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Posts posted by Sumeja

  1. I'm shaking as I'm writing this because I'm still in shock.

    My husbands permanent resident (green card) card came in the mail today!!!!!!!! :o

    We recieved his work permit card along with the green card and a I 797 notice of action letter indicating that our application for permanent residence has been approved!

    I can't believe this is really happening. We sent our AOS application February 18 (biometrics March 25) and thought we would have to wait at least half a year before it was approved. I never expected for this process to be complete within two months. When I opened the mail, I was expecting to see his advanced parole and work permit from USCIS. What a pleasant surprise! This is so amazing.

    Sorry for the rant but I'm just so overwhelmed with excitement.

    I hope everyone else has the luck we did! :)

  2. .My husband is here on a K1 visa and we have already applied for AOS.

    We went to the DMV twice this week in downtown Chicago to get his state ID. The first time we were turned away was because they refused to accept his NOA (that we received regarding his AOS) as a form of address. Even though it specifically states that government issued mail does count as a valid form of address. We left the DMV and I called them yesterday morning and talked to someone that works there on the phone and asked if our NOA from the U.S. Department of homeland security counts as a valid form of address and she said yes, it does and she has no idea why they would turn us away.

    We went back there today and brought several different forms of address including the NOA, our apartment lease and bank statement and once again, the DMV workers said the NOA is not a form of address and I asked why since its government issues mail and he points to the bottom of the page where it says "DMV workers have the right to deny any documents they chose to". Then he asked me what's my husbands status here, I told him he's K1 visa holder and he proceeds to tell me that K1 visa holders can't get a state ID and he has to wait to get a green card.

    Absolutely RIDICULOUS. They refuse to accept valid documents and then tell me he can't get a state ID at all.

    I've done my research and I've read that other K1 visa holders were issued an ID, so why I am I being told my husband can't get one? Has anyone else had any issues getting a state ID with a visa? Any advice would be helpful.

  3. We brought our apartment lease as well as the NOA . We were going to bring our joint bank statement but it exceeded the 30 days that's required to prove your address.

    I double checked after we went to the DMV and the NOA notice is considered a valid form of ID. The people at the DMV here in Chicago have been known to be rude to everyone and even fail people on their drivers test for no reason. Can you believe rhat?

    They had every reason to give him an ID but they made up the lie about his form of address not being valid just to be a**holes. It's ridiculous how they can get away with rejecting people when they have all the proper documentation.

    Tomorrow before work, we're going to get a new joint bank statement, bring our apartment lease and the envelope from the social security administration with my husbands name/address and go to the DMV again. They're going to have to do their jobs right and give him an ID and I'm not leaving until they do, haha.

  4. We got my husbands NOA for his AOS, EAD and AP in the mail yesterday! :)

    We went to get his ID today and they refused to issue it because my husbands NOA doesn't count as a valid form of address even though it's government issued and it clearly states that government issued paperwork counts as a valid form of address.

    I did all of the research in advance and brought all the correct paperwork required by the state of Illinois yet the DMV didn't want to issue my husband an ID. They don't know how to do their jobs properly. That made me upset but on the bright side, at least we got our NOA.

    Has anyone else gotten their U.S. ID with the K1 visa?

  5. I'm good, thank you!

    Yes, we got a text/email update exactly one week after we submitted our AOS. The email came really late, like 11:30 pm. I didn't know USCIS worked that late lol.

    We got 3 separate notifications, one for AOS, one for employment authorization and one for advanced parole. So, each application will be processed separately.

    Be patient :) they'll probably get to your petition sometime this week. We applied on the 18th and the packet was recieved the next day so it was in their lockbox 6 days before they got a chance to get to inform us they've accepted the petition. Keep me updated. And good luck!

  6. Hi, the fee I sent was $1070.00 I wrote a check but you can use a money order as well, just make sure to address it to "US department of Homeland Security" or else they won't qccept the payment.

    I sent everything to USCIS PO Box 805887 Chicago, IL 60680- 4120

    I went over your checklist and compared it to mine, it's exactly the same as documents I'm sending too. This is optional but you can also include the form G 1145 e Notification of acceptance so that USCIS can inform you once they receive your application.

    For the affidavit of support, make sure to send as many supporting documents as you can. I sent w2's and taxes from the past 3 years, recent paystubs and an employment letter for my co-sponsor to ensure that they reach the 125% poverty guidline.

    On another note, I've read that you're suppose to take your vaccination documentation worksheet to a civil surgeon so they can fill out your I 693 form but we didn't do that. Some people do, others don't. There's a possibility that we may get a RFE for that. But everything else I filed, I'm almost 100% sure I did correctly haha.

    My husband and I counted out the number of documents we're sending altogether and it was 77 so I made sure to make photocopies of all the important things like the check I'm sending in case something gets lost.

    Good luck!

  7. Hi everyone! My husband and I finally filed our adjustment of status application today! Good luck to everyone that's recently recieved their SSN and gotten married. ? we live in Chicago and the USCIS is also in Chicago so maybe our application will get there as early as tomorrow.

    It's been a long journey since August, I'm glad we're almost at the finish line.

    I sent the visa application in August 5, my husband recieved his visa November 2, entered the US on November 20th, recieved his social security card on December 10, we got married on December 23rd and we finally sent his adjustment of status application today! We've been incredibly lucky that our process has been fast. I just hope that we don't get ant RFE for the adjustment of status!

    Has anyone else submitted their adjustment of status application yet?

  8. My fiancé completed his interview today successfully! I didn't attend the interview with him.

    It's went very smoothly, the CO officer doing the interview was very friendly and sweet. They asked simple questions about how we met, when was the last time we saw each other, where do I live and what do I do, have we traveled together (they asked because we have proof of going to Istanbul together), where did we get our tattoos done, and what's the name of the place we met.

