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Posts posted by hiphoplollipop

  1. Hello,

    Just about to send our I-129F pack off, just wondering if I need to send the Affadavit of support off with this as well?

    A little bit hesitant to be honest as my US fiancee earnt 16k last year which I fear isn't enough and she doesn't really anyone to ask to be a 'back up'. I have a lot of savings but I don't think this matters to the embassy etc.

    Any advice appreciated.

  2. Hello,

    I have two questions regarding this form:

    1. Father details - what should my fiance put for city/country of residence if they are deceased?

    2. Applicant's last address outside the United States of more than 1 year - on the example form they put their current address there, do I do that? Can I just leave this blank? If I have to put my current address can I put 'present time' as I can't really predict when I'll move out!

    Thank you in advance for answers - don't want to get it wrong :)

  3. Hi everyone,

    Filing for the K-1 soon. My fiance is visiting me in London in September.

    However, I'm thinking about applying for a Tourist visa so I can visit before the end of the year - I know there is a strong chance they'll say no but they could say yes.

    I just wanted to check applying for the visitors visa won't harm the K-1 process in any way? For instance if I was turned down and then asked about it at the K-1 interview stage, if that would go against me.

  4. Thank you - so the CR1 visa could potentially take longer than a K-1?

    Also, we would basically be getting married in the UK and then my partner would need to return to the US for their job etc so not sure if this will have a bad affect on the CR1 application? I've read need joint bank statements etc. We have everything we'd need for a K-1 application but have not lived together yet or shared bills.

    It would definitely be great if I could start working legally in the US straight away rather than waiting 90 days.

  5. Hello!

    My American fiance and I are preparing to apply for the K-1 visa, but I have a question.

    They're visiting me in London at the end of September, I was wondering if we got married while they were visiting, using the UK Marriage Visitor Visa, what do we then need to apply for to go to the US to marry? Would this option be quicker than a K-1?

    Desperate to start a life together in the US, as I know so many on here are too, just thinking what would be quickest.

    Thank you so much in advance.

  6. I would say chances that you, as a UK citizen obtaining a tourist visa are slim to none.

    However, I just wanted to correct something about K1 visas and the length of processing time at TSC.

    As of late March, all K1 visas are being sent to the California Service Center (CSC), instead of TSC. At CSC you can expect fast processing. Therefore a wait you'd have to endure (240+ days at TSC) would not apply to you. You could probably expect processing, if your case is not complex,within a few months. And then a month or two with the consular process. It is unknown how long cases will continue to be sent to CSC, so there is an advantage to filing now.

    You will probably have to explain why you were refused, and may have to fill out a waiver.

    Thank you, this is good to know.

    I just want to do everything right.

    I keep having terrible thoughts about getting refused a K-1 visa because I got refused entry a few weeks ago.

    I don't think I'm going to enlist the help of an expensive lawyer. My fiance and I are a bit worried about filling the forms out incorrectly and causing a delay, but I think that's just a nervous worry of ours! Seems like most people on this forum have done it themselves and not had any problems.

  7. Being denied entry your VWP days are over. Your chances of a B anytime soon are extremely small so if the K1 route is the one to go for.

    What will happen at the Consulate is difficult to say,they may smack you with a misrep charge requiring a waiver but no way of knowing in advance.

    I aßume going through Dublin pre clearance you knew you were on a sticky wicket. Never sure if this is a good ploy.

    Yes, I don't think there is any way of knowing if I'll need a waiver in advance.

    I flew via Dublin as it was the cheapest ticket - the officer there did explain that they're more strict in Dublin as so many Irish people try to move to the US.

  8. Did you sign anything or did they write anything in your passport at Dublin? If not, you are not banned, you were just refused entry.

    You can apply for a tourist visa, but having been refused entry so recently, after having spent the full 90 days (or close) in the USA, your chances of approval are not that great. Still, all they can say is no and you loose your application fee.

    The later K1 will not be affected by a tourist visa refusal.

    Thanks so much for your advice.

    I signed a statement and they stamped my passport with 'refused entry'.

    You're right, worst thing they can say is no. I just really want to be able to see my fiance between now and when the K-1 would (hopefully) get approved, I'm hoping in October or November to visit.

    How about the lawyer? Is he really necessary for my situation? I don't think lawyers speed anything up...

