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Posts posted by wolfessnanner

  1. Hello, all my fiance and I were married Oct, 24th 2015 and we are now to start the adjustment status, but one of his sponsors he had lost his job, he has someone else wanting to sponsor him, but the couple gets fixed income as in the man gets his retirement social security and his live in partner she get disablity from social secuirty, me and my husband are not sure if these types of incomes will be accepted, does anyone here know? any help will be helpful, thanks in advance

  2. Hi! :)

    It should only take about a week in the post. Just make sure you have all of the supporting documentation too.

    Hi, thanks, I just sent everything express this morning, thanks so much


    From experience I can tell you Dublin wants the original. Kevin had our package so long I had to update it and since all the supporting docs didn't change I just emailed him another letter - when he went in for the interviewe they said he was approved once they received the original form from me.

    Hi, thanks, I just sent everything express this morning, thanks so much


  3. Hi, All, I need help, as we are getting ready for our interveiw my fiance's co-sponor's say they no longer want to be apart of it, well at this point I'm freaking out!!! I own a house I was going to use for assets, it has no morgage, but I am unemployed as I stay at home with our son, I don't know what to do, the other person that said she would be a co-sponsor I don't think she makes enough money, I am in a panic, someone PLEASE give me some advice PLEASE

  4. The email I got had one line highlighted in yellow which read something like "Please reply to this email to confirm receipt of the packet". Maybe they were just really making a point to get me to stop pestering them. :P

    I was just wondering because if you had confirmed they may not send the packet to your fiance.

    Do they have his email address on file as well as yours?

    Yes, I have the same highlighed line in yellow, and they only have my email address on file

  5. Here's the funny thing... I (Beneficiary in Ireland) got the packet 3 in an email only because I had been emailing them already and probably annoying them. They wouldn't have had my email address before then as we didn't give it when we were filing. We gave my (American) fiancee's email address on the application form. We were expecting them to email it to her, as they had only her email officially. But she hasn't heard anything from them and it's been a few days.

    As far as I know Dublin ONLY deal in email now, so the Packet 3 you were sent is THE Packet 3. Forward it to him so he can do what he needs to do with it. Technically yes, HE (and I) should have been the ones to get the Packet 3, but I think it's because they only deal in emails now that Packet 3s are being sent to the Petitioners, because it's the Petitioners' emails being written on the initial applications right where they sign.

    I have a friend who went through the K-1. Neither she or her fiance got a Packet 3 until she (the Beneficiary in Ireland) contacted the Embassy about it and they sent it to her then. Somehow they slipped through the cracks, OR accidentally deleted it in junk mail.

    It might also be because I emailed the Embassy back, confirming that I did get the Packet 3, that they marked it on our case and didn't bother sending my fiancee the email in America, like they would have if I hadn't been already emailing them. When you got the Packet 3 email did you email back confirming receipt? My email asked me to do so.

    Oh, I hope that makes sense!

    Yes it makes sense, but no, I didn't confirm reciept, I wasn't sure how, I will have a look now, Thank you so much

  6. I see your question was answered already (my fiancee also had to redial 19 times on average before getting through to the NVC).

    Now you're at Dublin, email them. They should have your file already. If you have your DBL case number from when you called the NVC, quote that at them. I got my Packet 3 from Dublin just a day after they confirmed that they received our case because I had been emailing them about it before. It took a week for it to get from the NVC to Dublin.

    Hi, Yes they gave me a case number and then yesterday on 8/6/15 Dublin sent me a email confirming and gave me the packet instructions in the email, but my fiance hasn't recieved the packet yet in Ireland where he is

  7. I just call the NVC today, they told me that they received our case yesterday on the 3rd and it will take them for 42 days just to put it in the system. Are these people for real. why do they just pull random numbers, 60 days, 45 days.....they just don't care.

    I have been calling them for 2 days now and can't get through, all it says, due to high call volume please call back, UGHHHHHH

  8. Because the I-134 is used, then usually not. However, it is not unheard of for married co-sponsors to use the I-864 and I-864A together. You could contact your consulate and ask if that is a possibility for the K-1 interview.

    Thank You, We will for sure have to contact them and ask them, thanks so much

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