    After that, the CO officer congratulated him and said he can pick up his visa tomorrow. ☺️

    I'm happy beyond words. Thanks for all your help, everyone!

  9. I did come across a few posts asking if the US petitioner is allowed at the interview but I couldn't find anything about if it increases the chance of our approval.

    I feel that if I'm there, it could possibly increase our chances and the consular officer will see that I went out of my way to fly across the country to morally support my fiancé and be there during the interview. We have enough evidence to prove that we're in a bonafide relationship, but if I'm there in person, it could be even more beneficial to our case.

    I have a friend that went through the K1 process at the same embassy and they had no problems letting her inside the embassy and attending the interview. On the other hand, I saw a review on VJ indicating that they didn't let a petitioner inside at my consulate. I'm not sure why.

    I'm going to give the embassy a call and figure out if I'm 100% able to attend the interview with my fiancé.

    There's a 50/50 chance of me going, there's 18 days until the interview so I have to make the decision fast. I would love to go but it's very expensive to travel, but if it could help our case, I'm definitely willing to travel. ??

  10. My fiancé's interview is coming up on November 2nd. I'm debating on if I should accompany him to the interview. Is there a higher probability of him getting approved for the K1 visa, if I, the petitioner attend the interview with him? I feel like it would be a very good sign to the consulate officers that I went out of my way to travel for the interview.

    I know the Bosnian embassy allows the fiancé to be there. What do you guys think?

  11. Hahaha. No, you clearly don't know more than I do. Stop acting like you know everything because you're wrong.

    Let me break it down to you (for the third time).

    When you register to sign up to register for your visa appointment, you HAVE TO go register under the "immigrant" section, not the "non immigrant" section. You can't make an appointment for a K1 visa if you chose non immigrant.

    A professional that works at the embassy told me the exact same things I'm re-phrasing to you right now. Do you know more than a professional that works at the embassy? No, you do not.

    I've made my statment clear and you're still here trying to justify your point. Get off my post and stop arguing with me.

  12. I don't have all the answers but I'm trying my best to prepare myself and my fiancé for the interview.

    I'm not an expert but I've done my fair share of research and I don't want other people to get confused and apply under the wrong cateogory so I'm informing them on what to do.

    I'm not sure if that was meant to be sarcastic or not but thank you. Good luck to you as well. ☺️

  13. Go back and re-read what I wrote before you try to prove a point. K1 visas are processed as IMMIGRANT visas AT THE CONSULATES AND EMBASSIES. even though they are categorized as non immigrant.

    Which brings me back to my point, when the applicant is paying the tax fee and scheduling their visa interview, they must select the immigrant visa category. If they select the non immigrant category, they will be making a mistake and will be required to start all over again. That's why it's so important to recognize that embassies treat K1 visas as immigrant visas. I don't want future applicants to get confused and file under the wrong category when they're ready to schedule their interview.

    I spoke to my fiancés embassy this morning and asked them about it and they specified that they treat K1 cases as immigrant visas and I have to file it under immigrant visa in order to schedule the appointment at the embassy.

    I don't know why that's so hard to understand for you. In the links I provided, it clearly indicates that even though its referred as a non immigrant visa, it still has an immigrant intent and is processed at the immigrant visa units at the consulate/embassy.

  14. As I explained before, officially on the website its categorized as a "non-immigrant" visa but its really in its own individual category. The K-1 visa is a "hybrid" visa -- nonimmigrant with immigrant intent. This is why the visa applicants are interviewed by the Immigrant Visa units in the consulates.

    Quote: "Although a K-1 visa is legally classified as a non-immigrant visa, it usually leads to important immigration benefits and is therefore often processed by the Immigrant Visa section of United States embassies and consulates worldwide."

    Here are several links that explain:





  15. Ides na tu stranicu i kreiras nalog ako vec nemas,ako imas pitace te koju vizu zelite,u mom slucaju je to k1 viza i isli smo opcija 3,zatim popuni podatke koje traze od tebe,onda ides nastavi,tu oznacis najblizu lokaciju gdje zelis podici vizu kad bude gotova,zatim ides nastavi,tu ti se otvara prozor za placanje i zakazivanje razgovora.Ako nemas opciju da platis ispod ce ti pisati nema termina slobodnih,ako ima ides da platis i izaberi datum koji ti odgovara.

    Ja sam vec pricala s ambasadom danas, oni su me uputili bas tako da uradim k'o sto sam ja vama napisala. Dosta sam se informisala na ovoj stranici visajourney i znam 5 osoba iz Bosne sto su dosli na K1 vizi sto su mi pomogli.

    Ja nisam imala advokata al su mi odobrili zahtjev za vizu za 2 sedmice bez RFE jer sam sve kako treba poslala. Dosta sam naucila oko k1 vizi. Ako ste zbunjeni, slobodno pitajte me. ☺️

  16. When you schedule the visa interview, the only option you can chose for a k1 visa is immigrant.

    It won't allow you to schedule your interview at all if you chose non immigrant.

    We were in contact with the embassy and they explained that to us. We scheduled our interview perfectly fine. It's confirmed for November 2.

    The K1 visa falls under its own category. Officially on the DOS website its a "non-immigrant" visa but its really in its own category. Generally, all the requirements are the same as those for an immigrant visa, it's just technically a non-immigrant visa, but I dont think the embassies look at it like that. The K-1 is a nonimmigrant visa with immigrant intent, sometimes referred to by lawyers as a "hybrid" visa. The status of the person changes throughout the steps of the process. K-1s are processed by the Immigrant Visa Units of consulates.

    When scheduling your interview for a k1 visa, you must select immigrant visa.

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