  9. I'll try to keep this as simple as possible, it could get a bit confusing!

    I spent April - July in America (NYC, New Jersey, Philadelphia, DC) due to taking a sabbatical from work and using savings. I travelled on an ESTA, since you are allowed to be in the US for 90 days

    I returned to the UK

    My sabbatical from work was valid until October, so I wished to return to the US, again using savings

    I flew to Dublin airport a week after returning from the US, to then fly on to JFK

    I was stopped by Immigration in Dublin, and asked questions/bags searched/interviewed

    The officer requested to go through my phone where he saw evidence that I babysat my best friends child (I was staying with her family and only interested in helping out). However there was a text from her saying "I'll pay you $15 an hour" and me saying that is not necessary.

    Of course by this point, it looks to the officer like I had completely violated the terms of the ESTA and was swiftly denied entry to the US and told I cannot travel on an ESTA again

    The officer was friendly, and very helpful in the advice he gave me. He told me I must go to the embassy in London and apply for a Tourist Visa or have my fiance apply for a K-1/Spouse visa.

    In some ways I'm very confident that I would be granted a Tourist Visa, and we have extensive evidence of our relationship dating back to June 2014 for the K-1. I have been in the same job for 6 years, I have extensive savings with my bank, and own a property here.

    However, I am PETRIFIED of what happened at Dublin airport leading to me getting denied a tourist, K-1 or spouse visa or even banned from visiting the US.

    I have been visiting the US since I was a teenager, and once a year since 2008 since my best friend (who is a US citizen) lives there and I have always visited, and I am godmother to her daughter.

    I'm thinking I should leave a bit of time before going to the embassy, but then others say just go now, you have good intentions etc.

    Does anyone have experience with this or advice? A friend has put me in contact with a lawyer but that could end up costing a lot and I'm not completely sure if its necessary? I'm not sure if I'd need to apply for a waiver for the ESTA issue before doing anything else.

    I just don't want to do this wrong, and I'm not sure if I'm overthinking and panicking unnecessarily.

    Thank you so much for reading this, and I look forward to hearing what people think is my best option.

  10. I'll try to keep this as simple as possible, it could get a bit confusing!

    I spent April - July in America (NYC, New Jersey, Philadelphia, DC) due to taking a sabbatical from work and using savings. I travelled on an ESTA, since you are allowed to be in the US for 90 days

    I returned to the UK

    My sabbatical from work was valid until October, so I wished to return to the US, again using savings

    I flew to Dublin airport a week after returning from the US, to then fly on to JFK

    I was stopped by Immigration in Dublin, and asked questions/bags searched/interviewed

    The officer requested to go through my phone where he saw evidence that I babysat my best friends child (I was staying with her family and only interested in helping out). However there was a text from her saying "I'll pay you $15 an hour" and me saying that is not necessary.

    Of course by this point, it looks to the officer like I had completely violated the terms of the ESTA and was swiftly denied entry to the US and told I cannot travel on an ESTA again

    The officer was friendly, and very helpful in the advice he gave me. He told me I must go to the embassy in London and apply for a Tourist Visa and that the thing I really need to prove is that my life is in the UK, and I have reason to return

    In some ways I'm very confident that I would be granted a Tourist Visa - I have been in the same job for 6 years, I have extensive savings with my bank, and own a property here.

    However, I am PETRIFIED of what happened at Dublin airport leading to me getting denied or even banned from visiting the US.

    I have been visiting the US since I was a teenager, and once a year since 2008 since my best friend (who is a US citizen) lives there and I have always visited, and I am godmother to her daughter.

    I'm thinking I should leave a bit of time before going to the embassy, but then others say just go now, you have good intentions etc.

    Does anyone have experience with this or advice? A friend has put me in contact with a lawyer but that could end up costing a lot and I'm not completely sure if its necessary? I'm not sure if I'd need to apply for a waiver for the ESTA issue before doing anything else.

    I must also say that I have been engaged to a US citizen since June 2014 and plan to marry as soon as we can, but we both had a lot going on with our jobs so it all got quite delayed. So at some point I will need to apply for a K-1 or Spouse visa, but I should probably seek help in the correct forum regarding this (?).

    Thank you so much for reading this, and I look forward to hearing what people think is my best option.

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