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Posts posted by vikki1ouise

  1. Hi, I phoned the UK US Embassy....sorry it doesn't actually state friend, I've just listened to the automated message again and it states that a lawful and permanent US resident may sponsor your visa....I was making notes and I noted down friend?....I just assumed that this might be a possible route...sorry for any confusion....I heard from a US resident that once a visa is obtained you have to remain in the US for a set amount of time, could it be that the visa terms are different from a green cards terms?....I apologize if I sound silly :(

  2. Hi again, thank you all so much for your replies, its very much appreciated. Sorry for my lateness in replying to you!

    Looks like I will be getting married soon then haha....unfortunately I do not have a skill that would be desirable to the US :(

    I have been doing a little bit of research when I have had 5 minutes or so to spare and I came across the UK US embassy site where it mentions that there are 3 ways in which someone can be sponsored for a visa and they are as follows: through a family member who is a lawful permanent resident of the US, by a friend who is a lawful permanent resident of the US or by a US employer.

    We have friends in the US in the state that we wish to emigrate to, maybe they could sponsor us? Does anyone know if this is an option at all?

    Also if we are lucky enough to obtain a visa does anyone know how long we would have to remain in the US until we are able to visit the UK again? Bit of an odd question but both my partners and my brother are getting married next year and we would obviously want to be there but I have heard that once a visa is obtained you have to remain the US for 2 years...is this correct?

    Sorry for all the questions, I really have tried to google a lot of this but I just seem to be going around in circles. Thank you again to all those that have already replied :)

  3. Hi, my partner has been offered a job in the US. From what I can make out he will be able to apply for a work visa. Is this correct?.....He has asked that I go with him, can anyone please tell me what type of visa I would be able to apply for? We are not married and what makes it a little more complicated is that I have two young children from a previous relationship, so they would obviously need visas too. Any help/advice would be very much appreciated as I really have no idea where to start

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