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Posts posted by sted

  1. Thank you Thozelle, ....DJ actually these are immigration matters and the visa stamps and notes on visa page on passport can only be read and understand and accept by immigration officers or immigration purpose guys. In public in US, nobody knows what so ever written on the visa page for one year or two they only know the word "Green card" and if you are new then proof in writing as an official letter in my name that shows green card is in process.... You can not make them understand... well but in my case ....by somehow i am finally able to proof my innocence. :)

  2. I landed in the mid of Dec 2015. My problem is that I have applied for a education training in a institute and the institute is asking me the green card or the letter from USCIS about my processing of green card. I talked to USCIS help centre and the lady said it will take 60 days and she was saying that it is mentioned in the website as well.

    Please can anyone help me out in finding where on website it is written that the green card will come after 60 days of applying the fees?

  3. Hi I am in the same situation. Hypnos I would love to hear from you that what actucally happend did you already made first landing and went back to your university... it is a situation with me due to my job and accommodation that I need to make an entry and then wanted to go back to close my business and accommodation..and it will take only couple of months more.... My question is that ...Can I use my immigrant visa posted on my passport again for re-entry after my first landing... as a green card with in 2 to 3 months.

  4. airlines are charging first box of 25kg at 25CAD, and second box of 25kg at 35CAD so if 50/60 = 0.83CAD/kg and 0.378CAD/lb...3rd to onwards every 25kg box will be charge at 100.00CAD which is around.... I dont know what i m trying to say here :D

  5. Tater ...What is your update now??.... On their website it is mentioned up to 2 months for rare cases but mostly done quickly ... If you are still stuck try to send an email to MTL and place "Follow up" in your Subject line ... I hope they will reply you back in few days.

  6. It was hack of a day ... stayed at Sherbrooke Ave., registered online for Loomis in a last moment in midnight ... Early in the morning without having a breakfast walked to consulate :( ... reached there at 7:30 ..got #7 :D,

    My first number called at 9:00. The lady officer couldn't able to find my file on her computer and first asked me about my status here :S then about the letter and passport.... then she said "is my appointment today even she had my letter in her hands :D....Finally she walked into the office and asked senior officers to check my file and comeback asked me to wait and sit.

    Second time called me at same window... this time she had my file in hard copy took my medical, and other documents, checked all documents again ask new photos, tax documents and gave me CD from the doctor as well as one copy of legal rights and ask me to read it properly before the main interview.

    Then finally at 10 O.clock the second officer called me asked me to read the statement for telling the truth and check my file again asking typical questions like when we met, about marriage date, her and mine marital status ....confusing that time. come to point about how gonna my house wife support me ... I replied him simply that I am doing it and i will do it. then he asked me did i read the paper about legal rights of residents .... I replied to that... after that he asked about my joint sponsor and again asking question about how i m gonna survive there.... confusing again.... he was looking and writing something on his computer ... than he said my visa is approved and will see you there in US.... loomis will contact and that it... :D.....then went back to exit and that all for today....

    P.S: Online status shows ... Issued :D

  7. Interesting!!!! I just received email from MTL officer asking about my petitioner's current immigrant status and if I will not be able to provide them they will cancel my appointment.

    Is this normal method or its only in my case?

  8. Just come back to accommodation after finishing the medical.. Dr Lyndon was very nice and quick ... he finished everything in few minutes... and then X-ray and lab took 10 mins. only...now need to go back to Dr office on coming monday to receive it.

  9. My interview letter mentions my documents like Birth Certificate and Marriage Certificate marked as document status "J" and "J" means in document status code definition: The NVC only received a photocopy of the document, you must present the original document ast the time of your interview.

    However for both documents I have submitted the originals and copies to NVC.

    Does it means they have lost my originals??? Does anyone has experience about anything like this before? What should i do?

  10. In general doctors need vaccination record which normally needs Td/TdAP, MMR, Varicella and flu shot.

    Td/TdAP is for tetanus, Varicella is for Chicken Pox (if already had then no need), MMR need to be confirmed by blood test, Flu Shot is required during the period of Nov-Mar.

    and no doctor does it on the spot as it takes a week to process, only your family doctor can deal with it.

  11. Here I am .. my interview is on 20th Oct 8:00 PM at MTL..... I checked my status online CEAC.... it says READY with the description

    "Your case is ready for you to schedule an interview at the U.S. Consulate General in Montreal. If you have already scheduled an interview appointment, please prepare your documents as directed in your appointment letter and appear at the Consulate on the appointed date and time. Otherwise, please wait until you have been notified of your interview appointment. Additional information about how Immigrant Visa interview appointments are scheduled can be found at: ...."

    I have received the letter for interview .... Is there any step i need to do online for confirmation???

  12. I booked the Medical appointment from Dr. Randal, my appoint is on 13th and interview is on 20th Oct. the receptionist told me that the medical results will be available after 10 days therefore Medical results will not be available on interview date. She said that Dr will give me a letter to present at the time of interview that the medical examination is under a way. and the results can be collected from the office after 10 days and mailed to Embassy by myself.

    On the other hand it is highlight in red in interview letter that medical examination need to be with me at the interview date.

    Does anyone has faced this kind of problem before and will this Dr. letter is ok with Montreal embassy officers?

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