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Posts posted by vvjayan

  1. 1. After you get your NOA1, from CSC it may take 3 months min. to get your NOA2 (If you don't have any RFE).

    2. After NOA2 it will take 1 week that your case will go to NVC.

    3. NVC will take 1-2 weeks to send your case to the US Consulate of your country with a case number.

    4. The 3rd week you will get your packet-3 (consists of approved I-129F, Letter from consulate, document reg. Domestic Violence)

    5. Now you can apply for your PCC (police clearance certificate) which is usually valid for 6 months.

    6. Take print-out of all your evidence file them

    7. Fill your DS-160 online and pay the visa fee and schedule appointment with the consulate with min. 2 weeks gap.

    8. Schedule for the bio-metric 1 day prior to the consulate interview.

    9. Do your medical

    10. Get your fiance's financial supportive documents by courier.

    11. Prepare for the interview (name, date, how you met, his work, likes and dislike......etc)

    12. Attend the consulate interview.

  2. For filing the I-129F petition, you may need your passport stamps, itineraries, photos with you and your fiance (if date stamp is there it is good) and even with your fiance's parents and friends. A brief story about you and your fiance how you met and an affidavit for intended to marry.

    Phone call records, what's up chat, text messages, email are all required for only consulate interview (final step) to prove the ongoing relationship.

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