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Posts posted by MyM23

  1. Good afternoon.

    I would be really thankful if may, one of you guys can help me to figure out what I should do. I apologise if may i am not posting in the right topic, I got very confused :S


    Unfortunately, the grandmother of my husband died last night. This is being a very rough moment for him since he considered his grandma as his mom. I want to support him on this moment and be his company during the funeral. However, I do not have any Visa that allows me to entry to United States. I know there is a possibility of getting an 'emergency visa' to assist to the funeral of an immediate relative.  But, I do not know if is possible to me to apply since the deceased person is the grandmother of my husband,  no my grandmother.


    Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post. I appreciate it, and I will appreciate your help.


    Ps. My husband is US citizen.  We got married almost two years ago -21 months- over United States. I traveled with a K1 Visa and I over stayed 9 days. After I came back to my country, we have not tried for any migration process because I have not wanted.  I came back to my country after being diagnosed with major depression after a miscarriage.  My husband had to work and was not able to take care of me. So the recommendation of my doctor was coming back with my family to recover instead staying in a hospital, which probably would make worse my time there. I do not have intention  of staying in US, I have a very good job in Colombia and I am finishing my physcological treatment. I just want to support my husband, who has been coming to visit me almost every month during this time.

  2. Hi

    Thank you so much for taking some time to read this topic.

    My fiance came to USA on December 24th 2015 with a k1 visa. We got married before March 24th to comply with the requirement of getting married within the three months after her arrival to USA. She decided to come back to her country before file for an adjustment of status.

    Now, I want to bring her back to USA and I am confussed about the way to do it, Would we apply for an adjustment of status i485? Or would we do a consular processing i130? May it requires other form?

    We appreciate your help. Thank you so much!

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