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Posts posted by hotchson

  1. Hi, everyone! I finally got my Visa Today but I noticed that my Visa category appears different on the passport visa. I am F2B "Unmarried son/daughter of permanent resident" but in the Visa appears F22 "Child of permanent resident", I am in my 40's and F22 means child under 21 of permanent resident, everything else is correct, the biographical data, alien number, case number, etc.

    My question is, what should I do? is it a bad misprint that needs adjustment? or it is not that serious to bother when I travel to the US?

    I am planning to travel in 15 days, my father told me not to bother because it is a minor typo and all my names and biographical data are correct. Does anyone here know what to do in these cases? thanks in advance.

  2. Tengo entendido que la embajada no solicita el certificado de antecedentes penales apostillados, sólo que sea emitido por el ministerio de relaciones interiores justicia y paz. Con respecto a la partida de nacimiento leí en la página de la embajada que si debe ser legalizada a través del ministerio de relaciones exteriores, es decir apostillada. Es la información que manejo, saludos.

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