. Anyone know how to acquire Canadian name check whilst outside Canada?

    I'm in Australia and need a police check for US immigration. Can't figure out how to get name check without having to provide fingerprints.

    (Fingerprinting route is gonna be s long one if I have to do that)

    Where did you reside in Canada? I went through the Ottawa police and you have to be physically present and provide an Ottawa address, but looking at the Toronto Police Service's website they accept applications from abroad, providing you have documents notarized...it might be worth looking into further.



    And here is info from the RCMP on having finger prints digitized abroad. The processing says its only 3 business days if there are no hits. I can't find the thread but I read about someone here that had their prints digitized through https://www.commissionaires.ca/en/national/service/individual/fingerprinting

  14. I just received my packet 4 email (yay!) which directs me to the http://canada.usvisa-info.com site.

    I'm sure I'm just over thinking things, but I'm not clear on whether I need to be using the the blue NIV version of the site or the Green IV side to book my interview/pay fees/register with Loomis.

    When I click the website link in the email it defaults to the blue NIV page which directs you to sign up and asks you to select the "condition that best applies to you" one of the options being "I need to apply for a K (Spouse/Child) Visa".

    On the Green IV version of the website it prompts you to register and gives me the option of "I need to schedule a K Visa appointment", which is ultimately what I need to do, right?


  15. I've been attempting to fill out the DS160 and I've hit a road block.

    I currently have two part time jobs and naturally, the form only allows you to fill out one current job.

    Has anyone had a similar experience?

    The best thing I can think of is adding one to past jobs and putting the end date for yesterdays date (it won't allow you to submit the form with the current date or later) and explaining in the description box that I am still currently employed?

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